Scilab 6.0.0
Ajuda do Scilab
- Scilab
- Scilab palavra-chave
- ans — resposta
- backslash — (\) divisão matricial direita-esquerda
- brackets — ([,]) colchetes esquerdo e direito
- colon — (:) operador dois pontos
- comma — (,) separador de colunas, instruções e argumentos
- comments — (// or /*...*/) comments
- comparison — comparação, operadores relacionais
- dot — (.) símbolo de ponto
- equal — (=) atribuição ou comparação, sinal de igualdade
- extraction — extração de entradas de matrizes e listas
- getscilabkeywords — retorna uma lista com todas as palavras-chave do Scilab
- hat — (^) exponentiation
- assignation — atribuição parcial de variáveis
- left — ([) colchete esquerdo
- greater — (>) comparação "maior do que"
- minus — (-) operador de subtração, mudança de sinal
- not — (~) não lógico
- parentheses — ( ) parênteses esquerdo e direito
- percent — caractere especial (%)
- plus — (+) operador de adição
- quote — (') transpose operator, string delimiter
- semicolon (;) — (;) fim de expressão e separador de linhas
- slash — (/) divisão esquerda-direita e feedback ("resposta")
- star — (*) operador de multiplicação
- symbols — nomes dos operadores Scilab
- tilde — (~) não lógico
- dollar — ($) last index
- Control flow
- abort — Interrupção de avaliação
- break — palavra-chave para interromper um laço ("loop") (significa "interromper (neste ponto)")
- case — palavra-chave usada na estrutura select (significa "caso...")
- continue — Palavra-chave para passar o controle para a próxima iteração de um laço ("loop") (significa "continuar")
- do — palavra-chave de linguagem para laços ("loops") (significa "faça...")
- else — palavra-chave usada na estrutura "if-then-else" (significa "senão...")
- elseif — palavra-chave usada na estrutura "if-then-else" (significa "senão, se...")
- end — Palavra-chave end (significa "fim")
- for — palavra-chave de linguagem para laços ("loops") (significa "para...")
- halt — para execução
- if then else — Execução condicional (significa "se então senão")
- pause — modo de pausa, invoca teclado
- resume — retorna ou pára a execução de uma função e copia algumas de suas variáveis locais
- return — retorna ou pára a execução de uma função e copia algumas de suas variáveis locais
- select — Palavra-chave da estrutura select (significa "selecionar (de acordo com a variável)")
- then — Palavra-chave usada na estrutura "if-then-else" (significa "então...")
- catch — início de um bloco catch numa instrução de controle try-catch (significa "prender...")
- while — palavra-chave da estrutura while (significa "enquanto...")
- Configuration
- banner — exibe banner do Scilab
- getdebuginfo — retorna informações sobre o Scilab para o debug
- getmemory — retorna as memórias livre e total do sistema
- getmodules — retorna a lista de módulos instalados no Scilab
- getos — retorna o nome e a versão do Sistema Operacional
- getscilabmode — retorna o modo do Scilab
- getshell — retorna o interpretador de comando corrente
- getversion — retorna o nome da versão do Scilab
- sciargs — scilab command line arguments
- ver — informação de versão sobre Scilab
- with_javasci — Checa se o Scilab foi construído com a interface Java
- with_macros_source — Verifica se a fonte de macros está instalada
- with_module — checa se um módulo Scilab foi instalado
- with_tk — checa se o Scilab foi construído com TCL/TK
- oldEmptyBehaviour — Controls the operation+ and operation- behaviour for Scilab
- recursionlimit — get or set recursion limit
- Debugging
- Error handling
- errclear — limpeza de erros
- error — mensagens de erro
- error_table — tabela de mensagens de erros
- lasterror — retorna a última mensagem de erro registrada
- warning — mensagens de aviso
- Variables
- Predefined variables
- SCI — variable containing the value of the root path of Scilab.
- SCIHOME — contains the path to preferences, history files of your Scilab session.
- TMPDIR — temporary directory path.
- home — Gives the user directory.
- %e — Euler number.
- %eps — epsilon (floating-point relative accuracy)
- %f or %F — Boolean variable for false.
- %i — imaginary unit
- %inf — infinity
- %nan — not-a-number
- %pi — ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter
- %s — A variable used to define polynomials.
- %t or %T — Boolean variable for true.
- %z — A variable used to define polynomials.
- clear — cancela variáveis
- clearglobal — cancela variáveis globais
- exists — verifica existência de variáveis
- global — define variável global
- isdef — verifica existência de variáveis
- isglobal — verifica se uma variável é global
- names — scilab names syntax
- predef — proteção de variáveis
- who — listagem de variáveis
- who_user — listagem das variáveis do usuário
- whos — listing of variables in long form
- Predefined variables
- exit — termina a sessão Scilab corrente
- mode — seleciona um modo em um arquivo executável
- perl — chama script Perl utilizando um executável apropriado do sistema operacional
- quit — Decresce o nível de pausa ou termina o Scilab
- scilab — principal script para executar o Scilab e ferramentas de miscelânea
- startup — arquivo de inicialização
- Scilab palavra-chave
- Equações Diferenciais
- dae — Solucionador de equações diferenciais algébricas
- daeoptions — ajusta opções para o solucionador de equações diferenciais algébricas
- dasrt — Solucionador de equações diferenciais algébricas com cruzamento de zeros
- dassl — Equação diferencial algébrica
- diff — diferença e derivada discreta
- feval — múltipla avaliação
- impl — equações diferenciais algébricas
- int2d — integral definida 2d por quadratura e cubatura
- int3d — integral definida 3d pelo método da quadratura e cubatura
- intc — integral de Cauchy
- integrate — integração pela quadratura
- intg — integral definida
- intl — integral de Cauchy
- intsplin — integração de dados experimentais por interpolação por spline
- inttrap — integração de dados experimentais por interpolação trapezoidal
- ode — Solucionador de equações diferenciais ordinárias
- ode_discrete — solucionador de equações diferenciais ordinárias, simulação de tempo discreto
- ode_optional_output — descrição de saídas opcionais de solucionadores de EDOs
- ode_root — solucionador de EDOs com busca de raízes
- odedc — solucionador de EDOs contÃnuas/discretas
- odeoptions — ajusta opções para solucionadores de EDO
- bvodeS — Simplified call to bvode
- daskr — DAE solver with zero crossing
- Funções Elementares
- Bitwise operations
- bitand — AND ("e") aplicado às representações binárias dos argumentos de entrada
- bitor — OR ("ou") aplicado às representações binárias dos argumentos de entrada
- isequalbitwise — comparação bit a bit de variáveis
- bitcmp — bitwise complement
- bitget — bit at specified position
- bitset — set bit at specified position
- bitxor — bitwise XOR
- Complex
- Matemática discreta
- Elementary matrices
- diag — inclusão ou extração diagonal
- empty — ([]) matriz vazia
- eye — matriz identidade
- ind2sub — conversão de índice linear para matriz de valores subescritos
- linspace — vetor linearmente espaçado
- logspace — vetor espaçado logaritmicamente
- meshgrid — cria matrizes ou arrays 3-D
- ndgrid — constrói matrizes ou matrizes N-D, replicando alguns vetores dadas
- ones — matriz de entradas todas iguais a 1
- rand — gerador de números randômico
- squarewave — gera uma onda quadrada de perÃodo 2*%pi
- sub2ind — converte matriz de valores subescrtos para índice linear
- testmatrix — gera algumas matrizes particulares
- toeplitz — matriz de Toeplitz
- zeros — matriz feita de zeros
- Exponential
- exp — exponencial em relação aos elementos
- expm — exponencial de matriz quadrada (matriz exponencial)
- log — logaritmo natural
- log10 — logaritmo na base 10
- log1p — computa, com precisão, o logaritmo natural de seu argumento acrescido de uma unidade
- log2 — logaritmo na base 2
- logm — logaritmo de matriz quadrada (matriz logaritmo)
- polar — forma polar
- power — operação de potenciação(^,.^)
- sqrt — raiz quadrada
- sqrtm — raiz quadrada da matriz (matriz raiz quadrada)
- Ponto flutuante
- ceil — arredonda o número para o inteiro maior ou igual ao número
- clean — limpa matrizes (arredonda para zero entradas pequenas)
- fix — arredonda em direção a zero
- floor — arredondamento para o inteiro menor ou igual ao número
- format — impressão de números e formato de exibição
- frexp — separa um número em ponto flutuante em potência de base 2 e mantissa
- ieee — ajusta o modo de exceção de ponto flutuante
- int — parte inteira
- isinf — verifica se há entradas infinitas
- isnan — verifica entradas NaN ("não é um número")
- nearfloat — get previous or next floating-point number
- nextpow2 — próxima potência de 2 mais alta
- number_properties — determina parâmetros de ponto flutuante
- round — arredondamento para inteiro mais próximo
- double — converts inttype integers or booleans into decimal encoding
- Integer representation
- base2dec — conversão da base b para inteiros
- bin2dec — conversão de representação binária para inteira
- dec2bin — representação binária
- dec2hex — representação hexadecimal de inteiros
- dec2oct — representação octal de inteiros
- hex2dec — conversão de representação hexadecimal para inteiros
- oct2dec — conversão de octais para inteiros
- dec2base — Convert decimal to base N number in string
- Matrix manipulation
- flipdim — gira os componentes de x ao longo de uma dada dimensão
- matrix — Muda a forma de vetores ou matrizes
- permute — permuta as dimensões de um array
- pertrans — matriz pertransposta
- resize_matrix — cria uma nova matriz com tamanho diferente
- squeeze — remoção de dimensões singletons
- repmat — Replicate and tile an array
- Matrix operations
- abs — valor absoluto, magnitude
- cumprod — produto cumulativo
- cumsum — soma cumulativa
- kron — produto de Kronecker (.*.)
- max — máximo
- min — mínimo
- norm — norma de matrizes
- prod — produto
- signm — função do sinal da matriz
- sum — soma (soma linha, soma coluna) de entradas de um vetor ou matriz
- tril — parte triangular inferior de uma matriz
- triu — triângulo superior da matriz
- cross — vector cross product
- Search and sort
- dsearch — Busca binária (também conhecida como busca dicótoma em francês)
- find — encontra índices de elementos verdadeiros em uma matriz ou vetor de booleanos
- gsort — ordenação decrescente
- vectorfind — acha, em uma matriz, linhas ou colunas que coincidem com um vetor
- Set operations
- intersect — returns the vector of common values of two vectors
- setdiff — retorna componentes de um vetor que não pertecem a outro vetor
- union — extrai componentes da união de um vetor
- unique — remover todos os componentes duplicados de um vetor ou uma matriz
- members — count (and locate) in an array each element or row or column of another array
- Signal processing
- Trigonometria
- acos — arco-cosseno em relação aos elementos
- acosd — arco-cosseno elemento a elemento com resultado em graus
- acosh — arco-coseno hiperbólico
- acoshm — arco-cosseno hiperbólico da matriz (matriz arco-cosseno hiperbólico)
- acosm — arco-coseno da matriz (matriz arco-cosseno)
- acot — computa o arco-cotangente elemento a elemento do argumento
- acotd — computa o arco-cotangente elemento a elemento do argumento com, resultado em graus
- acoth — arco-cotangente hiperbólico elemento a elemento
- acsc — computa o arco-cossecante elemento a elemento do argumento
- acscd — computa o arco-cossecante elemento a elemento do argumento com resutado em graus
- acsch — computa o arco-cossecante hiperbólico elemento a elemento do argumento
- asec — computa o arco-secante elemento a elemento do argumento
- asecd — computa o arco-secante elemento a elemento do argumento com resultados em graus
- asech — computa o arco-secante hiperbólico elemento a elemento do argumento
- asin — arco-seno
- asind — arco-seno, resultado em graus
- asinh — arco-seno hiperbólico
- asinhm — arco-seno hiperbólico da matriz (matriz arco-seno hiperbólico)
- asinm — arco-seno da matriz (matriz arco-seno)
- atan — arco-tangente 2-quadrantes e 4-quadrantes
- atand — arcos-tangentes 2-quadrantes e 4-quadrantes elemento a elemento do argumento com resultados em graus
- atanh — arco-tangente hiperbólico
- atanhm — Arco-tangente hiperbólico da matriz (matriz arco-tangente hiperbólico)
- atanm — arco-tangente da matriz quadrada (matriz arco-tangente)
- cos — função co-seno
- cosd — função co-seno elemento a elemento, argumento dado em graus
- cosh — co-seno hiperbólico
- coshm — co-seno hiperbólico da matriz (matriz co-seno hiperbólico)
- cosm — co-seno da matriz (matriz co-seno)
- cotd — cotangent elemento a elemento do argumento dado em graus
- cotg — cotangente
- coth — cotangente hiperbólica
- cothm — cotangente hiperbólica da matriz (matriz cotangente hiperbólica)
- csc — computa a cossecante do argumento elemento a elemento
- cscd — computa a cossecante elemento a elemento do argumento em graus
- csch — computa a cossecante hipertbólica do argumento elemento a elemento
- sec — computa a secante elemento a elemento do argumento.
- secd — computa a secante elemento a elemento do argumento em graus
- sech — computa a secante hipertbólica do argumento elemento a elemento
- sin — função seno
- sinc — função sinc (seno cardinal)
- sind — função seno, argumento em graus
- sinh — seno hiperbólico
- sinhm — seno hiperbólico da matriz (matriz seno hiperbólico)
- sinm — matriz seno
- tan — tangente
- tand — tangente com o argumento em graus
- tanh — tangente hiperbólica
- tanhm — tangente hiperbólica da matriz (matriz tangente hiperbólica)
- tanm — tangente da matriz (matriz tangente)
- csgn — returns the sign of a vector of real of complex values
- cat — concatena vários arrays
- cell2mat — converte um cell array (array de células) em uma matriz
- cellstr — converte um vetor (ou matriz) de strings em um cell de strings
- isempty — verifica se uma variável é uma matriz vazia ou uma lista vazia
- isequal — comparação de objetos
- lstsize — números de entradas de uma lista, tlist ou mlist
- pmodulo — Resto aritmético positivo da divisão de n por m
- ndims — número de dimensões de um array
- sign — função de sinal
- size — tamanho de objetos
- and — logical AND between the elements of a boolean or numerical array
- & — logical AND operator
- iscolumn — check if a variable is a column
- ismatrix — check if a variable is a matrix
- isrow — check if a variable is a row
- isscalar — check if a variable is a scalar.
