- Ajuda do Scilab
- Link Dinâmico/incremental
- call
- G_make
- addinter
- c_link
- chooselcccompiler
- configure_ifort
- configure_msvc
- dllinfo
- findmsifortcompiler
- findmsvccompiler
- fort
- getdynlibext
- haveacompiler
- ilib_build
- ilib_build_jar
- ilib_compile
- ilib_for_link
- ilib_gen_Make
- ilib_gen_cleaner
- ilib_gen_gateway
- ilib_gen_loader
- ilib_include_flag
- ilib_mex_build
- ilib_verbose
- link
- Supported and compatible compilers
- ulink
new functions interface dynamic link at run time.
addinter(files, spname, fcts)
- files
a character string or a vector of character string contain object files used to define the new Scilab interface routine (interface code, user routines or libraries, system libraries).
- spname
a character string. Name of interface routine entry point
- fcts
vector of character strings. The name of new Scilab function implemented in the new interface (in
the order ).
performs dynamic link of a compiled C or
Fortran new Scilab interface routine and define corresponding scilab
You can use the command link('show')
to get the
number of the shared libraries. And to reload a new version of an
interface a call to ulink
is necessary to get rid of
the old version.
See link
for more precision on use.
Number of 'addinter' in a scilab session can be limited by the operating system. On Windows, you cannot load more than 80 dynamic libraries at the same time.
Number of functions implemented in a interface is limited to 1000.
if haveacompiler() then chdir(TMPDIR); mkdir('example_addinter'); chdir('example_addinter'); src = ['#include <math.h>' '#include <api_scilab.h>' '#include <Scierror.h>' '#include <localization.h>' '' 'static double fun2(double x);' '' 'void fun1(double *x,double *y) ' '{' ' *y=fun2(*x)/(*x); ' '} ' '' 'static double fun2(double x)' '{ ' ' return( sin(x+1));' '}' '' 'int sci_fun1(char *fname)' '{' ' int iType1 = 0;' ' SciErr sciErr;' ' int m1 = 0, n1 = 0;' ' double *pdVarOne = NULL;' ' int *piAddressVarOne = NULL;' '' ' CheckRhs(1,1);' ' CheckLhs(1,1);' '' ' sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne);' ' if(sciErr.iErr)' ' {' ' printError(&sciErr, 0);' ' return 0;' ' }' '' ' sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &iType1);' ' if(sciErr.iErr)' ' {' ' printError(&sciErr, 0);' ' return 0;' ' }' '' ' if (iType1 != sci_matrix)' ' {' ' Scierror(999,_(""%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n""), fname, 1);' ' return 0;' ' }' '' ' sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, &pdVarOne);' ' if(sciErr.iErr)' ' {' ' printError(&sciErr, 0);' ' return 0;' ' }' '' ' fun1(pdVarOne, pdVarOne);' ' LhsVar(1) = 1;' ' return 0;' '}']; mputl(src,TMPDIR + '/example_addinter/example_addinter.c'); files=['example_addinter.c']; ilib_build('addinter',['fun1_in_scilab','sci_fun1'],files,[]); disp(mgetl('loader.sce')); exec loader.sce; fun1_in_scilab(%pi) end // if haveacompiler()
Generated loader.sce with addinter
// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD. // Generated by builder.sce : Please, do not edit this file // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // addinter_path = get_absolute_file_path('loader.sce'); // // ulink previous function with same name [bOK, ilib] = c_link('addinter'); if bOK then ulink(ilib); end // list_functions = [ 'fun1_in_scilab']; // // here we call addinter addinter(addinter_path + filesep() + 'addinter' + getdynlibext(), 'addinter', list_functions); // remove temp. variables on stack clear addinter_path; clear bOK; clear ilib; clear list_functions; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
See Also
- link — dynamic linker
- newfun — adiciona um nome à tabela de funções
- clearfun — remove função primitiva
- api_scilab — api_scilab is the Scilab interface to read/write data from/to Scilab memory
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