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Ajuda do Scilab >> Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento > Assert > assert_checkfalse


Check that condition is false.


flag = assert_checkfalse ( condition )
flag = assert_checkfalse ( condition )
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfalse ( condition )



a matrix of booleans

flag :

a 1-by-1 matrix of boolean, %t if condition is false, %f if not

errmsg :

a 1-by-1 matrix of strings, the error message. If flag==%t, then errormsg=="". If flag==%f, then errmsg contains the error message.


Performs silently if all entries in condition are false.

Generates an error if any entry in condition is true. Generates an error if condition is not a boolean.

If any entry in condition is true,

  • if the errmsg output variable is not used, an error is generated,

  • if the errmsg output variable is used, no error is generated.


// Tests which pass
assert_checkfalse ( %f );
flag = assert_checkfalse ( %f )
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfalse ( %f )
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfalse ( [%f %f] );

// Tests which fail
assert_checkfalse ( [%t %f] );
flag = assert_checkfalse ( [%t %f] )
// No error generated
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfalse ( [%t %f] )

// Wrong calls
assert_checkfalse ( "a" )


5.4.0 Function introduced
Scilab Enterprises
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:34:59 CEST 2016