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Ajuda do Scilab >> Dicas de Conversão de Matlab para Scilab > Matlab-Scilab equivalents > R > rand (Matlab function)

rand (Matlab function)

Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays

Matlab/Scilab equivalent

Matlab Scilab

Particular cases


If A is a scalar, then Matlab returns a A*A random matrix but in Scilab you get a single random value, use rand(A,A) to get the same matrix B. Finally, if A is a matrix, in Scilab, B will be a matrix having the same size as A whereas in Matlab, you get an error message.

Note that in Matlab, A can contain complex values (in these cases, only real part of A is taken in account), what Scilab function do not tolerate.

Particular case: To get the state of the uniform generator, in Matlab you have to use s=rand('state') to get 35 current values of the generator, but Scilab equivalent s=rand("seed") return only one value.

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:34:59 CEST 2016