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Справка Scilab >> Графики > 2d_plot > grayplot properties

grayplot properties

description of the grayplot entities properties


The Grayplot entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. It represents 2D plots of surface using colors and images (see grayplot, Sgrayplot, fgrayplot and Sfgrayplot).


This property contains the handle of the parent. The parent of the grayplot entity should be of the type "Axes".


This property contains a vector with the children of the handle. However, grayplot handles currently do not have any children.


This field contains the visible property value for the entity . It should be "on" or "off" . By default, the plot is visible, the value's property is "on". If "off" the plot is not drawn on the screen.


This field defines a tlist data structure of type "grayplotdata" composed of a row and column indices of each element : the x and y grid coordinates are contained respectively in data.x and data.y. The complementary field named data.z is the value of the surface at the point (x(i),y(j)) (scaled mode) or the centered value of the surface defined between two consecutive x(i) and y(j) (direct mode). If data_mapping (see below) is set to "scaled", the entire z data is used to perform a color interpolation whereas, if data_mapping's value is "direct", the last line and column of the z data indices are ignored and the color is determined directly in the colormap by the indices of the submatrix data.z(1:$-1,1:$-1).


By default the value of this property is "scaled" : the indices of painting colors are proportional to the value z coordinates. In the other case, the property takes as value "direct" where the plot is a grayplot and the indices of painting colors are given by the data (see above).


This field contains the clip_state property value for the grayplot. It should be :

  • "off" this means that the grayplot is not clipped.

  • "clipgrf" this means that the grayplot is clipped outside the Axes box.

  • "on" this means that the grayplot is clipped outside the rectangle given by property clip_box.


This field is to determinate the clip_box property. By Default its value should be an empty matrix if clip_state is "off". Other cases the vector [x,y,w,h] (upper-left point width height) defines the portions of the grayplot to display, however clip_state property value will be changed.


This field can be use to store any scilab variable in the grayplot data structure, and to retrieve it.



a.data_bounds=  [-1,-1;7,7]

// A 2D plotting of a matrix using colors 
a.data_bounds=  [0,0;4,4];
b=5*ones(11,11); b(2:10,2:10)=4; b(5:7,5:7)=2;
Matplot1(b,[1,1,3,3])  ;
for i=1:7
  xclick(); // click the mouse to sets Matplot data;

See Also

  • set — set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object.
  • get — Retrieve a property value from a graphics entity or an User Interface object.
  • delete — delete a graphic entity and its children.
  • grayplot — 2D plot of a surface using colors
  • Matplot — 2D plot of a matrix using colors
  • Matplot1 — 2D plot of a matrix using colors
  • graphics_entities — описание структур данных графических объектов
  • Matplot_properties — описание свойств объектов Matplot
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:32 CEST 2016