- issquare — check if a variable is a square matrix
- isvector — check if a variable is a vector
- nthroot — Real nth root of real numbers
- num2cell — converts an array into a cell array
- or — logical OR over the elements of a boolean or numerical array
- | — logical OR operator
- unwrap — unwrap a Y(x) profile or a Z(x,y) surface. Unfold a Y(x) profile
- Bitwise operations
- Linear Algebra
- Eigenvalue and Singular Value
- balanc — balanceamento de uma matriz ou de um feixe de matrizes
- bdiag — diagonalização em blocos, autovetores generalizados
- gschur — forma de Schur generalizada (função obsoleta)
- gspec — autovalores de feixe de matrizes (função obsoleta)
- hess — forma de Hessenberg
- pbig — autoprojeção
- projspec — operadores espectrais
- psmall — projeção espectral
- schur — decomposição (ordenada) de Schur de matrizes e feixes
- spec — autovalores de matrizes e feixes
- sva — aproximação em valores singulares
- svd — decomposição em valores singulares
- Factorization
- givens — transformação de Givens
- householder — matriz de reflexão ortogonal de Householder
- sqroot — fatoração hermitiana W*W'
- Kernel
- Linear Equations
- aff2ab — Conversão de uma função linear (afim) para forma A,b
- chol — Cholesky factorization
- inv — inversa de uma matriz
- linsolve — solucionador de equações lineares
- lsq — problemas de mínimos quadrados lineares
- lu — fatores LU de eliminação Gaussiana
- pinv — pseudo-inversa
- qr — QR decomposição
- rankqr — fatoração QR com revelação do posto
- Markov Matrices
- classmarkov — classes transientes e recorrentes da matriz de Markov
- eigenmarkov — Autovetores esquerdo e direito normalizados de Markov
- genmarkov — gera uma matriz de Markov aleatória com classes recorrentes e transientes
- Matrix Analysis
- Matrix Pencil
- companion — matriz companheira
- ereduc — computa de forma escada de colunas da matriz por transformações qz
- fstair — computa a forma escada de feixe de colunas por transformações qz
- glever — inverso do feixe de matrizes
- kroneck — forma de Kronecker de feixe de matrizes
- lyap — equação de Lyapunov
- pencan — forma canônica de feixe de matrizes
- penlaur — Laurent coefficients of matrix pencil
- quaskro — forma quasi-Kronecker
- randpencil — feixe aleatório
- rowshuff — algoritmo de embaralhamento
- State-Space Matrices
- Subspaces
- proj — projeção
- Eigenvalue and Singular Value
- Interpolação
- bsplin3val — função de avaliação de derivada arbitrária de spline 3d
- cshep2d — bidimensional cubic shepard (scattered) interpolation
- eval_cshep2d — avaliação por interpolação cúbica bidimensional de Shepard
- interp — função de avaliação de spline cúbico
- interp1 — função de interpolação 1d
- interp2d — função de avaliação spline bicúbica (2d)
- interp3d — função de avaliação spline 3d
- interpln — interpolação linear
- linear_interpn — interpolação linear n-dimensional
- lsq_splin — ajuste ponderado por spline cúbico de mínimos quadrados
- smooth — suavização por funções splines
- splin — interpolação por spline cúbico
- splin2d — interpolação por spline bicúbico em grides 2d
- splin3d — interpolação spline em grides 3d
- Control Design
- Control Loop
- Disturbance Decoupling
- ddp — disturbance decoupling
- H-infinity
- ccontrg — Central H-infinity continuous time controller
- dhinf — H_infinity design of discrete-time systems
- dhnorm — discrete H-infinity norm
- gamitg — H-infinity gamma iterations for continuous time systems
- h2norm — H2 norm of a continuous time proper dynamical system
- h_cl — closed loop matrix
- h_inf — Continuous time H-infinity (central) controller
- h_inf_st — static H_infinity problem
- h_norm — H-infinity norm
- hinf — H_infinity design of continuous-time systems
- linf — infinity norm
- linfn — infinity norm
- macglov — Continuous time dynamical systems Mac Farlane Glover problem
- nehari — Nehari approximant of continuous time dynamical systems
- parrot — Parrot's problem
- Linear Quadratic
- fourplan — augmented plant to four plants
- gcare — Continuous time control Riccati equation
- gfare — Continuous time filter Riccati equation
- leqr — H-infinity LQ gain (full state)
- lqe — linear quadratic estimator (Kalman Filter)
- lqg — LQG compensator
- lqg2stan — LQG to standard problem
- lqg_ltr — LQG with loop transform recovery
- lqr — LQ compensator (full state)
- Pole Placement
- Tracking
- gfrancis — Francis equations for tracking
- Identification
- arl2 — SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation
- armax — armax identification
- armax1 — armax identification
- findABCD — discrete-time system subspace identification
- findAC — discrete-time system subspace identification
- findBD — initial state and system matrices B and D of a discrete-time system
- findBDK — Kalman gain and B D system matrices of a discrete-time system
- findR — Preprocessor for estimating the matrices of a linear time-invariant dynamical system
- findx0BD — Estimates state and B and D matrices of a discrete-time linear system
- imrep2ss — state-space realization of an impulse response
- inistate — Estimates the initial state of a discrete-time system
- lin — linearization
- sident — discrete-time state-space realization and Kalman gain
- sorder — computing the order of a discrete-time system
- time_id — SISO least square identification
- Linear Analysis
- Controllability Observability
- abinv — AB invariant subspace
- cainv — Dual of abinv
- cont_mat — controllability matrix
- contr — controllability, controllable subspace, staircase
- contrss — controllable part
- ctr_gram — controllability gramian
- dt_ility — detectability test
- obs_gram — observability gramian
- obscont — observer based controller
- observer — observer design
- obsv_mat — observability matrix
- obsvss — observable part
- ui_observer — unknown input observer
- unobs — unobservable subspace
- Frequency Domain
- black — diagrama de Black (carta de Nichols)
- bode — diagrama de Bode
- bode_asymp — Bode plot asymptote
- calfrq — frequency response discretization
- dbphi — frequency response to phase and magnitude representation
- freq — frequency response
- freson — peak frequencies
- gainplot — esboço de magnitude
- hallchart — Draws the Hall chart
- m_circle — esboça os contornos de iso-ganho y/(1+y) plano complexo
- nicholschart — Nichols chart
- nyquist — diagrama de Nyquist
- nyquistfrequencybounds — Computes the frequencies for which the nyquist locus enters and leaves a given rectangle.
- phasemag — phase and magnitude computation
- phaseplot — frequency phase plot
- repfreq — frequency response
- svplot — singular-value sigma-plot
- trzeros — transmission zeros and normal rank
- Sensitivity
- sensi — sensitivity functions
- Stability
- bstap — hankel approximant
- dtsi — Continuous time dynamical systems stable anti-stable decomposition
- evans — lugar geométrico das raízes Evans
- g_margin — gain margin and associated crossover frequency
- p_margin — phase margin and associated crossover frequency
- plzr — Esboço de pólo-zero
- routh_t — tabela de Routh
- sgrid — esboça linhas de grid de um s-plano
- show_margins — display gain and phase margin and associated crossover frequencies
- st_ility — stabilizability test
- zgrid — esboçode um z-grid
- Time Domain
- arsimul — armax simulation
- csim — simulation (time response) of linear system
- damp — Natural frequencies and damping factors.
- dsimul — state space discrete time simulation
- flts — time response (discrete time, sampled system)
- ltitr — discrete time response (state space)
- narsimul — armax simulation (using rtitr)
- rtitr — discrete time response (transfer matrix)
- Controllability Observability
- Linear System Factorization
- colinout — inner-outer factorization
- copfac — right coprime factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
- dcf — double coprime factorization
- fspec — spectral factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
- fspecg — stable factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
- fstabst — Youla's parametrization of continuous time linear dynamical systems
- gtild — tilde operation
- lcf — Continuous time dynamical systems normalized coprime factorization
- rowinout — inner-outer factorization
- specfact — spectral factor
- sysfact — system factorization
- Linear System Representation
- abcd — state-space matrices
- arma — Scilab arma library
- arma2p — extract polynomial matrices from ar representation
- arma2ss — transform an armax data structure into state space representation.
- armac — Scilab description of an armax process
- cont_frm — transfer to controllable state-space
- des2ss — descriptor to state-space
- des2tf — descriptor to transfer function conversion
- frep2tf — transfer function realization from frequency response
- lsslist — definição de função linear de espaço de estados do Scilab
- markp2ss — Markov parameters to state-space
- pfss — partial fraction decomposition
- pol2des — conversão de matrizes de polinômios para formas descritoras
- sm2des — system matrix to descriptor
- sm2ss — system matrix to state-space
- ss2des — (polynomial) state-space to descriptor form
- ss2ss — state-space to state-space conversion, feedback, injection
- ss2tf — conversion from state-space to transfer function
- ssprint — embelezador de sistemas lineares
- syslin — definição de sistemas lineares
- syssize — size of state-space system
- tf2des — transfer function to descriptor
- tf2ss — transfer to state-space
- Matrix Computation
- Model Transformation
- arhnk — Hankel norm approximant
- balreal — balanced realization
- bilin — general bilinear transform
- canon — canonical controllable form
- cls2dls — bilinear transform
- colregul — removing poles and zeros at infinity
- dscr — discretization of linear system
- equil — balancing of pair of symmetric matrices
- equil1 — balancing (nonnegative) pair of matrices
- hankelsv — Hankel singular values
- invsyslin — system inversion
- minreal — minimal balanced realization
- minss — minimal realization
- projsl — linear system projection
- rowregul — removing poles and zeros at infinity
- zeropen — zero pencil
- noisegen — noise generation
- prbs_a — pseudo random binary sequences generation
- Control Design
- Polinômios
- bezout — equação de Bezout para polinômios ou inteiros
- cmndred — forma de denominador comum
- coeff — coeficientes de matrizes de polinômios
- coffg — matriz inversa de polinômios
- colcompr — compressão de colunas de matrizes de polinômios
- degree — grau da matriz de polinômios
- denom — denominador
- derivat — derivada de matriz de razões de polinômios
- determ — determinante de matrizes de polinômios
- detr — determinante polinomial
- diophant — equação (de Bezout) diofantina
- factors — fatoração numérica real
- hermit — forma hermitiana
- horner — avaliação polinomial/racional
- hrmt — máximo divisor comum de polinômios
- htrianr — triangularização de matrizes de polinômios
- inv_coeff — constrói uma matriz de polinômios a partir de seus coeficientes
- invr — inversão de matrizes (de razões de polinômios)
- lcmdiag — fatoração diagonal por MMC
- ldiv — divisão longa entre matrizes de polinômios
- numer — numerador
- pdiv — divisão polinomial
- pol2str — conversão de polinômio para string
- polfact — fatores mínimos
- poly — definição de polinômios
- rational — objeto do Scilab, razão de polinômios
- residu — resíduo
- roots — raízes de polinômios
- rowcompr — compressão de linhas de uma matriz de polinômios
- sfact — fatoração espectral em tempo discreto
- simp — simplificação racional
- simp_mode — modifica o modo de simplificação racional
- sylm — matriz de Sylvester
- systmat — matriz sistema
- varn — variável simbólica de polinômios ou de frações racionais
- chepol — Chebychev polynomial
- Processamento de Sinais
- Correlation Convolution
- Filters
- analpf — create analog low-pass filter
- buttmag — Power transmission of a Butterworth filter
- casc — cascade realization of filter from coefficients
- cheb1mag — response of Chebyshev type 1 filter
- cheb2mag — response of type 2 Chebyshev filter
- convol — convolution
- ell1mag — magnitude of elliptic filter
- eqfir — minimax approximation of FIR filter
- eqiir — Design of iir filters
- faurre — filter computation by simple Faurre algorithm
- ffilt — coefficients of FIR low-pass
- filt_sinc — samples of sinc function
- filter — filters a data sequence using a digital filter
- find_freq — parameter compatibility for elliptic filter design
- frmag — magnitude of FIR and IIR filters
- fsfirlin — design of FIR, linear phase filters, frequency sampling technique
- group — group delay for digital filter
- hilbert — Discrete-time analytic signal computation of a real signal using Hilbert transform
- iir — iir digital filter
- iirgroup — group delay Lp IIR filter optimization
- iirlp — Lp IIR filter optimization
- kalm — Kalman update
- lev — Yule-Walker equations (Levinson's algorithm)
- levin — Toeplitz system solver by Levinson algorithm (multidimensional)
- lindquist — Lindquist's algorithm
- remez — Remez exchange algorithm for the weighted chebyshev approximation of a continuous function with a sum of cosines.
- remezb — Minimax approximation of magnitude response
- srfaur — square-root algorithm
- srkf — square root Kalman filter
- sskf — steady-state Kalman filter
- syredi — Design of iir filters, syredi code interface
- system — observation update
- trans — low-pass to other filter transform
- wfir — linear-phase FIR filters
- wfir_gui — Graphical user interface that can be used to interactively design wfir filters
- wiener — Wiener estimate
- wigner — 'time-frequency' wigner spectrum
- window — compute symmetric window of various type
- yulewalk — least-square filter design
- zpbutt — Butterworth analog filter
- zpch1 — Chebyshev analog filter
- zpch2 — Chebyshev analog filter
- zpell — lowpass elliptic filter
- How to
- How to design an elliptic filter — How to design an elliptic filter (analog and digital)
- Identification
- Miscellaneous
- Spectral estimation
- cepstrum — cepstrum calculation
- cspect — two sided cross-spectral estimate between 2 discrete time signals using the correlation method
- czt — chirp z-transform algorithm
- intdec — Changes sampling rate of a signal
- mese — maximum entropy spectral estimation
- pspect — two sided cross-spectral estimate between 2 discrete time signals using the Welch's average periodogram method.
- Transforms
- idct — Inverse discrete cosine transform.
- idst — Inverse discrete sine transform.
- ifft — Inverse fast Fourier transform.
- fft2 — two-dimension fast Fourier transform
- fftshift — rearranges the fft output, moving the zero frequency to the center of the spectrum
- hilb — FIR approximation to a Hilbert transform filter
- ifftshift — inverse of fftshift
- detrend — remove constant, linear or piecewise linear trend from a vector
- xcov — Computes discrete auto or cross covariance
- fftw_flags — set method for fft planner algorithm selection
- fftw_forget_wisdom — Reset fftw wisdom
- get_fftw_wisdom — return fftw wisdom
- set_fftw_wisdom — set fftw wisdom
- Funções Especiais
- amell — função "am" de Jacobi
- besselh — funções de Bessel do terceiro tipo (também conhecidas como funções de Hankel)
- beta — função beta
- calerf — computa funções de erro
- delip — Integral elíptica
- dlgamma — derivada da função gammaln, função psi
- erf — função de erro
- erfc — função de erro complementar
- erfcx — função de erro complementar escalada
- erfinv — função inversa à função de erro
- gamma — função gama
- gammaln — o logaritmo (natural) da função gama
- legendre — funções associadas de Legendre
- dawson — Compute the Dawson (scaled imaginary error) function.
- erfi — The imaginary error function.
- findm — for elliptic filter design
- %k — Jacobi's complete elliptic integral
- %sn — Jacobi's elliptic function
- Randlib
- grand — Random numbers
- ARnoldi PACKage
- dnaupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute approximations to a few eigenpairs of a real linear operator This function is obsolete. Please use eigs
- dneupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute the converged approximations to eigenvalues of A * z = lambda * B * z approximations to a few eigenpairs of a real linear operator This function is obsolete. Please use eigs
- dsaupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute approximations to a few eigenpairs of a real and symmetric linear operator This function is obsolete. Please use eigs
- dseupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute approximations to the converged approximations to eigenvalues of A * z = lambda * B * z This function is obsolete. Please use eigs
- eigs — calculates largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices
- znaupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute a few eigenpairs of a complex linear operator OP with respect to a semi-inner product defined by a hermitian positive semi-definite real matrix B. This function is obsolete. Please use eigs
- zneupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute approximations to the converged approximations to eigenvalues of A * z = lambda * B * z This function is obsolete. Please use eigs
- Estatística
- cdf
- binomial — probabilidades de distribuição binomial
- cdfbet — cumulative distribution function Beta distribution
- cdfbin — cumulative distribution function Binomial distribution
- cdfchi — cumulative distribution function chi-square distribution
- cdfchn — cumulative distribution function non-central chi-square distribution
- cdff — cumulative distribution function Fisher distribution
- cdffnc — cumulative distribution function non-central f-distribution
- cdfgam — cumulative distribution function gamma distribution
- cdfnbn — cumulative distribution function negative binomial distribution
- cdfnor — cumulative distribution function normal distribution
- cdfpoi — cumulative distribution function poisson distribution
- cdft — cumulative distribution function Student's T distribution
- Central Tendency
- Data with Missing Values
- nancumsum — This function returns the cumulative sum of the values of a matrix
- nand2mean — difference of the means of two independent samples
- nanmax — max (ignoring Nan's)
- nanmean — mean (ignoring Nan's)
- nanmeanf — mean (ignoring Nan's) with a given frequency.
- nanmedian — median of the values of a numerical vector or matrix
- nanmin — min (ignoring Nan's)
- nanreglin — Linear regression
- nanstdev — standard deviation (ignoring the NANs).
- nansum — Sum of values ignoring NAN's
- thrownan — Eliminates nan values
- Descriptive Statistics
- center — center
- correl — correlation of two variables
- cov — Covariance matrix
- covar — covariance of two variables
- histc — computes an histogram
- median — median (row median, column median,...) of vector/matrix/array entries
- stdev — standard deviation (row orcolumn-wise) of vector/matrix entries
- stdevf — standard deviation
- variance — variance (and mean) of a vector or matrix (or hypermatrix) of real or complex numbers
- variancef — variance (and mean) of a vector or matrix of frequency-weighted real or complex numbers
- wcenter — center and weight
- Hypothesis Testing
- Measures of Dispersion
- Measures of Shape
- Principal Component Analysis
- Sampling
- Summaries
- tabul — frequency of values of a matrix or vector
- reglin — Linear regression
- cdf
- Matrizes Esparsas
- Sparse Decompositions
- Sparse Matrix Manipulation
- Sparse Matrix Conversion
- adj2sp — converte forma de adjacência para matriz esparsa
- full — conversão de matriz esparsa para cheia (completa)
- mtlb_sparse — converte matriz esparsa
- sp2adj — converte uma matriz esparsa para forma de adjacência
- sparse — definição de matriz esparsa
- spcompack — converte uma representação de adjacência comprimida em representação de adjacência padrão
- spget — recupera entradas de matriz esparsa
- Linear Equations (Iterative Solvers)
- chfact — fatoração esparsa de Cholesky
- chsolve — solucionador esparso de Cholesky
- ordmmd — Compute multiple minimum degree ordering
- Interfaces com UMFPACK (sparse)
- PlotSparse — plot the pattern of non nul elements of a sparse matrix
- ReadHBSparse — read a Harwell-Boeing sparse format file
- cond2sp — computes an approximation of the 2-norm condition number of a s.p.d. sparse matrix
- condestsp — estimate the condition number of a sparse matrix
- rafiter — Iterative refinement for a s.p.d. linear system. This function is obsolete.
