Scilab 6.0.0
- Ajuda do Scilab
- API Scilab
- legacy
- Low level functions
- AssignOutputVariable
- CallOverloadFunction
- CheckInputArgument
- CheckOutputArgument
- ReturnArguments
- UpdateStack
- Boolean reading (Scilab gateway)
- Boolean writing (Scilab gateway)
- Boolean sparse reading (Scilab gateway)
- Boolean sparse writing (Scilab gateway)
- Check variable dimensions (Scilab gateway)
- Variable Reference (Scilab gateway)
- Variable dimension (Scilab gateway)
- Variable Type (Scilab gateway)
- Variable Complexity (Scilab gateway)
- Matrix Type (Scilab gateway)
- deleteNamedVariable
- Double reading (Scilab gateway)
- Double writing (Scilab gateway)
- getNbInputArgument (Scilab gateway)
- getNbOutputArgument (Scilab gateway)
- Handle reading (Scilab gateway)
- Handle writing (Scilab gateway)
- Integer Precision (Scilab gateway)
- Integer reading (Scilab gateway)
- Integer writing (Scilab gateway)
- nbInputArgument (Scilab gateway)
- Pointer reading (Scilab gateway)
- Pointer writing (Scilab gateway)
- Polynomial Symbolic Variable (Scilab gateway)
- Polynomial reading (Scilab gateway)
- Polynomial writing (Scilab gateway)
- Sparse matrix reading (Scilab gateway)
- Sparse writing (Scilab gateway)
- String reading (Scilab gateway)
- String writing (Scilab gateway)
Ajuda do Scilab >> API Scilab > legacy > Low level functions > deleteNamedVariable
a C gateway function uses to delete a variable from name
int deleteNamedVariable(void* _pvCtx, const char* _pstName)
- _pvCtx
Scilab environment pointer, pass in "pvApiCtx" provided by api_scilab.h.
- _pstName
Name of the variable.
a C gateway function uses to delete a variable from name
Scilab test script
fileData = ['#include ""api_scilab.h""' '#include ""MALLOC.h""' '' 'int sci_deleteNamedVariable(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx)' '{' ' SciErr sciErr;' ' int iRet = 0;' ' int* piAddr = NULL;' ' char* pstVarName = NULL;' '' ' CheckRhs(1,1);' ' CheckLhs(1,1);' '' ' sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr);' ' if(sciErr.iErr)' ' {' ' printError(&sciErr, 0);' ' return 1;' ' }' '' ' if(getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &pstVarName))' ' {' ' //error' ' return 1;' ' }' '' ' if(isNamedVarExist(pvApiCtx, pstVarName))' ' {' ' iRet = deleteNamedVariable(pvApiCtx, pstVarName);' ' }' '' ' createScalarBoolean(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, iRet);' ' AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = Rhs + 1;' ' return 0;' '}']; currentPath = pwd(); mkdir(TMPDIR + "/deleteNamedVariable"); cd(TMPDIR + "/deleteNamedVariable"); mputl(fileData, "deleteNamedVariable.c"); ilib_verbose(0); files = ['deleteNamedVariable.c']; ilib_build('libdeleteNamedVariable', ['deleteNamedVariable', 'sci_deleteNamedVariable'], files, []); exec loader.sce; function test() assert_checkequal(exists("a"), 1); assert_checkequal(a, 1); a = 2; assert_checkequal(a, 2); assert_checktrue(deleteNamedVariable("a")); assert_checkequal(exists("a"), 1); assert_checkequal(a, 1); endfunction a = 1; test(); assert_checkequal(a, 1); deleteNamedVariable("a"); assert_checkequal(exists("a"), 0);
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