Removing Tenant Dropdown From User Form

After you rebuild, and launch, now user page will be like this:

Tenant2 Logged In

Yes, he can't see admin user anymore, but something is wrong. When you click tenant2, nothing will happen and you'll get an error "Can't load script data: Lookup.Administration.Tenant":

This error is not related to our recent filtering at repository level. It can't load this lookup script, because current user has no permission to Tenants table. But how did he see it last time?

He could see it, because we first logged in as admin and when we open edit dialog for user, we loaded this lookup script. Browser cached it, so when we logged in with tenant2 and open edit dialog, it loaded tenants from browser cache.

But this time, as we rebuild project, browser tried to load it from server, and we got this error, as tenant2 doesn't have this permission. It's ok, we don't want him to have this permission, but how to avoid this error?

We need to remove Tenant field from the user form. But we need that field for admin user, so we can't simply delete it from UserForm.cs. Thus, we need to do it conditionally.

Transform all T4 files, then open MultiTutorial.Web/Modules/Administration/ User/UserDialog.ts and override getPropertyItems method like below:

namespace Serene.Administration {

    export class UserDialog extends Serenity.EntityDialog<UserRow, any> {

        protected getPropertyItems() {
            let items = super.getPropertyItems();
            if (!Authorization.hasPermission("Administration:Tenants"))
                items = items.filter(x => != UserRow.Fields.TenantId);
            return items;

For Serenity < 2.0: Transform all T4 files, then open UserDialog.cs and override GetPropertyItems method like below:

namespace MultiTenancy.Administration
   using jQueryApi;
   using Serenity;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using System.Linq;

   public class UserDialog : EntityDialog<UserRow>
       protected override List<PropertyItem> GetPropertyItems()
           var items = base.GetPropertyItems();

           if (!Authorization.HasPermission("Administration:Tenants"))
               items = items.Where(x => 
                   x.Name != UserRow.Fields.TenantId).ToList();

           return items;

GetPropertyItems is the method, dialog gets its list of form fields, from server side form definition. Here fields are read from UserForm we defined server side.

If user doesn't have tenant administration permission, we remove the TenantId field from form definition at client side.

This doesn't modify the actual form definition, it just removes TenantId field for this dialog instance.

Now it is possible to edit tenant2 user by himself.

Some users report that this also removes tenant selection for admin user. Make sure your HasPermission method in Authorization.cs of MultiTenancy.Script project is like below:

public static bool HasPermission(string permissionKey)
       UserDefinition.Username == "admin" ||

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