- res_with_prec — computes the residual r = Ax-b with precision
- taucs_chdel — utility function used with taucs_chfact
- taucs_chfact — cholesky factorization of a sparse s.p.d. matrix
- taucs_chget — retrieve the Cholesky factorization at the scilab level
- taucs_chinfo — get information on Cholesky factors
- taucs_chsolve — solve a linear sparse (s.p.d.) system given the Cholesky factors
- umf_ludel — utility function used with umf_lufact
- umf_lufact — lu factorization of a sparse matrix
- umf_luget — retrieve lu factors at the Scilab level
- umf_luinfo — get information on LU factors
- umf_lusolve — solve a linear sparse system given the LU factors
- umfpack — solve sparse linear system
- Otimização e Simulação
- Neldermead
- fminsearch — Computes the unconstrained minimum of given function with the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
- neldermead — Provides direct search optimization algorithms.
- overview — An overview of the Nelder-Mead toolbox.
- nmplot — Provides direct search optimization algorithms.
- optimget — Queries an optimization data structure.
- optimplotfunccount — Plot the number of function evaluations of an optimization algorithm
- optimplotfval — Plot the function value of an optimization algorithm
- optimplotx — Plot the value of the parameters of an optimization algorithm
- optimset — Configures and returns an optimization data structure.
- Nonlinear Least Squares
- Optimization base
- optimbase_cget — Returns the value for the given key.
- optimbase_checkbounds — Checks the bounds.
- optimbase_checkcostfun — Checks the cost function.
- optimbase_checkx0 — Checks initial guess.
- optimbase_configure — Configures the current object.
- optimbase_destroy — Resets the historyfopt and historyxopt fields of an object.
- optimbase_function — Calls cost function.
- optimbase_get — Returns the value for the given key.
- optimbase_hasbounds — Checks if the bounds are specified.
- optimbase_hasconstraints — Checks if the constraints are specified.
- optimbase_hasnlcons — Checks if the non linear constraints are specified.
- optimbase_histget — Returns the history value.
- optimbase_histset — Set the history value at given iteration for the given key.
- optimbase_incriter — Increments the number of iterations.
- optimbase_isfeasible — Checks if the point satisfies constraints.
- optimbase_isinbounds — Checks if the given point satisfies bounds constraints.
- optimbase_isinnonlincons — Checks if the given point satisfies the non-linear constraints.
- optimbase_log — Prints the given message.
- optimbase_new — Creates a new optimization object.
- optimbase_outputcmd — Calls back user's output command.
- optimbase_outstruct — Returns a data structure with type T_OPTDATA.
- overview — An overview of the Optimbase toolbox.
- optimbase_proj2bnds — Returns a projection point.
- optimbase_set — Set the value for the given key.
- optimbase_stoplog — Prints the given stopping message.
- optimbase_terminate — Checks if the algorithm is terminated.
- Optimization simplex
- optimsimplex_center — Computes the center.
- optimsimplex_check — Checks the consistency of internal data
- optimsimplex_compsomefv — Computes the values of the function at vertices points.
- optimsimplex_computefv — Computes the values of the function at vertices points.
- optimsimplex_deltafv — Computes the difference of function values.
- optimsimplex_deltafvmax — Computes the difference of function value between the highest and the lowest vertices.
- optimsimplex_destroy — Destroys the simplex object.
- optimsimplex_dirmat — Computes the directions.
- optimsimplex_fvmean — Computes the mean.
- optimsimplex_fvstdev — Computes the standard deviation.
- optimsimplex_fvvariance — Computes the variance.
- optimsimplex_getall — Returns all the data contained in the simplex object.
- optimsimplex_getallfv — Returns all the function values contained in the simplex object.
- optimsimplex_getallx — Returns all the coordinates.
- optimsimplex_getfv — Returns the function value at given index.
- optimsimplex_getn — Returns the dimension of the space.
- optimsimplex_getnbve — Gets the number of vertices of the simplex.
- optimsimplex_getve — Gets the vertex at the given index.
- optimsimplex_getx — Gets the coordinates of the vertex at given index.
- optimsimplex_gradientfv — Returns the simplex gradient of the function.
- optimsimplex_new — Creates a new simplex object.
- overview — An overview of the Optimsimplex toolbox.
- optimsimplex_reflect — Returns the reflected simplex object.
- optimsimplex_setall — Sets all in the simplex object.
- optimsimplex_setallfv — Sets all the function values.
- optimsimplex_setallx — Sets all the coordinates.
- optimsimplex_setfv — Sets the function value at given index.
- optimsimplex_setn — Sets the dimension of the space.
- optimsimplex_setnbve — Sets the number of vertices of the simplex.
- optimsimplex_setve — Sets the data at given index in the current simplex.
- optimsimplex_setx — Sets the coordinates at given index into the current simplex.
- optimsimplex_shrink — Shrinks the simplex.
- optimsimplex_size — Computes the size.
- optimsimplex_sort — Sorts the simplex.
- optimsimplex_xbar — Returns the center of n vertices.
- Semidefinite Programming
- aplat — Flattens a list.
- list2vec — Concatenates list entries in a matrix.
- lmisolver — Solve linear matrix inequations.
- lmitool — Graphical tool for solving linear matrix inequations.
- pack — Compress a list of block-diagonal symmetric matrices.
- recons — Inverse function for aplat.
- semidef — Solve semidefinite problems.
- unpack — Uncompress a list of block-diagonal symmetric matrices.
- vec2list — Inverse function of list2vec.
- NDcost — generic external for optim computing gradient using finite differences
- fsolve — find a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions
- karmarkar — Solves a linear optimization problem.
- numderivative — approximate derivatives of a function (Jacobian or Hessian)
- optim — non-linear optimization routine
- qld — linear quadratic programming solver
- qp_solve — linear quadratic programming solver builtin
- qpsolve — linear quadratic programming solver
- readmps — Reads a Linear Program from a MPS file.
- Neldermead
- Algoritmos Genéticos
- Algorithms
- optim_ga — A flexible genetic algorithm
- optim_moga — multi-objective genetic algorithm
- optim_nsga — A multi-objective Niched Sharing Genetic Algorithm
- optim_nsga2 — A multi-objective Niched Sharing Genetic Algorithm version 2
- Utilities
- coding_ga_binary — A function which performs conversion between binary and continuous representation
- coding_ga_identity — A "no-operation" conversion function
- crossover_ga_binary — A crossover function for binary code
- crossover_ga_default — A crossover function for continuous variable functions
- init_ga_default — A function a initialize a population
- mutation_ga_binary — A function which performs binary mutation
- mutation_ga_default — A continuous variable mutation function
- output_ga_default — A simple output function used for logging purposes
- pareto_filter — A function which extracts non dominated solution from a set
- selection_ga_elitist — An 'elitist' selection function
- selection_ga_random — A function which performs a random selection of individuals
- Algorithms
- Arrefecimento Simulado
- Algorithms
- optim_sa — A Simulated Annealing optimization method
- Utilities
- accept_func_default — The default Simulated Annealing acceptation function.
- accept_func_vfsa — The Very Fast Simulated Annealing acceptation function.
- compute_initial_temp — A SA function which allows to compute the initial temperature of the simulated annealing
- neigh_func_csa — The classical neighborhood relationship for the simulated annealing
- neigh_func_default — A SA function which computes a neighbor of a given point
- neigh_func_fsa — The Fast Simulated Annealing neighborhood relationship
- neigh_func_vfsa — The Very Fast Simulated Annealing neighborhood relationship
- temp_law_csa — The classical temperature decrease law
- temp_law_default — A SA function which computed the temperature of the next temperature stage
- temp_law_fsa — The Szu and Hartley Fast simulated annealing
- temp_law_huang — The Huang temperature decrease law for the simulated annealing
- temp_law_vfsa — This function implements the Very Fast Simulated Annealing from L. Ingber
- Algorithms
- XML Management
- XML Objects — Describe the properties of the different XML objects
- htmlDump — Dump a HTML document
- htmlRead — Read a HTML stream from a local or distant file
- htmlReadStr — Read a HTML tree from a string
- htmlWrite — Write a HTML document in a file
- xmlAddNs — Add a namespace to a XML Element
- xmlAppend — Append an element to the parent children
- xmlAsNumber — Convert the result of a XPath query into a row of numbers
- xmlAsText — Convert the result of a XPath query into a row of strings
- xmlDTD — Create a XML DTD object
- xmlDelete — Delete a XML document
- xmlDocument — Create a new XML document
- xmlDump — Dump a XML object
- xmlElement — Create a new XML element
- xmlFormat — Format a Scilab variable into XML
- xmlGetNsByHref — Get a namespace by its href
- xmlGetNsByPrefix — Get a namespace by prefix
- xmlGetOpenDocs — Get all open XML documents or all open XML Validation files.
- xmlIsValidObject — Test the existence of a XML object
- xmlName — Retrieve the name of the elements.
- xmlNs — Create a new XML Namespace
- xmlRead — Read a XML stream from a local or distant file
- xmlReadStr — Read a XML tree from a string
- xmlRelaxNG — Create a XML Relax NG object
- xmlRemove — Remove an element or a list of elements from their parents
- xmlSchema — Create a XML Schema object
- xmlSetAttributes — Set the attributes name and value.
- xmlValidate — Validate a document in using a DTD, a Relax NG or a Schema.
- xmlWrite — Write a XML document in a file
- xmlXPath — Make a XPath query on a XML document
- HDF5 Management
- h5attr — Create an attribute
- h5close — Close a HDF5 object
- h5cp — Copy an object
- h5dataset — Create a dataset and write the data
- h5dump — Dump the content of an H5 object on the standard output stream
- h5exists — Test the existence of named object
- h5flush — Flush all the buffers associated with a file
- h5get — Get a named object
- h5group — Create a group
- h5isArray — Check if the HDF5 object is an array
- h5isAttr — Check if the HDF5 object is an attribute
- h5isCompound — Check if the HDF5 object is a compound object
- h5isFile — Check if the HDF5 object is a file
- h5isGroup — Check if the HDF5 object is a group
- h5isRef — Check if the HDF5 object is a reference object
- h5isSet — Check if the HDF5 object is a dataset
- h5isSpace — Check if the HDF5 object is a dataspace
- h5isType — Check if the HDF5 object is a type
- h5isVlen — Check if the HDF5 object is a variable length array
- h5label — Label a dataset
- h5ln — Link an object to another one
- h5ls — List the content of an HDF5 object (group or dataset)
- h5mount — Mount a file on a group
- h5mv — Move an object
- H5 Objects — Describe the properties of the different H5 objects
- h5open — Open an HDF5 file
- h5read — Read the data of HDF5 dataset
- h5readattr — Read the data of an HDF5 attribute
- h5rm — Remove elements from an HDF5 file
- h5umount — Unmount a previously mounted file.
- h5write — Create a dataset (if it does not exist) and write the data
- h5writeattr — Write an attribute in a group or a dataset
- Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída
- Directory
- Paths - Filenames
- get_absolute_file_path — fornece o nome de endereço absoluto de um arquivo aberto no Scilab
- getrelativefilename — dado um nome de diretório absoluto e um nome de arquivo relativo, retorna um nome de arquivo relativo.
- basename — strip directory and suffix from filenames
- dirname — gets directory from filenames
- fileext — returns extension for a file path
- fileparts — returns the path, filename and extension for a file path
- filesep — returns directory separator for current platform
- fullfile — builds a full filename from parts
- fullpath — creates an full path name for the specified relative path name.
- getdrives — gets the drive letters of all mounted filesystems on the computer
- getlongpathname — gets long path name
- getshortpathname — gets short path name
- is_absolute_path — checks if argument is an absolute path
- pathconvert — converts a path to an OS path format.
- pathsep — returns path separator for current platform
- splitURL — Split an URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
- tempname — creates a file with an unique filename
- fileinfo — Fornece informações sobre um arquivo
- getmd5 — retorna soma de verificação md5
- newest — retorna o arquivo mais novo de um conjunto de arquivos
- copyfile — copies a file
- deletefile — deletes a file
- dispfiles — displays opened files properties
- findfiles — finding all files with a given file specification
- fprintfMat — writes a matrix in a file
- fscanfMat — reads a matrix from a text file
- getURL — Download an URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
- %io — a variable, which keeps standard input and standard output (file descriptor)
- isfile — checks whether argument is an existing file
- listfiles — list of files
- listvarinfile — list of variables in a saved data file
- mclearerr — resets binary file access errors
- mclose — closes an opened file
- mdelete — deletes file(s)
- meof — checks if end of file has been reached
- merror — tests the file access errors indicator
- mfprintf — converts, formats, and writes data to a file
- msscanf — reads its input from the character string (interface to the C sscanf function)
- mgeti — reads byte or word in a given binary format and returns an int type
- mgetl — reads lines from an text file
- mgetstr — reads a character string from a file
- mopen — opens a file in Scilab
- movefile — moves file or directory
- mput — writes byte or word in a given binary format
- mputl — writes strings in a text file
- mputstr — writes a character string in a file
- mseek — sets current position in a binary file
- mtell — Returns the offset of the current byte relative to the beginning of a file
- save format — format of files produced by "save"
- scanf — converts formatted input on standard input
- scanf_conversion — mscanf, msscanf, mfscanf conversion specifications
- Funções de Entrada/Saída
- file — Gerenciamento de arquivos
- getenv — retorna o valor de uma variável de ambiente
- getio — retorno de unidades lógicas de entrada/saída do Scilab
- getpid — Retorna o identificador do processo Scilab
- host — execução de comandos do Unix ou DOS
- input — prompt para entrada do usuário
- load — carrega variável salva
- read — Leitura de matrizes
- read4b — leitura de arquivo FORTRAN binário
- readb — leitura de arquivo FORTRAN binário
- save — salvando variáveis em arquivos binários
- setenv — ajusta o valor de uma variável de ambiente
- unix — execução de comando shell (sh)
- unix_g — execução de um comando shell (sh), saída redirecionada a uma variável
- unix_s — execução do comando shell (sh), sem saída
- unix_w — execução de comando shell (sh), saída redirecionada à janela do Scilab
- unix_x — execução do comando shell (sh), saída redirecionada a uma janela
- writb — escrita binária de arquivo FORTRAN
- write — Escrita em arquivo formatado
- write4b — escrita binária de arquivo FORTRAN
- Biblioteca de Gráficos
- 2d_plot
- LineSpec — Customização rápida de linhas que aparecem em um esboço
- Matplot — esboço 2d de uma matriz utilizando-se cores
- Matplot1 — Esboço 2d de matrizes utilizando cores
- Matplot_properties — Descrição das propriedades da entidade Matplot
- Sfgrayplot — esboço 2d suave de uma superfÃcie definida por uma função utilizando cores
- Sgrayplot — esboço 2d suave de uma superfície utilizando cores
- champ — esboço de campo vetorial 2d
- champ1 — campo vetorial 2d com setas coloridas
- champ_properties — Descrição das propriedades da entidade campo vetorial 2d
- contour2d — curvas de nível de uma superfície em um esboço 2d
- contour2di — Computa curvas de nÃvel em um esboço 2d
- contourf — Curvas de nível preenchidas de uma superfície em um esboço 2d
- errbar — adiciona barras de erro veriticais a um esboço 2d
- fchamp — campo direcional de uma EDO 2d de primeira ordem
- fec — Esboço pseudo-colorido triangular de uma função definida por uma malha triangular
- fgrayplot — esboço 2d de uma superfície definida por uma função utilizando cores
- fplot2d — esboço 2d de uma curva definida por uma função
- grayplot — esboço 2d de uma superfície utilizando-se cores
- grayplot_properties — description of the grayplot entities properties
- graypolarplot — Esboço polar 2d de uma superfície utilizando-se cores
- histplot — esboça um histograma
- paramfplot2d — Esboço animado 2d, curva definida por uma função
- plot — Esboço 2d
- plot2d — esboço 2d
- plot2d2 — esboço 2d (funções de degraus)
- plot2d3 — esboço 2d (barras veticais)
- plot2d4 — esboço 2d (setas)
- polarplot — Esboço de coordenadas polares
- comet — 2D comet animated plot.
