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Ajuda do Scilab >> Estatística > Central Tendency > harmean


harmonic mean


hm=harmean(x,'r')(or, equivalently, hm=harmean(x,1))
hm=harmean(x,'c')(or, equivalently, hm=harmean(x,2))



real or complex vector or matrix


This function computes the harmonic mean of a vector or matrix x. For a vector or matrix x, hm=harmean(x) returns in scalar hm the harmonic mean of all the entries of x.

hm=harmean(x,'r') (or, equivalently, hm=harmean(x,1) ) returns in each entry of the row vector hm the harmonic mean of each column of x.

hm=harmean(x,'c') (or, equivalently, hm=harmean(x,2) ) returns in each entry of the column vector hm the harmonic mean of each row of x.


harmean(1:10) // Returns 10/sum(1 ./(1:10)) ~ %pi


Wonacott, T.H. & Wonacott, R.J.; Introductory Statistics, fifth edition, J.Wiley & Sons, 1990.

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:34:43 CEST 2016