Stackato Client Command Reference


stackato [options] command [arguments] [command-options]

Try stackato help, stackato help [command], and stackato options for more information.

Many of the informational commands take a --json option if you wish to generate machine-parseable output. In some cases the --json option reveals additional details.


Administrative user privileges are required where "(admin)" is noted.

Getting Started

target [--allow-http] [URL]
Reports current target or sets a new target. Expects the target URL to use the https scheme. URLs containing the http scheme will be accepted with the --allow-http option.
login [email] [--email email] [--passwd password] [--token-file path] [--group groupname]

Log into the current target.

If --token-file is used, the authentication token is saved in the specified token file. Subsequent stackato commands will make use of the specified authentication and token file.

If --group is used, client will persistently set the current group. (All the applicaton and services commands use the option for current group also, but only for that one operation, i.e. transient).


The admin user has the ability to switch to any other user without password when using the login command.

token { --token-file | --target }

Used to interactively set an authentication token for external SSO systems which do not use an email/password interactive login.

The command displays a Management Console URL which generates a token once the user has authenticated with the SSO provider in the browser. Paste the generated token into the CLI prompt to save it and authenticate.

Use --token-file to set the path to an existing file containing the targets and authorization tokens.

Use --target to specify an API endpoint other than the current target.

System and account information
usage [--all] [user|group]
Shows the current memory allocation and usage of the active or specified user/group.
Shows the version of this stackato command.


List deployed applications

Application Creation

push [appname]
Create, push, map, and start a new application
push [appname] --path path
Push application from specified path
push [appname] --url URL
Set the URL for the application, such that the application will respond to HTTP requests sent to the given URL.
push [appname] --instances N
Set the expected number N of instances
push [appname] --mem memsize
Set the memory reservation for the application. Memory value memsize can be specified in megabytes (M) as an integer (64M, 256M, 500M) or in gigabytes (G) as an integer or float (1G, 1.5G, 1.75G)
push [appname] --runtime runtime
Set the runtime to use for the application
push [appname] { --framework | -f } framework
Set the framework to use for the application
push [appname] --no-start
Do not auto-start the application
push [appname] { --no-prompt | -n }
No input. Take settings from stackato.yml.
push [appname] --copy-unsafe-links
Copy links to outside of the application into it, instead of rejecting them with an error.

Application Operations

start [appname]
Start the application
stop [appname]
Stop the application
restart [appname]
Restart the application
delete [appname]
Delete the named applications

Application Updates

update [appname] [--path path]
Update the application bits
update [appname] { --no-prompt | -n }
Do not prompt user for details, use defaults.
update [appname] { --env-mode replace | preserve }
By default, an update will preserve any environment variables set previously. Use --env-mode replace to delete/unset variables or override variable values with those set in stackato.yml, manifest.yml or using the --env option
mem [appname] [memsize]
Update the memory reservation for an application. Memory value memsize can be specified in megabytes (M) as an integer (64M, 256M, 500M) or in gigabytes (G) as an integer or float (1G, 1.5G, 1.75G)
map [appname] URL
Register the application to the URL, such that the application will respond to HTTP requests sent to the given URL.
unmap [appname] URL
Unregister the application from the URL
instances [appname] { number | delta }
Scale the application instances up or down. A number on its own sets the absolute number of instances. A "+" or "-" prefix to a number adjusts from the current number of instances.

Application Information

crashes [appname]
List recent application crashes
crashlogs [appname]
Deprecated in Stackato 2.4. Currently an alias for logs which now includes logs for crashed applications. When targeting Stackato 2.2 and older systems, displays logs for crashed applications. Takes the same options as logs (below)
logs [appname] [options...]

Display logs for application instances. Takes the following options:

--follow : Tail the stream of log entries.

--num N : Show the last N log entries. Default: 100. 0 shows the whole log.

--source S : Show only log entries coming from source S (glob pattern).

--instance N : Show only log entries coming from instance N.

--filename F : Show only log entries coming from file F (glob pattern).