- contour2dm — compute level curves of a surface defined with a mesh
- fec properties — description of the fec entities properties
- scatter — 2D scatter plot
- 3d_plot
- contour — curvas de nível em uma superfície 3d
- eval3d — valores de uma função em um grid
- eval3dp — computa facetas 3d de uma superfície parametrizada
- fac3d — Esboço de uma superfície 3d (obsoleta)
- fcontour — curvas de nível sobre uma superfície 3d definida por uma função
- fplot3d — esboço 3d de uma superfície definida por uma função
- fplot3d1 — Esboço 3d em escala de cinza ou colorido de nível de uma superfície definida por uma função
- genfac3d — computa facetas de uma superfície 3d
- geom3d — projeção 3d para 2d após um esboço 3d
- hist3d — representação 3d de um histograma
- mesh — Esboço 3d de uma malha
- nf3d — Facetas retangulares para parâmetros da função plot3d
- param3d — esboço 3d de uma curva parametrizada
- param3d1 — esboço 3d de curvas parametrizadas
- param3d_properties — description of the 3D curves entities properties
- plot3d — esboço 3d de uma superfície
- plot3d1 — Esboço 3d em níveis de cinza ou de cores de uma superfície
- plot3d2 — Esboço de superfície definida por facetas retangulares
- plot3d3 — Esboço de malha de uma superfície definida por facetas retangulares
- secto3d — Conversão de superfícies 3d
- surf — Esboço de superfície 3d
- comet3d — 3D comet animated plot.
- scatter3 — 3D scatter plot
- surface properties — description of the 3D entities properties
- annotation
- captions — Impressão de legendas de gráficos
- label_properties — Descrição de propriedades da entidade Label (rótulo)
- legend — Imprime uma legenda para o gráfico
- legend_properties — Descrição das propriedades da entidade Legend (legenda)
- legends — Imprime uma legenda para o gráfico
- title — Exibe um título em uma janela gráfica
- xtitle — adidciona títulos a janelas de gráficos
- zlabel — sets the z-axis label
- axes_operations
- axes_properties — descrição das propriedades de entidades Axes (de eixos)
- gca — Retorna o manipulador da entidade Axes corrente
- gda — Retorna o manipulador dos eixos padrões.
- graduate — graduação de eixos
- isoview — ajusta escalas para esboço isométrico (não muda o tamanho da janela)
- newaxes — Cria uma nova entidade Axes (de eixos)
- plotframe — esboça uma moldura com escalas e grides. Esta função está obsoleta.
- replot — reformula a área de exibição de um ou mais gráficos
- rotate_axes — Rotação interativa de um manipulador Axes
- sca — Ajusta a entidade de eixos corrente
- sda — Ajusta eixos padrões
- square — ajusta escalas para esboço isométrico (muda o tamanho da janela)
- subplot — divide uma janela de gráficos em uma matriz de sub-janelas
- unzoom — Diminui a ampliação
- zoom_rect — Amplia uma seleção da figura gráfica corrente
- zoom_auto — Zoom automatically to the visible values of all axes of the figure
- axis
- axis_properties — Descrição das propriedades da entidade Axis (eixo)
- drawaxis — Desenha um eixo
- bar_histogram
- bar — Histograma de barras
- barh — Exibição horizontal de um histograma de barras
- barhomogenize — Homogeniza todas as barras inclusas nos eixos correntes
- Color management
- addcolor — adiciona cores novas ao mapa de cores corrente
- autumncolormap — Mapa de cores com tons do outono (vermelho, laranja, amarelo)
- bonecolormap — Mapa de cores cinza com um tom claro de azul
- color — Retorna o identificador de uma cor
- color_list — Lista dos nomes das cores
- colorbar — Desenha uma barra de cores
- colordef — Ajusta os valores de cor padrões para exibição de diferentes esquemas de cores
- colormap — mapa de cores
- coolcolormap — Mapa de cores de ciano a magenta
- coppercolormap — Mapa de cores de preto a um tom claro de cobre
- getcolor — abre um diálogo que exibe as cores no mapa de cores corrente
- graycolormap — mapa de cores linear cinza
- hotcolormap — mapa de cores de vermelho para amarelo
- hsv2rgb — Converte cores HSV para RGB
- hsvcolormap — Mapa de cores de matiz-saturação-valor (hue-saturation-value)
- jetcolormap — Mapa de cores de gradação do azul para o vermelho
- name2rgb — Retorna valores RGB correspondentes ao nome da cor
- oceancolormap — Mapa de cores linear azul
- pinkcolormap — Coloração de tons em sépia de imagens em preto e branco
- rainbowcolormap — Mapa de cores que varia como um de arco-íris
- rgb2name — Retorna o nome de uma cor
- springcolormap — Mapa de cores com tons da primavera (magenta, amarelo)
- summercolormap — Mapa de cores com tons do verão (verde, amarelo)
- whitecolormap — Mapa de cores completamente branco
- wintercolormap — Mapa de cores com tons do inverno (azul, verde)
- parulacolormap — blue to yellow colormap
- Datatips
- propriedades das datatips — Descição das propriedades para a entidade Datatip.
- datatipCreate — Create a datatip on a polyline by program
- datatipGetEntities — Get all the entities compatible with datatips in the given axes.
- datatipGetStruct — Retrieve the datatips data structure from the polyline entity. This function is obsolete.
- datatipManagerMode — Set or toggles the datatips mode.
- datatipMove — Move a specified datatip using the mouse.
- datatipRemove — Removes a selected datatip
- datatipRemoveAll — Removes all datatips on a set of polylines.
- datatipSetDisplay — Set the function used to compute the datatip string.
- datatipSetInterp — Set the interpolation mode for datatip.
- datatipSetOrientation — Set the position of the text box associated with the given tip.
- datatipSetStruct — Stores the datatips data structure in the polyline entity. Obsolete function.
- datatipSetStyle — Set the datatip style.
- datatipToggle — toggles the data tips mode.
- datatips — Tool for placing and editing tips along the plotted curves.
- orthProj — Computes the orthogonal projection of a point to a polyline in the plane.
- figure_operations
- clf — Limpa ou reajusta a (janela da) figura gráfica corrente para valores padrões
- drawlater — Torna galhos dos eixos invisÃveis.
- drawnow — Desenha entidades gráficas escondidas
- gcf — Retorna o manipulador da janela GUI ou de gráficos corrente.
- gdf — Retorna o manipulador da figura corrente
- scf — Ajusta a (janela) de figura gráfica corrente
- sdf — Ajusta figura padrão
- figure properties — description of the graphics figure entity properties
- geometric_shapes
- arc_properties — Descrição das propriedades da entidade Arc (arco)
- rectangle_properties — Descrição de propriedades da entidade Rectangle (retângulo)
- xarc — esboça parte de uma elipse
- xarcs — desenha partes de um conjunto de elipses
- xarrows — desenha um conjunto de setas
- xfarc — preenche parte de uma elipse
- xfarcs — preenche partes de um conjunto de elipses
- xfrect — preenche um retângulo
- xrect — desenha um retângulo
- xrects — desenha ou preenche um conjunto de retângulos
- handle
- copy — Copia uma entidade de gráficos
- delete — Deleta uma entidade gráfica e seus galhos
- gce — Retorna o manipulador da entidade corrente
- ged — Editor Gráfico do Scilab
- get_figure_handle — Retorna o manipulador de uma figura a partir de seu id
- glue — Cola um conjunto de entidades gráficas em um Compound ("composto")
- is_handle_valid — Verifica se um conjunto de manipuladores gráficos ainda é válido
- swap_handles — Permuta dois manipuladores em uma hierarquia gráfica
- unglue — Descola uma objeto Compound e o substitui por um galho individual
- interaction
- dragrect — Arrasta retângulos com o mouse
- edit_curv — editor interativo de curvas gráficas
- event handler functions — Protótipo de funções que podem se utilizadas como gerenciadoras de eventos
- locate — seleção pelo mouse de um conjunto de pontos
- rubberbox — Caixa tipo liga de borracha para seleção de um retângulo
- seteventhandler — Define um gerenciador de eventos para uma janela gráfica
- xclick — espera por um clique do mouse
- xgetmouse — retorna os eventos de mouse e posição corrente
- load_save
- pie
- pie — Desenha um gráfico de torta
- polygon
- property
- text
- graphics_fonts — Descrição de fontes utilizadas em figuras gráficas
- stringbox — Computa o retângulo de fronteira de um texto ou rótulo.
- titlepage — adiciona título no meio de uma janela de gráficos
- xinfo — Define o texto exibido na barra de status da atual janela.
- xlfont — carrega uma fonte em um contexto gráfico ou pergunta a fonte carregada
- xstring — imprime strings
- xstringb — escreve strings em uma caixa
- xstringl — computa uma caixa que cerca strings
- Math rendering in Scilab graphics — Display mathematical equations in Scilab graphics through the LaTeX or MathML languages.
- text properties — description of the Text entity properties
- transform
- window_control
- havewindow — Retorna o modo de janela do Scilab
- show_window — Restaura uma janela de gráficos
- winsid — retorna a lista de janelas de gráficos
- lighting
- light — creates a light object in the given axes
- light properties — Light overview
- lighting — Lighting overview
- GlobalProperty — Customização de aparência dos objetos (curvas, superfícies...) num comando plot ou surf.
- Graphics — Resumo da biblioteca de gráficos
- graphics_entities — Descrição das estruturas de dados de entidades gráficas
- menus — Descrição das capacidades do editor de objetos gráficos
- twinkle — Faz uma entidade gráfica piscar
- xchange — conversão de coordenadas reais para coordenadas pixeis
- xdel — deleta uma janela de gráficos
- xget — retorna valores correntes do contexto gráfico. Esta função está obsoleta.
- xgetech — retorna a escala de gráficos corrente
- xgraduate — Graduação de eixos
- xgrid — adiciona um grid em um esboço 2d
- xname — muda o nome da janela de gráficos corrente
- xnumb — Imprime números
- xsegs — desenha segmentos desconexos
- xset — ajusta valores para o contexto gráfico. Função obsoleta
- xsetech — ajusta a sub-janela de uma janela de gráficos para esboço
- Compound properties — description of the Compound entity properties
- pixel_drawing_mode — bitwise pixel rendering functions.
- Segments properties — description of the Segments entity properties
- 2d_plot
- Gráficos : exportando e imprimindo
- driver — seleciona um driver gráfico
- xend — termina uma sessão de gráficos
- xinit — inicialização de um driver de gráficos
- xs2bmp — envia gráficos para um arquivo em sintaxe BMP
- xs2emf — envia gráficos para um arquivo em sintaxe EMF (apenas para Windows)
- xs2eps — salva gráficos em um arquivo Postscript
- xs2gif — envia gráficos a um arquivo em sintaxe GIF
- xs2jpg — envia gráficos a um arquivo em sintaxe JPG
- xs2pdf — salva gráficos a um arquivo PDF
- xs2png — envia gráficos a um arquivo em sintaxe PNG
- xs2ppm — envia gráficos para um arquivo em sintaxe PPM
- xs2ps — envia gráficos a um arquivo em sintaxe PS
- xs2svg — Salva gráficos em um arquivo SVG
- Borders
- Soft bevel border properties — Description of the soft-bevel and bevel borders properties.
- Compound border properties — Description of the compound borders properties.
- createBorder — Create a border for a frame uicontrol.
- createBorderFont — Create a font for an uicontrol border.
- Empty border properties — Description of the empty borders properties.
- Etched border properties — Description of the etched borders properties.
- Line border properties — Description of the line borders properties.
- Matte border properties — Description of the matte borders properties.
- Titled border properties — Description of the titled borders properties.
- Layouts
- Border Constraints Properties — Description of the border constraints set of properties.
- Border Layout Options Properties — Description of the border layout options set of properties.
- createConstraints — Creates the layout constraints structure for a uicontrol.
- createLayoutOptions — Creates the layout options for a
uicontrol or a figure - Grid Constraints Properties — Description of the grid constraints set of properties.
- Grid Layout Options Properties — Description of the grid layout options set of properties.
- Gridbag Constraints Properties — Description of the gridbag constraints set of properties.
- Gridbag Layout Options Properties — Description of the gridbag layout options set of properties.
- Layout — Description of the different layouts and constraints for uicontrols and figures.
- uitree
- uiConcatTree — Concatenation of trees
- uiCreateNode — Creation of node (for Scilab uitree)
- uiCreateTree — Creation of an uitree
- uiDeleteNode — Deletion in an uitree
- uiDisplayTree — Printing an uitree in GUI mode
- uiDumpTree — Printing an uitree in the console (text mode)
- uiEqualsTree — Comparing two trees
- uiFindNode — Find node in an uitree
- uiGetChildrenNode — Get Children of a node
- uiGetNodePosition — Get the position(s) of a node
- uiGetParentNode — Get Parent of a node
- uiInsertNode — Insertion in a uitree
- Editor Interativo — Interactive plot editor
- about — show "about scilab" dialog box
- addmenu — interactive button or menu definition
- clipboard — Copy and paste strings to and from the system clipboard.
- close — close a figure or a window
- Console properties — Description of console object properties.
- createWindow — create a window
- delmenu — interactive button or menu deletion
- exportUI — Call the file export graphical interface
- figure — create a figure
- findobj — find an object with specified property
- gcbo — Handle of the object whose callback is executing.
- getcallbackobject — Return the handle of the object whose callback is executing.
- getinstalledlookandfeels — returns a string matrix with all Look and Feels.
- getlookandfeel — gets the current default look and feel.
- getvalue — xwindow dialog for data acquisition
- loadGui — Load a graphic user interface from a saved file
- messagebox — Open a message box.
- printfigure — Opens a printing dialog and prints a figure.
- printsetupbox — Display print dialog box.
- progressionbar — Draw a progression bar
- root_properties — description of the root object properties.
- saveGui — Save a graphic user interface in a file
- setlookandfeel — sets the current default look and feel.
- setmenu — interactive button or menu activation
- toolbar — show or hide a toolbar
- toprint — Send text or figure to the printer.
- tree_show — Display a tree view of a list
- uicontextmenu — Creates a context menu
- uicontrol — create a Graphic User Interface object
- uicontrol properties — Description of the uicontrol properties.
- uigetcolor — Opens a dialog for selecting a color.
- uigetdir — dialog for selecting a directory
- uigetfile — dialog window to get a file(s) name(s), path and filter index
- uigetfont — Opens a dialog for selecting a font.
- uimenu — Create a menu or a submenu in a figure
- uimenu properties — Description of uimenu properties.
- uiputfile — Open standard dialog box for selecting and saving file.
- unsetmenu — interactive button or menu or submenu de-activation
- usecanvas — Get/Set the main component used for Scilab graphics.
- waitbar — Draw a waitbar
- x_choices — interactive Xwindow choices through toggle buttons
- x_choose — interactive window choice (modal dialog)
- x_choose_modeless — interactive window choice (not modal dialog)
- x_dialog — Dialog for interactive multi-lines input.
- x_matrix — Xwindow editing of matrix
- x_mdialog — Dialog for interactive vector/matrix input.
- Borders
- Estruturas de Dados
- boolean — objetos Scilab: variáveis booleanas e operadores '&', '|' e '~'
- cell — cria um cell (célula) de matrizes vazias
- definedfields — retorna o índice dos campos definidos de uma lista
- getfield — extração de campos de listas
- hypermat — inicializa matrizes n-dimensionais
- hypermatrices — objeto do Scilab: matrizes n-dimensionais
- iscell — verifica se um array é um cell (célula)
- iscellstr — verifica se uma variável é um cell array de strings
- isstruct — checa se uma variável é um struct array (estrutura)
- list — objeto do Scilab e definição de lists ("listas")
- lstcat — concatenação de listas
- matrices — objeto do Scilab: matrizes
- mlist — objeto Scilab, definição de listas com tipos orientadas matricialmente
- null — deleta um elemento em uma lista
- rlist — definição de função racional do Scilab
- setfield — inserção de campos de listas
- struct — criando um struct (estrutura)
- tlist — objeto do Scilab e definição de listas com tipos ("typed lists")
- type — tipo de variável
- typename — associa um nome ao tipo de variável
- typeof — tipo do objeto
- fieldnames — get a tlist, mlist or struct fields names
- isfield — checks if the given fieldname exists in a structure or mlist or tlist
- makecell — Creates a cell array.
