Stackato allows you to write custom frameworks by way of your own buildpacks. For a short introduction to writing buildpacks, see this presentation.
In order to let Stackato use one of the above buildpacks, you need to set the framework type in your stackato.yml. Do not specify the runtime. For example:
type: buildpack
Not all buildpacks work out of the box with Stackato due to environmental differences with Heroku. Reliance on custom installed runtimes or downloading of pre-built binaries are common reasons. It is important to first test any buildpack before using it in production deployments.
The following buildpacks are known to work with Stackato,
In order to let Stackato use one of the above buildpacks, you need to specify the git repo URL as a environment variable called $BUILDPACK_URL in your stackato.yml. For example:
type: buildpack
BUILDPACK_URL: git://<repo>.git
First, in stackato.yml you will need to define the framework type and to provide the buildpack url. Here is the pet-clinic stackato.yml:
name: pet-clinic
mem: 512M
type: buildpack
type: mysql
As it is a buildpack application, you also need to create a Procfile in which you declare how you want your application to be executed. Here is the one from pet-clinic:
web: java $JAVA_OPTS -jar target/dependency/jetty-runner.jar --port $PORT target/*.war
And finally, add the jetty dependency in your pom.xml in order to run your application:
In stackato.yml you will need to define:
Here is the kandan stackato.yml:
name: kandan
instances: 1
type: buildpack
runtime: ruby19
web: bundle exec rails server
mem: 256M
pg-kandan: postgresql
fs-kandan: filesystem
# create attachments directory in the shared filesystem and link to them
- mkdir -p $STACKATO_FILESYSTEM/attachments
- mkdir -p public/system
- ln -s "$STACKATO_FILESYSTEM"/attachments public/system/attachments
# Precompile assets
- bundle exec rake assets:precompile
- bundle exec rake kandan:bootstrap
To speed up deployment, utilize Asset Caching to store resources downloaded by the buildpack. See Caching Staging Assets for more details.