--text T : Show only log entries matching the glob pattern T.

drain add [appname] drain-name drain-uri
Add a named log drain to the application. <uri> specifies the log destination.
drain delete [appname] drain-name
Delete the named log drain from the application.
drain list [appname]
List all log drains defined for the application.
files [appname] [path] [--all]
Display directory listing or file download for optional path

ssh [--instance instance] [appname] [command]

Allows ssh access to an app in an interactive shell:

$ stackato ssh myapp

If a command is added, it is run and the connection exited:

$ stackato ssh myapp ls -l

By default, the first instance (0) is targeted. Specify other instances with the --instance option:

$ stackato ssh myapp --instance 1 ls -l
ssh api [command]
Opens an ssh session to the Stackato VM (Primary) as the 'stackato' system user. Available to Admin users only. Prompts for the 'stackato' user password.
scp [--instance N] [appname] [:]source [:]destination
Copy files and directories to and from application containers. The colon ":" character preceding a specified source or destination indicates a remote file or path. Sources and destinations can be file names, directory names, or full paths.
run [--instance instance] [appname] [command]
Run an arbitrary command on a running instance.
stats [appname]
Display resource usage for the application
instances [appname]
List application instances
open [appname]
Open primary application URL in a browser
open URL
Open any URL in a browser [HTTP]
open api
Open target web console in a browser [HTTPS]

Application Environment

env [appname]
List application environment variables
env-add [appname] variable [=] value
Add an environment variable in an application
env-del [appname] variable
Delete an environment variable in an application


service servicename
Shows the specific details of a particular service
Lists of services available and provisioned
create-service service [--name servicename] [--bind appname]
Create a provisioned service
create-service service servicename
Create a provisioned service and assign it name
create-service service servicename [appname]
Create a provisioned service, assign it name, and bind to appname
delete-service [--all] [servicename]
Delete a provisioned service by servicename, or delete all services not bound to any application using --all
bind-service [servicename] [appname]
Bind a service to an application
unbind-service [servicename] [appname]
Unbind service from the application
clone-services src-app dst-app
Clone service bindings from src-app application to dst-app
dbshell [appname]* [servicename]
Invoke interactive db shell for a bound service.
tunnel [servicename] [--port port] [--allow-http]
Create a local tunnel to a service.
tunnel [servicename] [client-command] [--allow-http]
As above, and start a local client.


Display user account information
Change the password for the current user
logout { URL | --all }
Logs current user out of the current target. With an API endpoint URL argument, logs user out of the specified target only. With --all argument, logs user out of all targets.
add-user [--email email] [--passwd password] [--admin] (admin)
Register a new user. If --admin is specified, grant the new user admin privileges.
delete-user email (admin)
Delete a user and all associated applications and services
users (admin)
List all users and associated applications
admin grant|revoke email (admin)
Grant or revoke admin privileges for the specified user. The email address is validated against the list of known users and rejected if unknown. Caution: The revoke command can be used on the current user. Be careful not to lock yourself out.
admin list (admin)
List users with admin privileges.
admin patch [patchfile|name|url]
Upload and execute patchfile (via ssh) to modify the server. Will ask for the stackato password.
admin report [destinationfile] (admin)
Retrieve a gzip compressed tarball of a Stackato system report from the primary node. Used for diagnosing server issues. If output filename is not specified, it defaults to <target>-report.tgz. To generate a report for a node other than the primary, run kato report on that node.


Display the supported runtimes of the target system
Display the recognized frameworks of the target system

Host File

host add [--dry-run] [<ip-address> <host>]

host update [--dry-run] [<ip-address> <host>]

host remove [--dry-run] [<ip-address>|<host>]

host list

Manipulate the hosts file on the Stackato client system. Add mappings, replace, remove, and show them.


Unlike most stackato command options, this one operates on the client system, not the target system.