- Parâmetros
- add_param — Add a parameter to a list of parameters
- get_param — Get the value of a parameter in a parameter list
- init_param — Initialize the structure which will handles the parameters list
- is_param — Check if a parameter is present in a parameter list
- list_param — List all the parameters name in a list of parameters
- remove_param — Remove a parameter and its associated value from a list of parameters
- set_param — Set the value of a parameter in a parameter list
- Booleanos
- bool2s — converte uma matriz de valores booleanos para uma matriz de valores 0 ou 1
- Inteiros
- Cadeias de Caracteres (Strings)
- ascii — conversão ASCII de strings
- blanks — cria strings de caracteres em branco
- char — função char
- convstr — conversão maiúsculas-minúsculas, minúsculas-maiúsculas
- emptystr — string de comprimento zero
- eval — avaliação de uma matriz de strings
- evstr — avaliação de expressões
- grep — acha correspondências de um string em um vetor de strings
- isalphanum — verifica se os caracteres de um string são alfanuméricos
- isascii — verifica se um caractere é do tipo 7-bit US-ASCII
- isdigit — checa se os caracteres de um string são números entre 0 e 9
- isletter — verifica se os caracteres de um string são letras do alfabeto
- isnum — testa se um string representa um número
- justify — justifica um array de caracteres
- length — comprimento de um objeto
- part — extração de strings
- regexp — acha um string que corresponde ao string de expressão regular
- sci2exp — converte uma expressão para um string
- strcat — concatena strings
- strchr — acha a primeira ocorrência de um caractere em um string
- strcmp — compara strings
- strcmpi — compara strings (caso independente)
- strcspn — retorna extensão até um caractere em um string
- strindex — procura posição de um string em outro
- string — conversão para string (cadeia de caracteres)
- strings — objeto Scilab, strings (cadeias de caracteres)
- stripblanks — retira espaços em branco (e tabulações) no início ou no fim de strings
- strncpy — copia caracteres de strings
- strrchr — acha a última ocorrência de um caractere em um string
- strrev — retorna um string invertido
- strsplit — divide um string em um vetor de strings
- strspn — retorna a extensão do conjunto de caracteres no string
- strstr — localiza sub-strings
- strsubst — substitui um string por outro dentro de um string
- strtod — converte um string para um double
- strtok — divide um string em fichas (tokens)
- tokenpos — retorna as posições das fichas (token) em um string
- tokens — retorna as fichas (tokens) de um string
- asciimat — string matrix ASCII conversions
- Manipulação de Arquivos de Som
- analyze — frequency plot of a sound signal
- auread — load .au sound file
- auwrite — writes .au sound file
- beep — Produce a beep sound
- lin2mu — linear signal to mu-law encoding
- loadwave — load a sound wav file into scilab
- mapsound — Plots a sound map
- mu2lin — mu-law encoding to linear signal
- playsnd — sound player facility
- savewave — save data into a sound wav file.
- sound — sound player facility
- soundsec — generates a vector of samples for
seconds at frequencyfreq
Hz. - wavread — load .wav sound file
- wavwrite — writes .wav sound file
- Data e Hora
- date — retorna string contendo a data corrente
- etime — tempo decorrido
- getdate — retorna informação sobre data e hora
- tic — inicia um cronômetro
- toc — lê o cronômetro
- calendar — Calendar
- clock — Return current time as date vector
- datenum — Convert to serial date number
- datevec — Date components
- eomday — Return last day of month
- now — Return current date under the form of a Unix hour (timestamp)
- realtime — set dates origin or waits until date
- sleep — suspend all code executions (console, scripts, callbacks,..)
- timer — cpu time
- weekday — Return day of week
- Funções de Saída
- disp — exibição de variáveis
- print — imprime variáveis em um arquivo
- printf_conversion — Especificações de conversão de mprintf, msprintf, mfprintf
- printf — converts, formats, and writes data to the main scilab window (obsolete)
- sprintf — converts, formats, and writes data in a string (obsolete)
- prettyprint — From any Scilab datatype and provide a representation to the TeX, LaTeX or MathML formats
- Xcos
- Batch functions
- lincos — Constructs by linearization a linear state-space model from a general dynamical system described by a Xcos diagram
- scicos_simulate — Function for running xcos simulation in batch mode
- scicosim — xcos (batch) simulation function
- steadycos — Finds an equilibrium state of a general dynamical system described by a xcos diagram
- xcosValidateBlockSet — Function to validate Xcos Block interface function.
- xcosValidateCompareBlock — Function to compare two Xcos Blocks.
- xcos_simulate — Function for running xcos simulation in batch mode
- palettes
- Annotations palette
- Annotations_pal — Annotations palette
- TEXT_f — Free annotation
- Commonly used blocks palette
- Commonlyusedblocks_pal — Commonly used blocks palette
- LOGICAL_OP — Logical operation
- RELATIONALOP — Relational operation
- Continuous time systems palette
- Continuous_pal — Continuous time systems palette
- CLINDUMMY_f — Dummy
- CLR — Continuous transfer function
- CLSS — Continuous state-space system
- DERIV — Derivative
- INTEGRAL_f — Integration
- INTEGRAL_m — Integration
- PID — PID regulator
- TCLSS — Continuous linear system with jump
- TIME_DELAY — Time delay
- VARIABLE_DELAY — Variable delay
- Demonstrations blocks palette
- Discontinuities palette
- discontinuities_pal — discontinuities palette
- BACKLASH — Backlash
- DEADBAND — Deadband
- HYSTHERESIS — Hystheresis
- RATELIMITER — Rate limiter
- SATURATION — Saturation
- Discrete time systems palette
- Discrete_pal — Discrete time systems palette
- DELAYV_f — Variable delay
- DELAY_f — Discrete time delay
- DLR — Discrete transfer function
- DLRADAPT_f — Discrete Zero-Pole
- DLSS — Discrete state-space system
- DOLLAR_f — Delay operator
- REGISTER — Shift Register
- Electrical palette
- Electrical_pal — Electrical palette
- CCS — Controllable Modelica current source
- CVS — Controllable Modelica voltage source
- Capacitor — Electrical capacitor
- ConstantVoltage — Electrical DC voltage source
- CurrentSensor — Electrical current sensor
- Diode — Electrical diode
- Ground — Ground (zero potential reference)
- Gyrator — Modelica Gyrator
- IdealTransformer — Ideal Transformer
- Inductor — Electrical inductor
- NMOS — Simple NMOS Transistor
- NPN — NPN transistor
- OpAmp — Ideal opamp (norator-nullator pair)
- PMOS — Simple PMOS Transistor
- PNP — PNP transistor
- PotentialSensor — Potential sensor
- Resistor — Electrical resistor
- SineVoltage — Sine voltage source
- Switch — Non-ideal electrical switch
- VVsourceAC — Variable AC voltage source
- VariableResistor — Electrical variable resistor
- VoltageSensor — Electrical voltage sensor
- VsourceAC — Electrical AC voltage source
- Event handling palette
- Events_pal — Event handling palette
- ANDBLK — Activation and
- ANDLOG_f — Logical and
- CEVENTSCOPE — Activation scope
- CLKFROM — Receives data from a corresponding CLKGOTO
- CLKGOTO — Pass block input to CLKFROM block
- CLKGotoTagVisibility — Define Scope of CLKGOTO tag visibility
- CLKSOMV_f — Activation union
- ESELECT_f — Synchronous block Event-Select
- EVTDLY_c — Event delay
- EVTGEN_f — Event generator
- EVTVARDLY — Event variable delay
- Extract_Activation — Extract_Activation block
- HALT_f — Halt
- IFTHEL_f — Synchronous block If-Then-Else
- MCLOCK_f — MCLOCK_f title
- MFCLCK_f — MFCLCK_f title
- M_freq — Multiple Frequencies
- VirtualCLK0 — Triggered Always Active Blocks
- freq_div — Frequency division
- Implicit palette
- Implicit_pal — Implicit palette
- CONSTRAINT_c — Constraint
- DIFF_f — Derivative
- Integer palette
- Integer_pal — Integer palette
- BITCLEAR — Clear a Bit
- BITSET — Set a Bit
- CONVERT — Data Type Conversion
- DFLIPFLOP — D flip-flop
- DLATCH — D latch flip-flop
- EXTRACTBITS — Bits Extraction
- INTMUL — Integer matrix multiplication
- JKFLIPFLOP — JK flip-flop
- LOGIC — Combinatorial Logic
- SHIFT — Shift/Rotates Bits
- SRFLIPFLOP — SR flip-flop
- Lookup tables palette
- Lookuptables_pal — Lookup tables palette
- INTRP2BLK_f — 2D interpolation
- INTRPLBLK_f — Interpolation
- LOOKUP_f — Lookup table
- Math operations palette
- Mathoperations_pal — Math operations palette
- ABS_VALUE — Absolute value
- BIGSOM_f — Scalar or vector Addition/Soustraction
- COSBLK_f — Cosine
- EXPBLK_m — Exponential of a scalar
- GAINBLK_f — Gain
- INVBLK — Inverse
- LOGBLK_f — Logarithm
- MATMAGPHI — Complex from/to Magnitude and Angle Conversion
- MATZREIM — Complex decomposition/composition
- MAXMIN — Maximum or minimum value of vectors's elements
- MAX_f — Maximum value of a vector's elements
- MIN_f — Minimum value of a vector's elements
- POWBLK_f — Array power
- PRODUCT — Element-wise vector multiplication/division
- PROD_f — Element-wise product
- SIGNUM — Sign
- SINBLK_f — Sine
- SQRT — Square root
- SUMMATION — Matrix Addition/Subtraction
- SUM_f — Addition
- TANBLK_f — Tangent
- TrigFun — Trigonometric function
- Matrix operation palette
- Matrix_pal — Matrix operation palette
- CUMSUM — Cumulative Sum
- EXTRACT — Matrix extractor
- EXTTRI — Triangular or Diagonal Extraction
- MATBKSL — Left matrix division
- MATCATH — Horizontal Concatenation
- MATCATV — Vertical Concatenation
- MATDET — Matrix Determinant
- MATDIAG — Create Diagonal Matrix
- MATDIV — Matrix division
- MATEIG — Matrix Eigenvalues
- MATEXPM — Matrix Exponential
- MATINV — Matrix Inverse
- MATLU — LU Factorization
- MATMUL — Matrix Multiplication
- MATPINV — Matrix PseudoInverse
- MATRESH — Matrix Reshape
- MATSING — SVD Decomposition
- MATSUM — Sum of Matrix's Elements
- MATTRAN — Matrix Transpose
- MATZCONJ — Conjugate of Matrix's Elements
- RICC — Riccati Equation
- ROOTCOEF — Polynomial Coefficient Computation
- SUBMAT — Sub-matrix Extraction
- Port & Subsystem palette
- Signal processing palette
- Signalprocessing_pal — Signal processing palette
- QUANT_f — Quantization
- SAMPHOLD_m — Sample and hold
- Signal routing palette
- Signalrouting_pal — Signal routing palette
- DEMUX — Demultiplexer
- EXTRACTOR — Extractor
- FROM — FROM Receives data from a corresponding GOTO
- FROMMO — Receives data from a corresponding GOTOMO
- GOTO — GOTO Pass block input to From block
- GOTOMO — Pass block input to FROMMO block
- GotoTagVisibility — Define Scope of GOTO tag visibility
- GotoTagVisibilityMO — Define Scope of GOTOMO tag visibility
- ISELECT_m — Iselect
- MUX — Multiplexer
- M_SWITCH — Multi-port switch
- NRMSOM_f — Merge data
- RELAY_f — Relay
- SELECT_m — Select
- SELF_SWITCH — Switch
- SWITCH2_m — Switch2
- SWITCH_f — Switch
- Sinks palette
- Sinks_pal — Sinks palette
- AFFICH_m — Display
- BARXY — y=f(x) animated viewer
- CANIMXY — y=f(x) animated viewer
- CANIMXY3D — z=f(x,y) animated viewer
- CFSCOPE — Floating point scope
- CMAT3D — Matrix z values 3D viewer
- CMATVIEW — Matrix Colormapped viewer
- CMSCOPE — Multi display scope
- CSCOPE — Single Display Scope
- CSCOPXY — y=f(x) permanent viewer
- CSCOPXY3D — z=f(x,y) permanent viewer
- ENDBLK — END block
- END_c — END_c block
- TOWS_c — Data to Scilab workspace
- TRASH_f — Trash block
- WRITEAU_f — Write AU sound file
- WRITEC_f — Write to C binary file
- Sources palette
- Sources_pal — Sources palette
- CLOCK_c — Activation clock
- CONST_m — Constant
- CURV_f — Curve
- Counter — Counter
- FROMWSB — Data from Scilab workspace to Xcos
- GENSIN_f — Sine wave generator
- GENSQR_f — Square wave generator
- Modulo_Count — Modulo counter (0 to N counter)
- PULSE_SC — Pulse Generator
- RAMP — Ramp
- RAND_m — Random generator
- READAU_f — Read AU sound file
- READC_f — Read binary data
- RFILE_f — Read from input file
- SAWTOOTH_f — Sawtooth generator
- STEP_FUNCTION — Step Function
- SampleCLK — Sample Time Clock
- Sigbuilder — Signal creator/generator
- TIME_f — Time
- TKSCALE — Adjust value with a graphical widget.
- Thermohydraulics palette
- ThermoHydraulics_pal — Thermal-Hydraulics toolbox
- Bache — Thermal-hydraulic tank (reservoir)
- Flowmeter — Thermal-hydraulic Flow sensor
- PerteDP — Thermal-hydraulic pipe
- PuitsP — Thermal-hydraulic drain (well)
- SourceP — Thermal-hydraulic constant pressure source
- VanneReglante — Thermal-hydraulic control valve
- User defined functions palette
- Userdefinedfunctions_pal — User defined functions palette
- CBLOCK — New C
- DSUPER — Masked super block
- EXPRESSION — Mathematical expression
- MBLOCK — Modelica generic block
- SUPER_f — Super block
- c_block — C language
- fortran_block — Fortran
- generic_block3 — Generic block
- scifunc_block_m — Scilab function block
- Zero crossing detection palette
- Zerocrossingdetection_pal — Zero crossing detection palette
- GENERAL_f — GENERAL_f title
- NEGTOPOS_f — Threshold negative to positive
- POSTONEG_f — Threshold positive to negative
- ZCROSS_f — Threshold detection at zero
- Annotations palette
- Programming xcos Blocks
- C Computational Functions
- Scilab Computational Functions
- sci_struct — Scicos block structure of a scilab computational function
- Utilities Functions
- curblock — Return the current called xcos block during the simulation
- getblocklabel — Get the label of a scicos block
- getscicosvars — Supervisor utility function
- phase_simulation — Get the current simulation phase
- pointer_xproperty — Get the type of a continuous time state variable
- scicos_time — Returns the current time during simulation
- set_blockerror — set the block error number
- set_xproperty — Set the type of a continuous time state variable
- Scilab/Xcos Data Structures
- scicos_block — Define a block structure
- scicos_cpr — Compiled Scicos structure
- scicos_diagram — Define a scs_m structure
- scicos_graphics — Define an Xcos block graphics structure
- scicos_link — Define a link structure
- scicos_model — Define a model structure
- scicos_params — Define a param structure
- scicos_sim — Define a sim structure
- scicos_state — Define a state structure
- Scilab Utilities Functions
- %MODELICA_USER_LIBS — Specify the paths of the directories containing the Modelica class definition files
- block_parameter_error — Displays a parameter input error box for a Xcos block
- buildouttb — Build of the sublist %cpr.state.outtb
- getModelicaPath — Get the Modelica directory path needed by Xcos diagram containing Modelica blocks
- importXcosDiagram — Import a Xcos diagram on Scilab
- loadScicos — Load the Xcos simulation native library.
- loadXcosLibs — Load most of the Xcos macros
- scicos_debug — Set the level of the Scicos debugging
- scicos_getvalue — xwindow dialog for Xcos
- scicos_log — Logger utility for scicos
- standard_inputs — Get the position of the input ports of a block in Xcos editor.
- standard_origin — Get the position of a block in the Xcos editor.
- standard_outputs — Get the position of the output ports of a block in Xcos editor.
