Scilab 6.0.0
Ajuda do Scilab >> Dicas de Conversão de Matlab para Scilab > Matlab-Scilab equivalents > A
- abs (Matlab function) — Absolute value and complex magnitude
- acos (Matlab function) — Inverse cosine
- acosh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cosine
- acot (Matlab function) — Inverse cotangent
- acoth (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cotangent
- acsc (Matlab function) — Inverse cosecant
- acsch (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cosecant
- all (Matlab function) — Test to determine if all elements are nonzero
- angle (Matlab function) — Phase angle
- any (Matlab function) — Test to determine if any nonzeros elements
- asec (Matlab function) — Inverse secant
- asech (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic secant
- asin (Matlab function) — Inverse sine
- asinh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic sine
- atan (Matlab function) — Two-quadrant inverse tangent
- atan2 (Matlab function) — Four-quadrant inverse tangent
- atanh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic tangent
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