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Aide de Scilab >> Xcos > Scilab/Xcos Data Structures > scicos_state


Define a state structure



States of the model, that is, everything than can evolve during the simulation.

Type : scilab tlist of type "xcs" with fields : x, z, oz, iz, tevts, evtspt, pointi and outtb.


The continuous-time state register, which is obtained by concatenating the continuous-time states of all the blocks.

Size : total of all the size of continuous-time state registers.

Type : column vector of real numbers.


The discrete-time state register, which is obtained by concatenating the discrete-time states of all the blocks.

Size : total of all the size of discrete-time state registers.

Type : column vector of real number.


The list of the object discrete-time state, which is obtained by concatenating the object discrete-time states of all the blocks.

Size : total of all the size of object state.

Type : list of scilab object.


Vector of size equal to the number of blocks.

That vector is used to store pointers of the working state register (work). If a block needs to allocate memory at initialization (flag 4), the associated pointer is saved here.

Size : number of blocks.

Type : column vector of real numbers.


Vector of size equal to the number of activation sources. It contains the scheduled times for programmed activations in evtspt.

Size : number of activation sources.

Type : column vector of integers.


Vector of size equal to the number of activation sources. It is an event scheduler.

Size : number of activation sources.

Type : column vector of integers.


The number of the next programmed event.

Size : 1.

Type : integer.


Scilab list containing all output registers of blocks. Each element of that list contains typed matrix-based data.

Size : number of regular output ports.

Type : list of scilab matrix.

Scilab Enterprises
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:22 CEST 2016