- var2vec — Transform a scilab variable into a vector of double
- vec2var — Transform a vector of double into a scilab variable
- xcosAddToolsMenu — Add a menu item into the Xcos "Tools" menu.
- xcosPal — Instantiate a new Xcos palette on Scilab.
- xcosPalAdd — Add a palette to the Scilab/Xcos palette manager. Optional property can be added to set the category of the palette.
- xcosPalAddBlock — Add a block to a Scilab/Xcos palette instance. Some optional properties can be added to customize the palette icon and the style of the block.
- xcosPalDelete — Remove an Xcos palette.
- xcosPalExport — Export a palette instance to a path.
- xcosPalGenerateAllIcons — Update the palette icons (gif files) from a Scilab instance
- xcosPalMove — Move a palette from a category to another one.
- xcosUpdateBlock — Update a block instance
- Solvers
- LSodar — LSodar (short for Livermore Solver for Ordinary Differential equations, with Automatic method switching for stiff and nonstiff problems, and with Root-finding) is a numerical solver providing an efficient and stable method to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Initial Value Problems.
- CVode — CVode (short for C-language Variable-coefficients ODE solver) is a numerical solver providing an efficient and stable method to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Initial Value Problems. It uses either BDF or Adams as implicit integration method, and Newton or Functional iterations.
- Runge-Kutta 4(5) — Runge-Kutta is a numerical solver providing an efficient explicit method to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Initial Value Problems.
- Dormand-Prince 4(5) — Dormand-Prince is a numerical solver providing an efficient explicit method to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Initial Value Problems.
- Implicit Runge-Kutta 4(5) — Implicit Runge-Kutta is a numerical solver providing an efficient and stable implicit method to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Initial Value Problems. Called by xcos.
- Crank-Nicolson 2(3) — Crank-Nicolson is a numerical solver based on the Runge-Kutta scheme providing an efficient and stable implicit method to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Initial Value Problems. Called by xcos.
- IDA — IDA (short for Implicit Differential Algebraic equations system solver) is a numerical solver providing an efficient and stable method to solve Differential Algebraic Equations system (DAEs) Initial Value Problems.
- DDaskr — DDaskr (short for Double-precision Differential Algebraic equations system Solver with Krylov method and Rootfinding) is a numerical solver providing an efficient and stable method to solve Differential Algebraic Equations systems (DAEs) Initial Value Problems.
- Rootfinding — This feature finds roots of continuous functions for Zero-crossing Blocks.
- Comparisons — This page compares solvers to determine which one is best fitted for the studied problem.
- xcos — Block diagram editor and GUI for the hybrid simulator
- xcos_debug_gui — Interactive debugging function to be used in the Debug Xcos block
- Menu_Entries — Xcos editor menu entries
- Batch functions
- Planilhas
- readxls — lê um arquivo Excel
- xls_open — abre um arquivo Excel para leitura
- xls_read — lê uma folha em um arquivo Excel
- csvDefault — Get or set defaults behavior for csv files.
- csvRead — Read comma-separated value file
- csvTextScan — Convert a comma-separated value to a matrix
- csvWrite — Write comma-separated value file
- read_csv — reads comma-separated value file. Outclassed by csvRead
- write_csv — writes comma-separated value fileOutclassed by csvWrite
- Console
- clc — Clear Command Window
- completion — returns words that start with the text you pass as parameter.
- console cli — Keyboard Shortcuts in NW/NWNI mode
- diary — diary of session
- lines — rows and columns used for display
- prompt — Get/Set current prompt
- tohome — Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the Command Window
- Gerenciador de histórico
- addhistory — add lines to current history.
- browsehistory — Open the Scilab history browser
- displayhistory — displays current scilab history
- gethistory — returns current scilab history in a string matrix
- gethistoryfile — get filename used for scilab's history
- historymanager — enable or disable history manager
- historysize — get number of lines in history
- loadhistory — load a history file
- removelinehistory — remove the Nth line in history.
- resethistory — Deletes all entries in the Scilab history.
- saveafterncommands — Save the history file after n statements are added to the file.
- saveconsecutivecommands — Save consecutive duplicate commands.
- savehistory — save the current history in a file
- sethistoryfile — set filename for scilab history
- Entrada/Saída de Arquivos Matlab Binários
- loadmatfile — loads a Matlab V6 MAT-file (binary or ASCII) into Scilab
- matfile_close — Closes a Matlab binary MAT-file.
- matfile_listvar — Lists variables of a Matlab binary MAT-file.
- matfile_open — Opens a Matlab binary MAT-file.
- matfile_varreadnext — Reads next variable in a Matlab binary MAT-file.
- matfile_varwrite — Write a variable in a Matlab binary MAT-file.
- savematfile — write a Matlab MAT-file (binary or ASCII)
- Dicas de Conversão de Matlab para Scilab
- Matlab-Scilab equivalents
- A
- abs (Matlab function) — Absolute value and complex magnitude
- acos (Matlab function) — Inverse cosine
- acosh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cosine
- acot (Matlab function) — Inverse cotangent
- acoth (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cotangent
- acsc (Matlab function) — Inverse cosecant
- acsch (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cosecant
- all (Matlab function) — Test to determine if all elements are nonzero
- angle (Matlab function) — Phase angle
- any (Matlab function) — Test to determine if any nonzeros elements
- asec (Matlab function) — Inverse secant
- asech (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic secant
- asin (Matlab function) — Inverse sine
- asinh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic sine
- atan (Matlab function) — Two-quadrant inverse tangent
- atan2 (Matlab function) — Four-quadrant inverse tangent
- atanh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic tangent
- B
- balance (Matlab function) — Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy
- bar (Matlab function) — Bar histogram
- barh (Matlab function) — Bar histogram horizontal
- beep (Matlab function) — Produce a beep sound
- besseli (Matlab function) — Modified Bessel functions of the first kind
- besselj (Matlab function) — Bessel functions of the first kind
- besselk (Matlab function) — Modified Bessel functions of the second kind
- bessely (Matlab function) — Bessel functions of the second kind
- beta (Matlab function) — Beta function
- bin2dec (Matlab function) — Returns the integer corresponding to a Given binary representation
- bitand (Matlab function) — The AND of two integers
- bitcmp (Matlab function) — The binary complementary of an integer
- bitget (Matlab function) — Gets the bit of an integer whose the position is given in the input argument
- bitor (Matlab function) — The OR of two integers
- bitxor (Matlab function) — Returns the exclusive OR of two integers
- blanks (Matlab function) — A string of blanks
- blkdiag (Matlab function) — Construct block diagonal matrix from input arguments
- box (Matlab function) — Display axes border
- break (Matlab function) — Terminate execution of a for loop or while loop
- C
- case (Matlab function) — Case switch
- cat (Matlab function) — Arrays concatenation
- cd (Matlab function) — Change/get working directory
- ceil (Matlab function) — Round up
- cell (Matlab function) — Create cell array
- cell2mat (Matlab function) — Convert a cell array into a matrix
- cellstr (Matlab function) — Convert strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell of strings
- chol (Matlab function) — Cholesky factorization
- cla (Matlab function) — Clear current axes
- clc (Matlab function) — Clear Command Window
- clear (Matlab function) — Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory
- clf (Matlab function) — Clear current figure window
- clock (Matlab function) — Current time as a date vector
- close (Matlab function) — Delete specified figure
- closereq (Matlab function) — Default figure close request function
- colordef (Matlab function) — Set default property values to display different color schemes
- complex (Matlab function) — Returns the complex form corresponding to the given real part and imaginary part
- conj (Matlab function) — Complex conjugate
- continue (Matlab function) — Keyword to pass control to the next iteration of a loop
- conv (Matlab function) — 1-D Convolution
- conv2 (Matlab function) — 2-D Convolution
- cos (Matlab function) — Cosine
- cosh (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic cosine
- cot (Matlab function) — Cotangent
- coth (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic cotangent
- cputime (Matlab function) — Elapsed CPU time
- csc (Matlab function) — Cosecant
- csch (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic cosecant
- cumprod (Matlab function) — Cumulative product
- cumsum (Matlab function) — Cumulative sum
- D
- date (Matlab function) — Current date string
- dec2bin (Matlab function) — The binary representation of a decimal number
- dec2hex (Matlab function) — Decimal to hexadecimal number conversion
- delete (Matlab function) — Delete files or graphics objects
- det (Matlab function) — Determinant
- diag (Matlab function) — Diagonal including or extracting
- diary (Matlab function) — Save session to a file
- diff (Matlab function) — Differences and approximate derivatives
- dir (Matlab function) — Display directory listing
- disp (Matlab function) — Display text or array
- display (Matlab function) — Overloaded method to display an object
- doc (Matlab function) — Display online documentation
- docopt (Matlab function) — Web browser for UNIX platforms
- dos (Matlab function) — Execute a UNIX command and return result
- double (Matlab function) — Conversion to double precision
- drawnow (Matlab function) — Complete pending drawing events
- E
- echo (Matlab function) — Echo lines during execution
- eig (Matlab function) — Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- else (Matlab function) — Conditionally execute statements
- elseif (Matlab function) — Conditionally execute statements
- erf (Matlab function) — Error function
- erfc (Matlab function) — Complementary error function
- erfcx (Matlab function) — Scaled complementary error function
- error (Matlab function) — Display error messages
- etime (Matlab function) — Elapsed time
- eval (Matlab function) — Execute a string containing an instruction/expression
- exist (Matlab function) — Check if a variable or file exists
- exit (Matlab function) — Ends current session
- exp (Matlab function) — Exponential
- expm (Matlab function) — Matrix exponential
- eye (Matlab function) — Identity matrix
- F
- factor (Matlab function) — Prime numbers decomposition
- false (Matlab function) — False array
- fclose (Matlab function) — Close one or more open files
- feof (Matlab function) — Test for end-of-file
- ferror (Matlab function) — Query about errors in file input or output
- feval (Matlab function) — Function evaluation
- fft (Matlab function) — Discrete Fourier transform
- fftshift (Matlab function) — Shift zero-frequency component of discrete Fourier transform to center of spectrum
- fgetl (Matlab function) — Read line(s) from file, discard newline character
- fgets (Matlab function) — Read line from file, keep newline character
- fileparts (Matlab function) — Return filename parts
- filesep (Matlab function) — Return the directory separator for this platform
- find (Matlab function) — Find indices and values of nonzero elements
- findstr (Matlab function) — Find one string within another
- fix (Matlab function) — Round towards zero
- fliplr (Matlab function) — Flip matrix in left/right direction
- flipud (Matlab function) — Flip matrix in up/down direction
- floor (Matlab function) — Round down
- fopen (Matlab function) — Open a file or obtain information about open files
- for (Matlab function) — Repeat statements a specific number of times
- format (Matlab function) — Control display format for output
- fprintf (Matlab function) — Write formatted data to file
- fread (Matlab function) — Read binary data to a file
- frewind (Matlab function) — Move the file position indicator to the beginning of an open file
- fscanf (Matlab function) — Read formatted data to file
- fseek (Matlab function) — Set file position indicator
- ftell (Matlab function) — Get file position indicator
- full (Matlab function) — Convert sparse matrix to full matrix
- fullfile (Matlab function) — Build a full filename from parts
- function (Matlab function) — Function definition
- fwrite (Matlab function) — Write binary data to a file
- G
- gamma (Matlab function) — Gamma function
- gammaln (Matlab function) — Logarithm of gamma function
- getenv (Matlab function) — Get environment variable
- global (Matlab function) — Define a global variable
- graymon (Matlab function) — Set graphics defaults for gray-scale monitors
- grid (Matlab function) — Grid lines for two- and three-dimensional plots
- H
- hankel (Matlab function) — Hankel matrix
- help (Matlab function) — Display help
- helpbrowser (Matlab function) — Display Help browser for access to full online documentation
- helpdesk (Matlab function) — Display Help browser
- helpwin (Matlab function) — Provide access to and display help for all functions
- hess (Matlab function) — Hessenberg form of a matrix
- hold (Matlab function) — Hold current graph
- home (Matlab function) — Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the Command Window
- horzcat (Matlab function) — Horizontal concatenation
- I
- if (Matlab function) — Conditionally execute statements
- ifft (Matlab function) — Inverse discrete Fourier transform
- ifftshift (Matlab function) — Inverse FFT function
- imag (Matlab function) — Complex imaginary part
- input (Matlab function) — Request user input
- int16 (Matlab function) — Convert to 16-bit signed integer
- int32 (Matlab function) — Convert to 32-bit signed integer
- int8 (Matlab function) — Convert to 8-bit signed integer
- interp1 (Matlab function) — One_dimension interpolation function
- inv (Matlab function) — Matrix inverse
- isa (Matlab function) — Detect an object of a given type
- iscell (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a cell array
- ischar (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a character array
- isdir (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a directory
- isempty (Matlab function) — True for empty matrix
- isequal (Matlab function) — Determine if arrays are numerically equal
- isfield (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a structure array field
- isfinite (Matlab function) — True for finite elements
- isglobal (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a global variable
- ishandle (Matlab function) — Determines if values are valid graphics object handles
- ishold (Matlab function) — Return hold state
- isinf (Matlab function) — True for infinite elements
- isinteger (Matlab function) — Detect whether an array has integer data type
- isletter (Matlab function) — True for letters of the alphabet
- islogical (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a logical array
- ismember (Matlab function) — Data sets membership comparison
- isnan (Matlab function) — Detect NaN elements of an array
- isnumeric (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a numeric array
- ispc (Matlab function) — Determine if PC (Windows) version
- isreal (Matlab function) — Determine if all array elements are real numbers
- isscalar (Matlab function) — Determine if input is scalar
- isspace (Matlab function) — Detect elements that are ASCII white spaces
- issparse (Matlab function) — Test if matrix is sparse
- isstr (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a character array
- isstruct (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a structure array
- isunix (Matlab function) — Determine if Unix version
- isvector (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a vector
- K
- keyboard (Matlab function) — Invoke the keyboard in a file
- kron (Matlab function) — Kronecker tensor product
- L
- length (Matlab function) — Length of vector
- linspace (Matlab function) — Linearly spaced vector
- load (Matlab function) — Load workspace variables from disk
- log (Matlab function) — Natural logarithm
- log10 (Matlab function) — Common (base 10) logarithm
- log2 (Matlab function) — Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating point number
- logical (Matlab function) — Convert numeric values to logical
- lookfor (Matlab function) — Search for specified keyword in all help entries
- lower (Matlab function) — Convert string to lower case
- lu (Matlab function) — LU matrix factorization
- M
- max (Matlab function) — Maximum
- min (Matlab function) — Minimum
- mkdir (Matlab function) — Make new folder
- mod (Matlab function) — Modulus after division
- more (Matlab function) — Display Command Window output one screenful at a time
- N
- nargin (Matlab function) — Number of function input arguments
- nargout (Matlab function) — Number of function output arguments
- ndims (Matlab function) — Number of array dimensions
- norm (Matlab function) — Vector and matrix norms
- nthroot (Matlab function) — Real nth root of real numbers
- null (Matlab function) — Null space of a matrix
- num2str (Matlab function) — Number to string conversion
- O
- ones (Matlab function) — Create an array of all ones
- otherwise (Matlab function) — Default part of switch/select statement
- pause (Matlab function) — Halt execution temporarily
- Operators
- + (Matlab operator) — Plus
- & (Matlab operator) — Logical AND
- : (Matlab operator) — Colon
- .\ (Matlab operator) — Elementwise left division
- .* (Matlab operator) — Elementwise multiplication
- .^ (Matlab operator) — Elementwise exponent
- ./ (Matlab operator) — Elementwise right division
- .' (Matlab operator) — Elementwise transpose
- == (Matlab operator) — Equal to
- > (Matlab operator) — Greater than
- >= (Matlab operator) — Greater or equal to
- \ (Matlab operator) — Left division
- < (Matlab operator) — Smaller than
- <= (Matlab operator) — Smaller or equal to
- * (Matlab operator) — Multiplication
- ~ (Matlab operator) — Negation
- ~= (Matlab operator) — Not equal to
- | (Matlab operator) — Logical OR
- ^ (Matlab operator) — Exponent
- / (Matlab operator) — Right division
- - (Matlab operator) — Minus
- ' (Matlab operator) — Transpose
- P
- perms (Matlab function) — Array of all permutations of vector components
- permute (Matlab function) — Permute the dimensions of an array
- pie (Matlab function) — circular graphic
- plot (Matlab function) — Linear 2-D plot
- pow2 (Matlab function) — Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers
- primes (Matlab function) — Returns the primes numbers included between 1 and given number
- prod (Matlab function) — Product of array elements
- Q
- qr (Matlab function) — Orthogonal-triangular decomposition
- quit (Matlab function) — Terminate session
- R
- rand (Matlab function) — Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays
- randn (Matlab function) — Normally distributed random numbers and arrays
- randperm (Matlab function) — Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays
- rcond (Matlab function) — Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate
- real (Matlab function) — Real part of a complex number
- realmax (Matlab function) — Largest positive floating-point number
- realmin (Matlab function) — Smallest positive floating-point number
- rem (Matlab function) — Remainder after division
- repmat (Matlab function) — Replicate and tile an array
- reshape (Matlab function) — Reshape array
- return (Matlab function) — Return to the invoking function
- round (Matlab function) — Round to nearest integer
- S
- save (Matlab function) — Save workspace variables from disk
- schur (Matlab function) — Schur decomposition
- setstr (Matlab function) — Set string flag
- sign (Matlab function) — Signum function
- sin (Matlab function) — Sine
- sinh (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic sine
- size (Matlab function) — Array dimension
- sort (Matlab function) — Sort elements in ascending order
- sparse (Matlab function) — Create sparse matrix
- sqrt (Matlab function) — Square root
- strcmp (Matlab function) — Compare strings
- strcmpi (Matlab function) — Compare strings ignoring case
- strfind (Matlab function) — Find one string within another
- strrep (Matlab function) — String search and replace
- struct (Matlab function) — Create struct array
- sum (Matlab function) — Sum of array elements
- surf (Matlab function) — 3-D surface plot
- svd (Matlab function) — Singular value decomposition
- switch (Matlab function) — Switch among several cases based on expression
- T
- tan (Matlab function) — Tangent
- tanh (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic tangent
- tic (Matlab function) — Starts a stopwatch timer
- title (Matlab function) — Display a title on a graphic window
- toc (Matlab function) — Read the stopwatch timer
- toeplitz (Matlab function) — Toeplitz matrix
- tril (Matlab function) — Lower triangular part of a matrix
- triu (Matlab function) — Upper triangular part of a matrix
- true (Matlab function) — True array
- type (Matlab function) — List file
- U
- uigetdir (Matlab function) — Standard dialog box for selecting a directory
- uint16 (Matlab function) — Convert to 16-bit unsigned integer
- uint32 (Matlab function) — Convert to 32-bit unsigned integer
- uint8 (Matlab function) — Convert to 8-bit unsigned integer
- unix (Matlab function) — Execute a UNIX command and return result
- upper (Matlab function) — Convert string to upper case
- V
- varargin (Matlab function) — Pass variable numbers of arguments
- varargout (Matlab function) — Return variable numbers of arguments
- vertcat (Matlab function) — Vertical concatenation
- Variables
- ans (Matlab variable) — The most recent answer
- end (Matlab variable) — Last index
- eps (Matlab variable) — Floating-point relative accuracy
- i (Matlab variable) — Imaginary unit
- j (Matlab variable) — Imaginary unit
- pi (Matlab variable) — Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
- W
- waitforbuttonpress (Matlab function) — Wait for key or mouse button press
- warning (Matlab function) — Display warning messages
- while (Matlab function) — Repeat statements an indefinite number of times
- who (Matlab function) — List variables in the workspace
- whos (Matlab function) — List variables in the workspace
- winqueryreg (Matlab function) — Get item from Microsoft Windows registry
- X
- xlabel (Matlab function) — Display a string along the x axis
- Y
- ylabel (Matlab function) — Display a string along the y axis
- Z
- zeros (Matlab function) — Create an array of all zeros
- zlabel (Matlab function) — Display a string along the z axis
- A
- About M2SCI tools — Generally speaking about tools to convert Matlab files to Scilab
- Contents — Create a tree containing contents inference data
- Cste — Create a tree representing a constant
- Equal — Create a tree representing an instruction
- Funcall — Create a tree representing a function call
- Infer — Create a tree containing inference data
- Matlab-Scilab_character_strings — Generally speaking about...
