Here is a summary of the Stackato REST API, as used by the stackato command line client. It duplicates the Cloud Foundry REST client API with some extensions.
The main url paths are:
GET Global client information.
Response entity is JSON object: {
Basic keys:
"allow_debug" : boolean
"build" : string/integer
"description" : string
"maintenance_mode" : boolean
"name" : string
"support" : string
"vendor_version" : string
"version" : string
Advanced keys (present for valid Authentication token in request)
"allow_debug" : boolean
"user" : string
"groups" : array of strings (STACKATO)
"usage" : object
memory : integer
apps : integer
services : integer
"limits" : object (STACKATO)
memory : integer
app_uris : integer
services : integer
apps : integer
sudo : boolean
"frameworks" : object
<fw-key> : object
name : string
runtimes : array of object
name : string
version : string
description : string
appservers : array of object
name : string
description : string
detection : array of object
<pattern> : boolean
sub_frameworks : array of string
GET Get list of system services.
Response entity is JSON object: {
<type> : object
<name> : object
<version> : object
id : string/int
vendor : <name>
version : <version>
tiers : object
free : object
options : object (unused)
order : integer
type : <type>
description : string
POST Check server cache of available resources.
Request entity is JSON array of the files to check.
Response entity is JSON array of the subset of files in the cache.
Request, array of object: {
size : integer
sha1 : string
fn : string (filename, path)
Response has the same structure.
API calls in the /stackato/ space are only available in Stackato, not in Cloud Foundry.
GET Retrieve stackato report.
Response entity is a binary, gzip-compressed tar archive.
GET Get real-time usage information for current user.
(modulo the current group, if any is set)
Response entity is JSON object:
usage : object
mem : integer [KB]
allocated : object
mem : integer [KB]
GET See above, for the entire cluster.
GET See above, for a specific user/group.
GET List of all applications. JSON
Response entity is JSON array of object {
name : object
(see /apps/<NAME>)
POST Create application.
Request entity is specification of the new application, a JSON object: {
instances : integer
name : string
resources : object
memory : integer [MB]
staging : object
framework : string
runtime : string
uris : array of string
GET Retrieve state information for the named application.
Response entity is JSON object: {
name : string
staging : object
model : string
stack : string
uris : array of string [mapped urls]
instances : integer
runningInstances: integer
resources : object
memory : integer [MB]
disk : integer [MB]
fds : integer
sudo : bool
state : string (STOPPED, RUNNING, ...)
services : array of string [service-names]
version : string
env : array of string [var=value]
meta : object
debug : unknown type null
console : unknown type null
version : integer
created : integer [seconds/epoch]
PUT Set new state information for the named application.
Request entity is the new/changed state information of the application.
See GET above for JSON structure of this entity.
DELETE Delete the named application.
Application manipulation actions are done via GET-modify-PUT cycles through this one API. Examples:
POST upload the code for the named application.
Request entity is a multipart/form-data with parts:
_method TEXT 'put'
resources JSON array (see /info/resources) not uploaded, use cache.
application Binary Zip archive of application files not from CF cache.
The stackato client generates a manifest.yml file, so the zip file is never empty. With other clients, if the zip file is empty, the data must be provided as x-www-form-urlencoded (instead of multipart/form-data) and the zip file argument omitted.
GET Get update information for the named application.
NOT USED by command line client.
Response entity is JSON object: {
state : string
since : integer [seconds/epoch]
GET Retrieves the last <N> log entries for the named application.
N=0 retrieves all log entries.
Response is a list of lines. Each line is a JSON object. {
"text" : string text of the log entry
"source" : string "app", "dea", "staging"
"filename" : string name of the log file
"instance" : integer [id of instance, -1: stager]
"timestamp" : integer [seconds since epoch]
GET Get statistics for the named application.
Response entity is JSON array of object: {
state : string
stats : object
name : string
host : string ip-address (dot notation)
port : integer port number
uris : array string
mem_quota : integer bytes
disk_quota : integer bytes
fds_quota : integer file descriptors
cores : integer
uptime : string seconds
usage : object
disk : string bytes
mem : string KB
cpu : string
time : string datestamp (last start)
GET Get instance information for the named application.
Response entity is JSON object: {
instances : array of object
index : integer
state : string
since : integer [seconds/epoch]
debug_ip : string | STACKATO! KOMODO
debug_port : integer | debug support.
host : string ip-address (dot notation)
lxcip : string ip-address (dot notation)
console_ip : string ip-address (dot notation)
console_port: integer a port number
GET Get crash information for the named application.
Response entity is JSON object: {
crashes : array of object
since : integer [seconds/epoch]
GET Get content of PATH (file or directory
(listing)) for the id'd instance of the named
GET Retrieve list of provisioned services. JSON.
Response entity is JSON array of object:
name : string
email : string
type : string
vendor : string
version : string
tier : string
properties : object (unused)
meta : object
created : integer [seconds since epoch]
updated : integer [ditto]
tags : array of string
version : string
POST Create new service.
Request entity is specification of the new service, a JSON object:
"name" : string
"tier" : string
"type" : string
"vendor" : string - name of system service
"version" : string
DELETE Delete the named service.
GET List known users.
Response entity is JSON array of object: {
email : string
admin : bool
groups : array of string
apps : array of object
name : string
state : string
POST Create new user.
Request entity is specification of the new user, a JSON object: {
email : string
password : string SECURITY! !plain text transmission
GET Get information about the named user.
Response entity is JSON object:
(see /users)
PUT Set information about the named user (Change password).
Request entity is JSON object: See above, plus key
password : string SECURITY! !plain text transmission
DELETE Delete the named user.
POST Get authentication token for the named user.
Request entity is JSON with !plain text password, and flags.
Response entity is JSON with token, ssh key (stackato specific), etc.
Request entity, JSON object: {
password : string SECURITY! !plain text transmission
ssh_privkey : bool STACKATO SSH SUPPORT
Response entity, JSON object: {
token : string
sshkey : string
API calls in the /groups/ space are only available in Stackato, not in Cloud Foundry.
GET Get list of groups (for current user).
Response entity is JSON object: {
<group> : array of string
POST Create new group.
Request entity is specification of the new group, a JSON object: {
name : string
DELETE Delete the named group.
GET List users in the named group.
Response entity is JSON array of object: {
POST Add user to named group.
Request entity is specification of the new user in the group, a JSON object: {
email : string
DELETE Remove named user from named group.
GET Get limits of the named group.
Response entity is JSON object: {
memory : integer
app_uris : integer
services : integer
apps : integer
sudo : boolean