Scilab 6.0.0
- Ajuda do Scilab
- Xcos
- Scilab Utilities Functions
- block_parameter_error
- buildouttb
- getModelicaPath
- importXcosDiagram
- loadScicos
- loadXcosLibs
- scicos_debug
- scicos_getvalue
- scicos_log
- standard_inputs
- standard_origin
- standard_outputs
- var2vec
- vec2var
- xcosAddToolsMenu
- xcosPal
- xcosPalAdd
- xcosPalAddBlock
- xcosPalDelete
- xcosPalExport
- xcosPalGenerateAllIcons
- xcosPalMove
- xcosUpdateBlock
Ajuda do Scilab >> Xcos > Scilab Utilities Functions > buildouttb
Build of the sublist %cpr.state.outtb
Build an initialized outtb list.
outtb : a list of size n.
lnksz : That parameter gives the size of Scilab object in outtb.
This matrix of integer or real numbers can have a n,2 or 2,n size.
lnktyp : That parameters gives the type of Scilab object in outtb :
1 : double
2 : complex
3 : int32
4 : int16
5 : int8
6 : uint32
7 : uint16
8 : uint8
else : double
This matrix of integer or real numbers can have a n,1 or 1,n size.
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