- Operation — Create a tree representing an operation
- Type — Create a tree containing type inference data
- Variable — Create a tree representing a variable
- get_contents_infer — Search for information in a "M2SCi tlist" contents
- m2scideclare — Giving tips to help M2SCI...
- matfile2sci — converts a Matlab 5 MAT-file into a Scilab binary file
- mfile2sci — Matlab M-file to Scilab conversion function
- sci_files — How to write conversion functions
- translatepaths — convert a set of Matlab M-files directories to Scilab
- Matlab-Scilab equivalents
- Funções de Compatibilidade
- mtlb_mode — alterna para modo de operações do Matlab
- firstnonsingleton — Finds first dimension which is not 1
- mstr2sci — character string matrix to character matrix conversion
- mtlb_0 — Matlab non-conjugate transposition emulation function
- mtlb_a — Matlab addition emulation function
- mtlb_all — Matlab all emulation function
- mtlb_any — Matlab any emulation function
- mtlb_axis — Matlab axis emulation function
- mtlb_beta — Matlab beta emulation function
- mtlb_box — Matlab box emulation function
- mtlb_close — Matlab close emulation function
- mtlb_colordef — Matlab colordef emulation function
- mtlb_cumprod — Matlab cumprod emulation function
- mtlb_cumsum — Matlab cumsum emulation function
- mtlb_dec2hex — Matlab dec2hex emulation function
- mtlb_delete — Matlab delete emulation function
- mtlb_diag — Matlab diag emulation function
- mtlb_diff — Matlab diff emulation function
- mtlb_dir — Matlab dir emulation function
- mtlb_double — Matlab double emulation function
- mtlb_e — Matlab extraction emulation function
- mtlb_echo — Matlab echo emulation function
- mtlb_eval — Matlab eval emulation function
- mtlb_exist — Matlab exist emulation function
- mtlb_eye — Matlab eye emulation function
- mtlb_false — Matlab false emulation function
- mtlb_fft — Matlab fft emulation function
- mtlb_fftshift — Matlab fftshift emulation function
- mtlb_find — Matlab find emulation function
- mtlb_findstr — Matlab findstr emulation function
- mtlb_fliplr — Matlab fliplr emulation function
- mtlb_fopen — Matlab fopen emulation function
- mtlb_format — Matlab format emulation function
- mtlb_fprintf — Matlab fprintf emulation function
- mtlb_fread — Matlab fread emulation function
- mtlb_fscanf — Matlab fscanf emulation function
- mtlb_full — Matlab full emulation function
- mtlb_fwrite — Matlab fwrite emulation function
- mtlb_grid — Matlab grid emulation function
- mtlb_hold — Matlab hold emulation function
- mtlb_i — Matlab insertion emulation function
- mtlb_ifft — Matlab ifft emulation function
- mtlb_imp — Matlab colon emulation function
- mtlb_int16 — Matlab int16 emulation function
- mtlb_int32 — Matlab int32 emulation function
- mtlb_int8 — Matlab int8 emulation function
- mtlb_is — Matlab string insertion emulation function
- mtlb_isa — Matlab isa emulation function
- mtlb_isfield — Matlab isfield emulation function
- mtlb_isletter — Matlab isletter emulation function
- mtlb_isspace — Matlab isspace emulation function
- mtlb_l — Matlab left division emulation function
- mtlb_legendre — Matlab legendre emulation function
- mtlb_linspace — Matlab linspace emulation function
- mtlb_logic — Matlab logical operators emulation function
- mtlb_logical — Matlab logical emulation function
- mtlb_lower — Matlab lower emulation function
- mtlb_max — Matlab max emulation function
- mtlb_min — Matlab min emulation function
- mtlb_more — Matlab more emulation function
- mtlb_num2str — Matlab num2str emulation function
- mtlb_ones — Matlab ones emulation function
- mtlb_plot — Matlab plot emulation function
- mtlb_prod — Matlab prod emulation function
- mtlb_rand — Matlab rand emulation function
- mtlb_randn — Matlab randn emulation function
- mtlb_rcond — Matlab rcond emulation function
- mtlb_realmax — Matlab realmax emulation function
- mtlb_realmin — Matlab realmin emulation function
- mtlb_s — Matlab subtraction emulation function
- mtlb_setstr — Matlab setstr emulation function
- mtlb_size — Matlab size emulation function
- mtlb_sort — Matlab sort emulation function
- mtlb_strcmp — Matlab strcmp emulation function
- mtlb_strcmpi — Matlab strcmpi emulation function
- mtlb_strfind — Matlab strfind emulation function
- mtlb_strrep — Matlab strrep emulation function
- mtlb_sum — Matlab sum emulation function
- mtlb_t — Matlab transposition emulation function
- mtlb_toeplitz — Matlab toeplitz emulation function
- mtlb_tril — Matlab tril emulation function
- mtlb_triu — Matlab triu emulation function
- mtlb_true — Matlab true emulation function
- mtlb_uint16 — Matlab uint16 emulation function
- mtlb_uint32 — Matlab uint32 emulation function
- mtlb_uint8 — Matlab uint8 emulation function
- mtlb_upper — Matlab upper emulation function
- mtlb_var — Matlab var emulation function
- mtlb_zeros — Matlab zeros emulation function
- Funções
- Built-in & external
- Libraries
- genlib — constrói biblioteca a partir de funções em um diretório
- get_function_path — retorna o endereço do arquivo fonte de uma função de biblioteca
- lib — definição de biblioteca
- librarieslist — retorna as bibliotecas do Scilab
- library — descrição de tipo de dado bibilioteca
- libraryinfo — retorna macros e endereço de uma biblioteca Scilab
- whereis — ome da biblioteca contendo a função
- argn — número de argumentos na chamada de uma função
- deff — definição on-line de função
- edit — edição de funções
- exec — execução de arquivo script ("script" significa roteiro)
- execstr — executa código Scilab em strings
- funcprot — alterna o modo de proteção de funções Scilab
- endfunction — encerra definição de função
- functions — procedimentos Scilab e objetos Scilab
- getd — retorna todas as funções definidas em um diretório
- head_comments — exibe comentários do cabeçalho da função Scilab
- macr2tree — conversão de função para árvore
- macro — Procedimento Scilab e objeto Scilab
- macrovar — variáveis de uma função
- overloading — capacidades de overloading ("sobrecarga") de exibições, funções e operadores
- tree2code — gera a definição ASCII de uma função Scilab
- varargin — variável do número de argumentos de saída em uma lista de argumentos de entrada
- varargout — variável do número de argumentos de saída em uma lista de argumentos de saída
- Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento
- Assert
- Assert Overview — An overview of the Assert module.
- assert_checkalmostequal — Check that computed and expected are numerically close.
- assert_checkequal — Check that computed and expected are equal.
- assert_checkerror — Check that an instruction produces the expected error.
- assert_checkfalse — Check that condition is false.
- assert_checkfilesequal — Check that two files are equal.
- assert_checktrue — Check that condition is true.
- assert_comparecomplex — Compare complex numbers with a tolerance.
- assert_computedigits — Returns the number of significant digits in computed result.
- assert_cond2reltol — Suggests a relative error, computed from the condition number.
- assert_cond2reqdigits — Suggests the number of required digits, given the condition number.
- assert_generror — Generates an error.
- bench_run — Launches benchmark tests
- user — interface para rotinas FORTRAN ou C
- example_run — Launch the examples found in help pages.
- test_run — Launches unit tests and non-regression test in a module or directory. The test run checks first that test scripts does not generate an error, then that the test diary (
files) is the same as the reference diary (dia.ref
- Assert
- Ferramentas de Demonstração
- add_demo — adiciona uma entrada na lista de demonstrações
- demo_begin — begin a demonstration
- demo_choose — create a dialog box for the choice of options
- demo_compiler — test the presence of a compiler
- demo_end — completes a demonstration
- demo_file_choice — choose and executes an item within a list
- demo_function_choice — choose and execute an item within a list
- demo_run — script file execution
- Link Dinâmico/incremental
- call — chamada a rotinas de usuário FORTRAN ou C
- G_make — call make or nmake
- addinter — new functions interface dynamic link at run time.
- c_link — check if symbol loaded with dynamic link
- chooselcccompiler — moved as toolbox in ATOMS
- configure_ifort — set environments variables for Intel Fortran Compiler (Windows).
- configure_msvc — set environments variables for Microsoft C Compiler.
- dllinfo — provides information about the format and symbols provided in executable and DLL files (Windows).
- findmsifortcompiler — detects Intel fortran Compiler
- findmsvccompiler — detects Microsoft C Compiler
- fort — Fortran or C user routines call
- getdynlibext — get the extension of dynamic libraries on your operating system.
- haveacompiler — detect if you have a C compiler.
- ilib_build — utility for shared library management
- ilib_build_jar — Build Java packages from sources into a JAR file
- ilib_compile — ilib_build utility: executes the Makefile produced by ilib_gen_Make
- ilib_for_link — utility for shared library management with link
- ilib_gen_Make — utility for ilib_build: produces a Makefile for building shared libraries
- ilib_gen_cleaner — utility for ilib_build: generates a cleaner file
- ilib_gen_gateway — utility for ilib_build, generates a gateway file.
- ilib_gen_loader — utility for ilib_build: generates a loader file
- ilib_include_flag — Return a formated includes related string to pass to system compiler
- ilib_mex_build — utility for mex library management
- ilib_verbose — set level of display used by dynamic link functions.
- link — dynamic linker
- Supported and compatible compilers — supported and compatible compilers by Scilab
- ulink — unlink/unload a dynamically linked shared object
- Getting started — A short introduction to install and load ATOMS modules in Scilab.
- Functions Summary —
- atomsAutoload — Load the modules marked as "autoload"
- atomsAutoloadAdd — Add one or several modules to autoload
- atomsAutoloadDel — Remove one or several modules from the autoload system
- atomsAutoloadList — Get the list of modules registered to autoload
- atomsCategoryList — List available categories
- atomsCheckModule — Check the given list of ATOMS modules
- atomsDepTreeShow — Show the dependency tree of a module
- atomsGetConfig — Get ATOMS system parameters
- atomsGetInstalled — Get the list of installed external modules
- atomsGetInstalledPath — Get the install path of installed external modules
- atomsGetLoaded — Get the list of loaded external modules
- atomsGetLoadedPath — Returns the path of the installation directory of loaded external modules.
- atomsInstall — Install one or several external modules
- atomsIsInstalled — Determines whether the module is installed. Returns true if the module is installed, false otherwise.
- atomsIsLoaded — determines whether a module is loaded or not
- atomsList — List available external modules
- atomsLoad — Load one or several external modules
- atomsQuit — Unload (call .quit file of) external modules previously loaded by ATOMS
- atomsRemove — Remove one or several modules
- atomsRepositoryAdd — Add one or several URLs to the list of managed repositories
- atomsRepositoryDel — Remove one or several URLs from the list of managed repositories
- atomsRepositoryList — Get the list of managed repositories
- atomsRestoreConfig — Restore the configuration from the backup file
- atomsSaveConfig — Make a backup of the configuration file
- atomsSearch — Searches for external modules.
- atomsSetConfig — Manage ATOMS system parameters
- atomsShow — Show the characteristics of a module
- atomsSystemInit — Sets the rightful write access for the ATOMS system
- atomsSystemUpdate — Update the list of available modules
- atomsTest — Execute tests of given module installed
- atomsUpdate — Update one or several external modules
- atomsVersion — Show the ATOMS's version of Scilab
- Interfaces com Tcl/Tk
- ScilabEval — tcl instruction : Evaluate a string with scilab interpreter
- TCL_CreateSlave — Create a TCL slave interpreter
- TCL_DeleteInterp — delete TCL interpreter
- TCL_EvalFile — Reads and evaluate a tcl/tk file
- TCL_EvalStr — Evaluate a string within the Tcl/Tk interpreter
- TCL_ExistArray — Return %T if a tcl array exists
- TCL_ExistInterp — Return %T if a tcl slave interperter exists
- TCL_ExistVar — Return %T if a tcl variable exists
- TCL_GetVar — Get a tcl/tk variable value
- TCL_GetVersion — get the version of the TCL/TK library at runtime.
