Scilab 6.0.0
Ajuda do Scilab >> CACSD > Identification
- arl2 — SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation
- armax — armax identification
- armax1 — armax identification
- findABCD — discrete-time system subspace identification
- findAC — discrete-time system subspace identification
- findBD — initial state and system matrices B and D of a discrete-time system
- findBDK — Kalman gain and B D system matrices of a discrete-time system
- findR — Preprocessor for estimating the matrices of a linear time-invariant dynamical system
- findx0BD — Estimates state and B and D matrices of a discrete-time linear system
- imrep2ss — state-space realization of an impulse response
- inistate — Estimates the initial state of a discrete-time system
- lin — linearization
- sident — discrete-time state-space realization and Kalman gain
- sorder — computing the order of a discrete-time system
- time_id — SISO least square identification
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