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Ajuda do Scilab >> Ferramentas Windows > dos


shell (cmd) command execution (Windows only)




Sends a string command-name to Windows for execution by the cmd shell. Standard output and standard errors of the shell command are written in the calling shell. bOK returns if command has been executed.

[output,bOK] = dos(command-name,'-echo') forces the output to the Command Window, even though it is also being assigned into a variable.

exitcode value returned by the external process.

To open the notepad editor and return control immediately to Scilab dos('start notepad')


[s,w] = dos('dir');
[s,w] = dos('dir','-echo');
dos('start notepad')
dos('taskkill /IM notepad.exe') // Caution, this command will kill all launched notepad's process
[s, w] = dos('foo')
[s, w, code] = dos('dir')
[s, w, code] = dos('foo')

See Also

  • unix — execução de comando shell (sh)
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:35:00 CEST 2016