
Perl applications deployed to Stackato using the default 'perl' framework are run with PSGI. Applications are started from a top-level script, which must be called app.psgi. For example, in the mojo-helloworld sample application:

$ENV{MOJO_MODE} = 'production';
require '';


Both Dancer and Mojolicious scripts automatically use the PSGI protocol, so there is no need to create a separate app.psgi for them.

The script is a pointer to the actual application, You could instead rename to app.psgi, but using the approach above allows you to set PSGI-specific configuration in a separate file.

It is possible to serve static files with uWSGI.

The perlcgi framework is also available for running tradtional Perl CGI applications without PSGI.

Deploying Applications

The following is a list of pages with details for deploying various application types.

Database Services

Authentication details for your configured database services can be found in the $ENV variable, under DATABASE_URL or VCAP_SERVICES. Here is an example of getting the correct credentials.


my($user,$password,$host,$port,$name) = $ENV{MYSQL_URL} =~ m{mysql://(.+?):(.+)\@(.+?):(\d+)/(.*)}
    or die "MySQL service not configured";
print $host;
print $name;
print $password;
print $port;
print $user;


use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
use JSON "decode_json";

    # Extract and convert the JSON string in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable
    my $vcap_services = decode_json ($ENV{VCAP_SERVICES});

    # Get the database credentials
    my $cred = $vcap_services->{mysql}[0]{credentials};

    # Use the credentials to form whatever connection string your database interface requires
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$cred->{name};hostname=$cred->{hostname};port=$cred->{port};",
                           $cred->{user}, $cred->{password})
        or die "Unable to connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
else {
    # No VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.  Use other connection.
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=mydb;hostname=;port=3306;",
                           "username", "password")
        or die "Unable to connect: $DBI::errstr\n";

Worker Applications

Non-HTTP apps that run as a Stackato application under the control of the Health Manager.

To deploy worker applications, you need to use the command key and set the proceses: web key to Null ("~").


name: perl-app
framework: perl
command: perl
    web: ~

Installing module dependencies

If the modules your app needs are available via PPM or CPAN, let Stackato install them and their dependencies using one of the following methods rather than including them in the source tree of your application code.

CPAN Modules via PPM

PPM is the binary package manager for ActivePerl. It is usually the fastest and most reliable way of installing CPAN modules in the Stackato application droplet. Current versions of most CPAN modules and frameworks are available.

Modules required by your app can be specified by adding a requirements: section to the stackato.yml file. For example:

    - CGI::Application::PSGI
    - Plack::Builder
    - Data::Dumper
    - JSON
    - JSON::Parse
    - DBI
    - DBD::mysql


If you want to use cpan to download the modules, change ppm: to cpan:.

Alternatively, include a top-level requirements.txt file. The requirements.txt for a minimal Mojolicious app would be just:


Prerequisite modules for the framework are installed automatically.

For a simple Dancer application:


Custom modules that are included within the project can be used in the normal method:

use lib "lib";
use MyCustomPM;

Any non-core dependencies required by these custom modules should be specified explicitly in requirements.txt, stackato.yml or Makefile.PL (see below) otherwise those dependencies will not be packed in the application droplet.

CPAN Modules via cpanm

If the module you require is not available in the ActiveState PPM repositories, or if you need a specific version (PPM provides only the current release), you can use cpanm to install them. Any dependencies included in ActivePerl or installed by PPM will be reused rather than being rebuilt.

You can specify modules for installation via cpanm by including them in one of the following files:


Add a cpan: section to stackato.yml that specifies version conditions, requests a module via HTTP URL, or fetches a branch from a git repo. For example:

    - Mojolicious~">=3.0, <3.50"
    - git://[email protected]

This example installs a version of Mojolicious equal or later than 3.0, but prior to 3.50. Since no such version exists on CPAN, it is fetched from the BackPAN archive. It then installs the Try-Tiny-0.09 tag from the try-tiny.git repository (could also be a branch or commit name), and finally installs Data-Dump-1.20.tar.gz from an absolute download URL.


Makefile.PL is a standard format for specifying dependencies in Perl modules. Stackato will use this if there is no cpanfile or carton.lock file.


The cpanfile format is preferable for Perl web applications, as Makefile.PL is generally intended for Perl modules. It allows for more elaborate specification of module dependencies (see the cpanfile SYNOPSIS for more information).


The carton module dependency manager is similar in concept to Ruby's Bundler.

To use it, first install carton locally using ppm or cpanm.

Run the carton install command in the base directory of an application with a cpanfile. This installs the modules locally and creates a carton.lock file.

If you want to include modules which are not in a public CPAN repository, run carton bundle to add the source packages in a local/cache sub-directory of the application. Stackato will install those modules from the cached files.

Disable Testing

Disabling tests in cpanm can decrease staging times for applications with numerous module dependencies, especially if those dependencies have large test suites.

To disable testing for cpanm in staging, set PERL_CPANM_OPT to '--notest' in stackato.yml:

name: myapp
  PERL_CPANM_OPT: --notest

Custom CPAN Mirror

To make cpanminus use a specific CPAN repository (e.g. a local mirror or private repo), instead of the default public ones, set the --mirror and --mirror-only options in PERL_CPANM_OPT:

  PERL_CPANM_OPT: --mirror --mirror-only

Serving Static Files with uWSGI

It is possible to serve static files with uWSGI using processes: web: in the stackato.yml file to specify folders that will be served statically and not by the app.

To make a single folder serve statically, use --check-static:

    web: $STACKATO_UWSGI --check-static $HOME/<folder>

To specify multiple folders with static files that do not share a common root, use --static-map:

    web: $STACKATO_UWSGI --static-map /foo=$HOME/static --static-map /bar=$HOME/sub

In this case /foo/index.html would serve $HOME/static/index.html, and /bar/index.html would serve $HOME/sub/index.html. If the file doesn't exist, then uWSGI will forward the request to the app.


Serving static files via uWSGI is only available for Perl and Python frameworks.


Stackato deploys Perl applications with ActivePerl 5.14.



If your application fails to stage or launch successfully, use the stackato logs command to check the stdout and stderr logs.

If there are no helpful messages in those files, there are two additional log files (staging.log and ppm4.log) which can be accessed with the stackato files command:

$ stackato files myapp logs/staging.log
$ stackato files myapp logs/ppm4.log

Other Issues

Application installs but the result is an empty window.
Possible Resolutions

Perl apps require the Content-Length header to be set in order for pages to display correctly. Some frameworks handle this already, while for others it needs to be done specifically.

If you are using CGI::Application::PSGI, add the following to your app.psgi file:

use Plack::Builder;


builder {
        enable 'Plack::Middleware::ContentLength';


Several Perl samples are available in Stackato-Apps on GitHub.