Detailed instructions on how to use drains with third party log analysis software or services:
Do not forward both application and system logs to the same destination.
Enable application logging (via udp) by executing the following client command:
stackato drain add drain-name udp://
Enable system logging (via udp) by executing the following kato command:
kato log drain add drain-name udp://
Enable application logging by executing the following client command:
stackato drain add drain-name udp://
stackato drain add drain-name tcp://
Enable system logging by executing the following kato command:
kato log drain add drain-name udp://
kato log drain add drain-name tcp://
Loggly supports JSON format with minor configuration changes shown above.
Enable system JSON logging by executing the following kato command:
kato log drain add --format json drain-name tcp://
Enable application logging by executing the following client command:
stackato drain add drain-name udp://splunk-server-address:port#
stackato drain add drain-name tcp://splunk-server-address:port#
Enable system logging by executing the following kato command:
kato log drain add drain-name udp://splunk-server-address:port#
kato log drain add drain-name tcp://splunk-server-address:port#
Splunk supports JSON format without further configuration.
Enable system JSON logging by executing the following kato command:
kato log drain add --format json drain-name tcp://splunk-server-address:port#
The command below starts a drain target server on a node, piping to a local file:
nc -lk 10000 > log-output.txt
As long as that nc command runs, this will funnel logs from all drains targeting it into the file log-output.txt