- TCL_SetVar — Set a tcl/tk variable value
- TCL_UnsetVar — Remove a tcl variable
- TCL_UpVar — Make a link from a tcl source variable to a tcl destination variable
- winlist — Return the winId of current window created by sciGUI
- Scilab editor (Scinotes)
- edit_error — opens in scilab editor the source of the last recorded error
- editor — Call the text editor as defined in the preferences
- scinotes — Scinotes: Embedded Scilab text editor
- UI Data
- browsevar — Scilab variable browser
- closeEditvar — Close the variable editor
- editvar — Scilab variable editor
- filebrowser — Open the Scilab file browser
- News feed — Displays news about Scilab
- Gerenciamento de ajuda online
- add_help_chapter — adiciona uma entrada na lista de ajudas
- apropos — procura por palavras-chave na ajuda do Scilab
- foo — descrição breve de foo
- help — comando de ajuda on-line
- help_from_sci — Geração de arquivos de ajuda e de arquivos de demonstração a partir da seção de comentários de cabeçalho de um arquivo-fonte .sci
- help_skeleton — constrói o esqueleto do arquivo de ajuda xml associado à função Scilab
- manedit — editando item do manual
- %helps — variável definindo o endereço dos diretórios de ajuda
- xmltohtml — converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato HTML
- xmltojar — converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato javaHelp
- xmltopdf — converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato PDF
- xmltops — converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato Postscript
- del_help_chapter — Delete an entry in the help list
- Link toolbox help with Scilab one — How to make hyperlink in toolbox help pointing to Scilab's items
- Scilab documentation format — on line help XML file description format
- Parallel
- parallel_concurrency — query about the concurrency of the current execution context
- parallel_run — parallel calls to a function
- Modules manager
- tbx_build_blocks — Compile blocks (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_cleaner — Generate a cleaner.sce script (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_gateway — Build a gateway (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_gateway_clean — Generate a cleaner_gateway.sce script (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_gateway_loader — Generate a loader_gateway.sce script (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_help — Generate help files (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_help_loader — Generate an addchapter.sce script (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_loader — Generate loader.sce and unloader scripts (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_localization — Build localization "mo" file from "po" files (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_macros — Compile macros (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_pal_loader — Generate a loader_pal.sce script for loading Xcos palette module(toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_build_src — Build sources (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_builder_gateway — Run builder_gateway.sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_builder_gateway_lang — Run builder_gateway_(language).sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_builder_help — Run builder_help.sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_builder_help_lang — Run build_help.sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_builder_macros — Run buildmacros.sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_builder_src — Run builder_src.sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_builder_src_lang — Run builder_(language).sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation process)
- tbx_generate_pofile — Extract localized strings from toolbox sources (toolbox compilation process)
- Localização
- addlocalizationdomain — add a new domain in localization mechanism.
- dgettext — get text translated into the current locale and a specific domain
- getdefaultlanguage — returns the default language used by Scilab
- getlanguage — returns the current language used by Scilab.
- _ — Similar to gettext
- setdefaultlanguage — Permanently changes the language of Scilab's user interface.
- setlanguage — Changes the language of Scilab's user interface
- API Scilab
- legacy
- boolean
- isBooleanType — Check if it is a boolean variable.
- getScalarBoolean — Read scalar boolean data from a gateway argument.
- createScalarBoolean — Create scalar boolean variable in Scilab memory.
- boolean example — Boolean use case.
- Boolean Sparse
- isBooleanSparseType — Check if it is a boolean sparse variable.
- getAllocatedBooleanSparseMatrix — Get sparse matrix attributes.
- freeAllocatedBooleanSparse — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedBooleanSparseMatrix function.
- boolean sparse example — Boolean sparse use case.
- How to
- Calling a scilab function (macros) from a C gateway — Calling a scilab function (macros) from a C interface
- CheckLhs (deprecated) — C macro which checks the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function. This function is obsolete.
- CheckRhs (deprecated) — C macro which checks the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function. This function is obsolete.
- Lhs (deprecated) — A C gateway function which provides the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function This function is obsolete.
- LhsVar (deprecated) — a C gateway function which specifies which parameters created inside the C gateway will be returned as an output argument into Scilab. This function is obsolete.
- Rhs (deprecated) — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function This function is obsolete.
- Scierror — C gateway function which displays an error message to the user (same profile as the printf function) and returns an integer value specifying an error level
- sci_types — a C enumeration which defines the types available for a variable
- sciprint — A C gateway function which displays standard messages to the user (same profile as the C printf function)
- How to
- double
- isDoubleType — Check if it is a double variable.
- getScalarDouble — Get scalar double variable.
- getScalarComplexDouble — Get scalar complex double variable.
- createScalarDouble — Create a scalar double in Scilab memory.
- createScalarComplexDouble — Create a scalar complex double in Scilab memory.
- double example — Double use case.
- handle
- isHandleType — Check if it is a handle variable.
- getScalarHandle — Read scalar handle data from a gateway argument.
- createScalarHandle — Create scalar handle variable in Scilab memory.
- handle example — Handle use case.
- hypermat
- isHypermatType — Check if it is a hypermatrix variable.
- getHypermatOfDouble — Get a hypermatrix of double variable.
- getHypermatOfInt — Get a hypermatrix of integer variable.
- integer
- isIntegerType — Check if it is a double variable.
- getScalarInteger8 — Get scalar integer variable.
- createScalarInteger8 — Create scalar integer variable.
- integer example — Integer use case.
- List manipulation
- isListType, isTListType, isMListType — Check if it is a list, mlist, tlist variable.
- Boolean reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of boolean in a list.
- Boolean writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of boolean in a list.
- Boolean sparse reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read boolean sparse in a list.
- Boolean sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add boolean sparse matrix in a list.
- Create List (Scilab gateway) — How to get create a list in Scilab memory.
- Double reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of double in a list.
- Double writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of double in a list.
- Get child item (Scilab gateway) — How to get the address of a list child.
- Item Number (Scilab gateway) — How to get the number of items in a list (list, mlist, tlist).
- Integer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of integer in a list.
- Integer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of integer in a list.
- Pointer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read pointer in a list.
- Pointer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add pointer in a list.
- Polynomial reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of polynomial in a list.
- Polynomial writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of polynomial in a list.
- Sparse reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read sparse in a list.
- Sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add sparse matrix in a list.
- String reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of string in a list.
- String writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of string in a list.
- Low level functions
- AssignOutputVariable — a C gateway function which specifies which parameters created inside the C gateway will be returned as an output argument into Scilab.
- CallOverloadFunction — a C gateway function uses to call overload function or macro
- CheckInputArgument — C function which checks the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function.
- CheckOutputArgument — C function which checks the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function.
- ReturnArguments — A C gateway function which returns the various variables.
- UpdateStack — A C gateway function which update stack information with your modifications.
- Boolean reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of boolean.
- Boolean writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of boolean.
- Boolean sparse reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read boolean sparse in a gateway.
- Boolean sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add boolean sparse matrix in a gateway.
- Check variable dimensions (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway functions which check dimensions of a variable.
- Variable Reference (Scilab gateway) — How to get the address of an argument or a variable in a gateway.
- Variable dimension (Scilab gateway) — How to get the dimensions of an argument or a variable stored as matrix.
- Variable Type (Scilab gateway) — How to get the type of an argument or a variable within a gateway.
- Variable Complexity (Scilab gateway) — How to get the argument or variable complexity.
- Matrix Type (Scilab gateway) — How to know if an argument or a variable is stored as a matrix.
- deleteNamedVariable — a C gateway function uses to delete a variable from name
- Double reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of double in a gateway.
- Double writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of doubles in a gateway.
- getNbInputArgument (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function
- getNbOutputArgument (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway function which provides the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function
- Handle reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of handle.
- Handle writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of handle.
- Integer Precision (Scilab gateway) — How to get precision of an integer matrix.
- Integer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of integer in a gateway.
- Integer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of integers in a gateway.
- nbInputArgument (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function
- Pointer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read pointer in a gateway.
- Pointer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write pointer in a gateway.
- Polynomial Symbolic Variable (Scilab gateway) — How to get the symbolic variable name.
- Polynomial reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of polynomials in a gateway.
- Polynomial writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of polynomials in a gateway.
- Sparse matrix reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read sparse matrices in a gateway.
- Sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write sparse matrix in a gateway.
- String reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of strings in a gateway.
- String writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of string in a gateway.
- optionals
- polynomial
- isPolyType — Check if it is a polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedSinglePoly — Get single polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedSinglePoly — Get single complex polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedMatrixOfPoly — Get matrix of polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedMatrixOfComplexPoly — Get matrix of complex polynomial variable.
- freeAllocatedSinglePoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- freeAllocatedSingleComplexPoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSingleComplexPoly function.
- freeAllocatedSinglePoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- freeAllocatedSinglePoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- polynomial example — Polynom use case.
- sparse
- isSparseType — Check if it is a sparse variable.
- getAllocatedSparseMatrix — Get sparse matrix variable.
- getAllocatedComplexSparseMatrix — Get complex sparse matrix variable.
- freeAllocatedSparseMatrix — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSparseMatrix function.
- freeAllocatedComplexSparseMatrix — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedComplexSparseMatrix function.
- sparse example — Sparse use case.
- string
- isStringType — Check if it is a string variable.
- getAllocatedSingleString — Get single string variable.
- getAllocatedMatrixOfString — Get matrix of string variable.
- createSingleString — create a single string variable.
- freeAllocatedSingleString — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- freeAllocatedMatrixOfString — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedMatrixOfString function.
- string example — String use case.
- api_scilab — api_scilab is the Scilab interface to read/write data from/to Scilab memory
- boolean
- API Scilab — api_scilab is the Scilab 6 interface to access Scilab variables.
- Getting started with API_Scilab — How to load a C, C++ or fortran code in the Scilab engine as a new function
- API common functions —
- API double functions —
- API string functions —
- API boolean functions —
- API integer functions —
- API list-type functions —
- API polynomial functions —
- API pointer functions —
- API cell functions —
- API struct functions —
- API handle functions —
- API optional functions —
- scilabOpt — It is a list of optional arguments given in the call.
- legacy
- call_scilab API
- Boolean management — How to manage Scilab's boolean read and write process using call_scilab and api_scilab
- Complex management — How to manage Scilab's complex variable read and write process using call_scilab
- DisableInteractiveMode — Disables some features (plotting, gui creation, Tcl/Tk...) and leaves only the computing engine
- Double management — How to manage Scilab's variable read and write process using call_scilab and api_scilab
- GetLastJob — Returns the latest job sent to Scilab engine
- ScilabHaveAGraph — Check if any Scilab graphics have been opened.
- SendScilabJob — Send a Scilab task from a C/C++ code (call_scilab)
- SendScilabJobs — Send Scilab tasks from a C/C++ code (call_scilab)
- StartScilab — Initializes and starts Scilab engine in Call Scilab
- String management — How to manage Scilab's String read and write process using call_scilab and api_scilab
- TerminateScilab — Stops and terminates Scilab engine in Call Scilab
- call_scilab — call_scilab is an interface which provides the ability to call Scilab engine from C/C++ code
- Compile and run with Call Scilab — How to compile a native application based on or using Scilab
- fromc — Checks if current Scilab is called from an external C program (by StartScilab).
- fromjava — Checks if current Scilab is called from javasci
- javaclasspath — set and get dynamic Java class path
- javalibrarypath — set and get dynamic java.library.path
- jre_path — returns Java Runtime Environment used by Scilab
- system_getproperty — gets the system property indicated by a specified key.
- system_setproperty — set a system property indicated by a specified key and value.
- Java from Scilab
- Getting started - Beginning — How to use the Java Scilab binding?
- Getting started - Second step — How to use the Java Scilab binding?
- jallowClassReloading — Allow the class reloading
- jarray — Create a Java array
- jautoTranspose — Set the way to convert matrices
- jautoUnwrap — Unwrap automatically returned values
- jcast — Cast a Java object into another one.
- jcompile — Compile Java code or file
- jconvMatrixMethod — Set the way to convert matrices This function is obsolete.
- jcreatejar — Creates a Java ARchive (JAR) from a set of files / directories
- jdeff — Map a static Java method onto a Scilab macro
- jdisableTrace — Stop the trace process.
- jenableTrace — Allow to trace the internal functionality of JIMS to help the debugging.
- jexists — Test if a Scilab Java Object is valid on the Java side
- jgetclassname — Return the class name of the given object
- jgetfield — Get the field value of a Java object
- jgetfields — Get all the fields of a Java object
- jgetinfo — Returns information about the Java virtual machine
- jgetmethods — Get all the methods of a Java object
- jimport — Import a Java class
- jinvoke — Invoke a method of a Java object
- jinvoke_db — Invoke a method of a Java object in using Java direct buffers
- jnewInstance — Creates a new instance of a Java class
- jnull — The Scilab version of the Java null object.
- jremove — Remove a Java Object on the Java side
- jsetfield — Set the field of a Java object
- junwrap — Convert a Java object into a Scilab native type
- junwraprem — Convert a Java object into a Scilab native type and remove it from the Java side
- jvoid — For no argument functions
- jwrap — Wrap a Scilab variable into a Java one if possible
- jwrapinchar — Wrap Scilab uint16 matrix into Java char multiarray.
- jwrapinfloat — Wrap Scilab double matrix into Java float multiarray.
- new — Creates a new instance of a Java class
- Interface Java
- Compile and run with javasci v2 — How to compile a Java application using Javasci v2
- javasci — Call Scilab engine from a Java application
- javasci FAQ — The frequently asked questions for Javasci v2
- javasci v1 limitations — Why javasci v1 is now deprecated ?
- javasci - Step by step — How to write an application based on javasci v2
- Preferences
- getPreferencesValue — Get preferences value
- preferences — Open the Scilab Preferences window
- SciNotes preferences — SciNotes general preferences
- setPreferencesValue — Set preferences value
- Lint tool (SLint)
- Checker for bracketed expressions —
- Checker to count break or coninue in loops —
- Checker for comment ratio —
- Checker for format of decimal numbers —
- Checker for deprecated functions —
- Checker for empty block —
- Checker for == as assignment —
- Checker for function's arguments —
- Checker for order in function arguments —
- Checker for function name —
- Checker error on function return —
- Checker for global keyword —
- Checker for illegal calls —
- Checker for implicitit list —
- Checker for line length —
- Checker for lines count —
- Checker for load/save functions —
- Checker for McCabe complexity —
- Checker for mopen/mclose functions —
- Checker for NaN in comparisons —
- Checker to count the nested blocks —
- Checker for 'not equal' operator —
- Checker for double negation —
- Checker for old not operator —
- Checker for printf function —
- Checker for redefinition —
- Checker to count return in a function —
- Checker for select —
- Checker for semicolon at end of line —
- Checker for single instruction —
- Checker for spaces in arguments separated with commas —
- Checker to count the statements in a condition (if or while condition) —
- Checker for struct —
- Checker for todo in comments —
- Checker for unreachable code —
- Checker for function's arguments —
- Checker for useless operations —
- Checker for variable name —
- Checker for variables use —
- slint — Call the lint tool
- Ferramentas Windows
- consolebox — show or hide the OS window running Scilab (MS Windows)
- createGUID — Creates a GUID (Windows only)
- dos — shell (cmd) command execution (Windows only)
- findfileassociation — Searches for and retrieves a file association-related string from the registry (Windows only)
- getsystemmetrics — Retrieves the specified system metric or system configuration setting (Windows only)
- istssession — Determines if scilab is launched from a ms terminal service session (Windows only)
- mcisendstring — sends a command string to an MCI device (Windows only)
- powershell — shell (powershell) command execution (Windows only)
- win64 — Determine whether Windows x64 version of Scilab (Windows only)
- winopen — Open file in appropriate application (Windows only)
- winqueryreg — Get item from Microsoft Windows registry (Windows only)
O tema do meu projeto é projectar um transportador de minério de ferro por correia.
As minhas pesquisas levaram-me a identificar o método CEMA (Conveyor Equipment Manufacture Association) que usa o método computacional para calcular as tensões da correia em vários trechos.
Embora tenha já instalado o Scilab 5.5.1, continuo a ter dificulades em aceder a base de dados que permita usar as diferentes variantes do meu projeto de investigação.
De momento estou a usar o scilab como calculadora, através de uma programação simples, o que me deixa confortável, pos considero esta via de cálculo como simples calculadora uma via demasiado básica.
Gostaria de uma ajuda ai da equipa do Scilab para que eu possa continuar a executar o meu projecto com o recurso a base de dados do Scilab.
Obrigado pela atenção
Considero pouco confortável e nada cientifico usar o Scilab como simples calculadora de formulas para projetar um transportador de minério de ferro por correia. Ou seja, tem de haver uma metodologia para aceder a base dados do Scilab, de modo a minimizar os parametros de entrada para calcular as tensoes da correia e a potencia do motor.
Belmiro Costa
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