
Serenity 允许你定义包含 LocalText 对象的静态嵌套类来定义翻译,如:

public static partial class Texts
    public static class Site
        public static class Dashboard
            public static LocalText WelcomeMessage =
                "Welcome to Serenity BasicApplication home page. " +
                "Use the navigation on left to browse other pages...";

    public static class Validation
        public static LocalText DeleteForeignKeyError =
            "Can't delete record. '{0}' table has records that depends on this one!";

        public static LocalText SavePrimaryKeyError =
            "Can't save record. There is another record with the same {1} value!";



这是该 Texts 类定义的翻译表:

Key LanguageID Text (Translation)
Site.Dashboard.WelcomeMessage Welcome to Serenity BasicApp...
Validation.DeleteForeignKeyError Can't delete record...
Validation.SavePrimaryKeyError Can't save record...

本地化文本键由静态嵌套类之间使用点连接类名组成。尽管使用 Texts 命名以保持一致性是好主意,但是最顶层静态类(Texts)的名称将被忽略。

除非另有说明,这些文本的 LanguageID 都被认为是固定语言(空字符串)。

NestedLocalTexts 特性

嵌套本地化文本注册类的最顶层类(如 Texts)必须有该属性。

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=false)]
public sealed class NestedLocalTextsAttribute : Attribute
    public NestedLocalTextsAttribute()

    public string LanguageID { get; set; }
    public string Prefix { get; set; }


LanguageID 允许你定义翻译的目标语言。




[NestedLocalTexts(LanguageID = "en-US")]
public static partial class Texts
    // ..

在翻译表的 LanguageID 列将是 "en-US":

Key LanguageID Text (Translation)
Site.Dashboard.WelcomeMessage en-US Welcome to Serenity BasicApp...
Validation.DeleteForeignKeyError en-US Can't delete record...

Prefix 属性值被用来作为本地化文本键(local text keys)前缀:

[NestedLocalTexts(LanguageID = "en-US", Prefix = "APrefix.")]
public static partial class Texts
    // ..
Key LanguageID Text (Translation)
APrefix.Site.Dashboard.WelcomeMessage en-US Welcome to Serenity BasicApp...
APrefix.Validation.DeleteForeignKeyError en-US Can't delete record...

NestedLocalTextRegistration 类

[命名空间: Serenity.Localization, 程序集: Serenity.Core]

要注册嵌套本地化文本定义,需要在应用程序启动时调用 NestedLocalTextRegistration.Initialize() 方法:

void Application_Start()

默认调用 CommonInitialization.Run 和 CommonInitialization.InitializeLocalTexts 方法。

一旦运行应用程序,所有自动生成键的翻译都添加到当前的 ILocalTextRegistry 提供者,并且在静态嵌套类中的 LocalText 实例被替换为包含生成键(通过反射设置)的实际 LocalText 实例。

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