
本节的 TypeScript 版本有待更新

若要添加列以选择单行或所有行,可以使用 GridRowSelectionMixin。

GridRowSelectionMixin 在 Serenity 1.6.8+ 有效。


public class MyGrid : EntityGrid<MyRow>
    private GridRowSelectionMixin rowSelection;

    public MyGrid(jQueryObject container)
        : base(container)
        rowSelection = new GridRowSelectionMixin(this);

    protected override List<SlickColumn> GetColumns()
        var columns = base.GetColumns();
        columns.Insert(0, GridRowSelectionMixin.CreateSelectColumn(() => rowSelection));
        return columns;

    protected override List<ToolButton> GetButtons()
        var buttons = base.GetButtons();

        buttons.Add(new ToolButton
            CssClass = "tag-button",
            Title = "Do Something With Selected Rows",
            OnClick = delegate
                var selectedIDs = rowSelection.GetSelectedKeys();
                if (selectedIDs.Count == 0)
                    Q.NotifyWarning("Please select some rows");
                    Q.NotifySuccess("You have selected " + selectedIDs.Count + 
                        " row(s) with ID(s): " + string.Join(", ", selectedIDs));

        return buttons;


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