Environment VariablesΒΆ

Here is a list of predefined environment variables visible during runtime (including hook processing, cron jobs and ssh commands):


For complete list of available environment variables, deploy sample app: node-env.


Contains an access URL for a database service. If more than one type of database is present, DATABASE_URL will not be available. Instead, use the Database Specific URL variables below.


mysql://u93Mm8XmGXQ9R:[email protected]:3306/d0a60c0be931f4982bbef153f993237bc
Location of and credentials for the bound Memcached service, if there is (only) one.
Location of and credentials for the bound MySQL service, if there is (only) one.
Location of and credentials for the bound PostgreSQL service, if there is (only) one.
Location of and credentials for the bound Redis service, if there is (only) one.
Location of and credentials for the bound MongoDB service, if there is (only) one.
Location of and credentials for the bound RabbitMQ service, if there is (only) one.
Identifies the working directory assigned to a particular user on login. In a Stackato application container, this is generally set to /app/app/ by default.
A variable recognized by many web applications to direct them to a proxy HTTP server.
A list of directories, separated by ":", which are to be searched for the names of executable files to be interpreted as commands.

Custom/alternate PIP repo location. See running your own package index for more info.


  PIP_OPTS: "--extra-index-url=http://company.com/inhouse-pypi-mirror"
Stackato alternative for VCAP_APP_PORT.

This variable contains the default start command that would be used when stackato.yml doesn't override it. It is provided so that users can specify a wrapper around the default command, e.g.

web: newrelic_wrapper $PROCESSES_WEB

Note that PROCESSES_WEB may be undefined when Stackato can't determine the default command (e.g. because the app uses a non-standard main application file).


Custom/alternate PyPM repo location. Repo mirroring is sort of undocumented feature. Example:

    PYPM_OPTS: "-R http://pypm-free.activestate.com/2.7/linux-x86_64/"


Internal use, subject to change.

Contains a list of all environment variables set with stackato env-add or stackato.yml.

Contains the application name as specified during application push (or in stackato.yml or manifest.yml). Available during staging as well as in the application instance.

Contains the same value as STACKATO_APP_NAME transformed to uppercase, with dashes replaced by underscores. For example if STACKATO_APP_NAME is "php-info", then STACKATO_APP_NAME_UPCASE will be "PHP_INFO".

This makes it possible to access the environment variables for harbor and filesystem services.


This is the "root" directory from the Stackato point of view. It contains app specific HOME directory (app/), the log file directory (logs/) and various scripts.

The HOME environment variable will actually point to the app directory, which looks mostly like the directory uploaded by the client. This is where stackato.yml and all the application files live.

This contains the root directory where the user can access. The document-root must always be specified relative to $HOME (/app/app).

If the app uses a single filesystem service, then the local mount point is stored in this variable.

If there is more than one filesystem service, STACKATO_FILESYSTEM is not available. Instead, a custom environment variable STACKATO_FILESYSTEM_* will be created based on the name of each filesystem service (with hyphens replaced by underscores).

For example, if your stackato.yml file configures the following services:

  my-data: filesystem
  plugins: filesystem

Two environment variables would be created: STACKATO_FILESYSTEM_MY_DATA and STACKATO_FILESYSTEM_PLUGINS.

Can be set in the local shell to specify the group for the stackato client. When set, the stackato group command is ignored until the variable is explicitly unset. If empty, the client sets the group to 'none'. Can be overridden with the --group option.
Contains connection details and credentials for services bound to the application. For filesystem services, it contains the local mount point. See STACKATO_SERVICES.
Can be set in the local shell to specify the API endpoint target for the stackato client. When set, the stackato target command is ignored until the variable is explicitly unset. Can be overridden with the --target option.

Set by the Perl and Python frameworks only. It contains the default uswgi start command to run the application via uwsgi. It is provided in case the user wants to add additional uwsgi options in stackato.yml:

  web: $STACKATO_UWSGI --another-uwsgi-option
This variable contains the IP address of the host that the application is running on.
This variable contains the port that the application will be exposed on.
This variable contails all relevant application details for the Stackato Application. (Instance ID, App Name, App Uris, Users/Groups etc.)
Contains connection details, credentials, and meta data for services bound to the application. See VCAP_SERVICES.

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Manifest.yml Options

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Groups, Users, and Limits