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Ajuda do Scilab >> CACSD > Control Design > H-infinity


  • ccontrgCentral H-infinity continuous time controller
  • dhinfH_infinity design of discrete-time systems
  • dhnormdiscrete H-infinity norm
  • gamitgH-infinity gamma iterations for continuous time systems
  • h2normH2 norm of a continuous time proper dynamical system
  • h_clclosed loop matrix
  • h_infContinuous time H-infinity (central) controller
  • h_inf_ststatic H_infinity problem
  • h_normH-infinity norm
  • hinfH_infinity design of continuous-time systems
  • linfinfinity norm
  • linfninfinity norm
  • macglovContinuous time dynamical systems Mac Farlane Glover problem
  • nehariNehari approximant of continuous time dynamical systems
  • parrotParrot's problem
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:34:41 CEST 2016