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Ajuda do Scilab >> Funções de Compatibilidade > mtlb_full


Matlab full emulation function


Matlab and Scilab full behave differently in some particular cases:

  • With character strings input: Matlab full can be used with character string input while Scilab function cannot.

  • With boolean input: Matlab full can be used with boolean input while Scilab function cannot.

The function mtlb_full(A) is used by mfile2sci to replace full(A) when it was not possible to know what was the input while porting Matlab code to Scilab. This function will determine the correct semantic at run time. If you want to have a more efficient code it is possible to replace mtlb_full calls:

  • If A is a double matrix mtlb_full(A) may be replaced by full(A)

  • If A is a boolean matrix mtlb_full(A) may be replaced by full(bool2s(A))

Caution: mtlb_full has not to be used for hand coded functions.

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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:34:59 CEST 2016