List aliases
alias alias [=] command
Create an alias for a command
unalias alias
Remove an alias
List known targets and associated authorization tokens

Users, Groups, and Limits

Show the current group. May be none.
group groupname
Make the named group the current group to use. Once set, the group name does not need to be specified for stackato groups commands.
group --reset
Unset the current group
groups create groupname (admin)
Create a new named group
groups delete groupname (admin)
Remove the named group
groups (admin)
List the known groups, and the users belonging to them
limits { groupname | username } [--mem mem] [--apps N] [--appuris N] [--services N] [--sudo { true | false }]
Set (admin only) or retrieve limits for a group or user. Without groupname or username use current group. Without current group use current user.
groups limits groupname
Displays the current limits for a group
groups add-user groupname username (admin)
Add the specified user username to the group groupname
groups delete-user groupname username (admin)
Remove the specified user username from the group groupname
groups users [groupname]
List users belonging to group groupname. Without groupname, list for the current group. Non-admin users can only query groups for which they are a member.


Most of the options below are also listed above with the commands they apply to. This list is equivalent to the output of stackato help options and is included as a cross-reference.

For push, links pointing outside are copied into the application.
Create and bind an app-specific harbor service for debugging
--email value
User name, identified by email address <no default>
--env value
Environment setting <no default>
--env-mode value
How to manipulate the environment on application update <preserve>
--user value
Alias of --email <no default>
--passwd value
Password for the account <no default>
--pass value
Alias of --passwd <no default>
--password value
Alias of --passwd <no default>
--app value
Application name <no default>
--name value
Alias of --app <no default>
--bind value
Name of application to bind a new service to <no default>
--instance value
Id of the instance to talk to <no default>
--instances value
Number of instances to run the application with <no default>
--url value
Primary application url to map to <Default derived from application name>
--mem value
Memory requirement of pushed application <Default is framework dependent>
--path value
directory the application files to push are in <Default is working directory>
--manifest value
Location of the manifest file to use <Default is stackato.yml/manifest.yml in --path directory>
If specified assume that the application was created already. push is a super-update.
If specified do not start the pushed application
Alias of --no-start
Force deletion
Operation is for all applications, files, or logs
Make the new user an admin
Activate tracing of http requests and responses. OPTIONAL argument!
Alias of -t
--token-file value
File with login tokens to use <~/.stackato/client/tokens>
--token value
Value of the login token to use <>
--timeout value
Timeout in seconds for the 'run' command. <No timeout>
--target value
Target server to use for this command, instead of configured default. <Configuration files>
--group value
Group to use for this command, instead of default. <>
Internal use. Intentionally not documented
Activate tailing of stager operation (push, update, start, restart)
Deactivate tailing of stager operation (push, update, start, restart)
Alias of --notail
Alias of --quiet
Quiet operation
Do not upload resources when pushing
Alias of --no-resources
Do not colorize output
More verbose operation
Disable interactive queries
Alias of --no-prompt
Alias of --no-prompt
Alias of --no-prompt
Put instance information before each line of a shown logfile
Alias of --prefix
Alias of --prefix
Print raw json as output, not human-formatted data
Print dbshell connection command
Print client version
Alias of -v
Print command help
--runtime value
Name of runtime to use <no default>
--exec value
Execution/start mode <Default framework specific>
Application getting pushed has no framework
--framework value
Framework to use for the application <Default is auto-detected>
-f value
Alias of --framework <Default is auto-detected>
-u value
User for which we are doing the operation <no default>
Print the help on options
--port value
Port for tunneling <10000>
Required to prevent rejection of http urls
Do run launch internal command, but display it.
--debug value
Activate tracing of specific client internals <no default>
--apps value
Limit for number of applicatons in group <target dependent>
--appuris value
Limit for number of mapped uris per app <target dependent>
--services value
Limit for number of services in group <target dependent>
--sudo value
Applications can use sudo <target dependent>
--drains value
Limit for number of drains in group <target dependent>
--stackato-debug value
Host:Port for debugging the user app <no defaults>
Reset current group
--num value
Number of log records to retrieve <100>
Tail the logs
Do not display the log entry timestamps
--source value
Glob pattern to filter logs by (source field) <*>
--text value
Glob pattern to filter logs by (text field) <*>
--filename value
Glob pattern to filter logs by (filename field) <*>
--newer value
Seconds since epoch to filter logs by (timestamp field) <0>
Forcibly stop option processing


help [command]
Get general help or help on a specific command
Get help on available options