Configuration options for Stackato applications can be stored in a stackato.yml file in the top-level application directory.
These options take precedence over those declared in manifest.yml.
The stackato.yml file defines keys and associated values which the stackato client uses to set options that are otherwise passed by the user as command arguments or answers to prompts. Other values are used by the server to install needed packages, or run setup scripts during the staging, post-staging, or pre-running steps in deployment.
Key substitution can be used to insert values from one key into another.
Now follows a description and further detail on each key and the values that can be assigned.
This is the name of the application being pushed. If not specified, the user will be prompted during stackato push to provide a name. The name can also be specified on the command line (eg. stackato push currency-converter).
name: currency-converter
The application name must be a valid hostname label (i.e. containing only alphanumeric characters and hyphens).
Allows the app to specify a framework and runtime to be used.
The framework to use. Check stackato frameworks for a complete list of available frameworks. If not specified, user may be prompted during stackato push. Can also be input with the command line option --framework, -f (eg. stackato push --framework python).
The runtime to use. Check stackato runtimes for a complete list of available runtimes. If not specified, server will select the best option based on available data. Can also be input with the command line option --runtime, -f (eg. stackato push --runtime python32).
type: python
runtime: python32
Overrides the default document-root setting ($HOME) for the web server.
Node.js, Perl, PHP, and Python frameworks only.
Setting a deeper document root directory avoids the problem of exposing supporting files (e.g. stackato.yml) over HTTP.
type: php
document-root: web
The document-root must always be specified relative to $HOME (/app/app).
Set the main application filename.
Perl and Python frameworks only.
If your application does not use a conventional filename (e.g. app.psgi for Perl, for Python) using this option, possibly in conjunction with document-root, avoids the need to refactor the application for Stackato. For example:
start-file: temp.psgi
This value will be used by the PROCESSES_WEB and STACKATO_START_FILE environment variables. Any changes to STACKATO_START_FILE at runtime will not change the value of PROCESSES_WEB as the macro is expanded before the pre-running hooks are run.
The directory containing the application code to be pushed to Stackato (if it's not in the top-level directory). This directory becomes the $HOME directory of the application when the application is pushed to Stackato. For example, Java applications will often have a 'target' sub-directory containing the output of ant or mvn builds:
name: sample
type: java_web
runtime: java7
app-dir: target
If required, you can also set document-root in the framework section to specify a sub-directory of the application $HOME to be used as the document root.
To launch multiple applications from multiple sub-directories use a manifest.yml file.
A list of services to create and bind to the application. Each sub key is the name of the service to create / bind, and the associated value is the type of the new service. If multiple services of the same type are needed, list them on separate lines as in the example below.
Use stackato services for a complete list of available services. If not specified, the user may be prompted during stackato push.
customerdb: mysql
paymentsdb: mysql
The Stackato client supports key substitution for service names, allowing you to create service names based on the specified application name. For example:
${name}-db: mysql
The application name can be set as an option to the stackato push command, overriding the name value defined in stackato.yml. Use this technique when pushing multiple versions of the same application (using different names) if you want them to use separate databases. For example:
name: sample
type: node
${name}-db: mysql
Using the name specified in stackato.yml, a data service is created to match that name:
$ stackato push -n
Pushing application 'sample'...
Framework: node
Runtime: <framework-specific default>
Application Url: sample.stackato-pjw3.local
Creating Application [sample]: OK
Binding service [sample-db]: OK
Starting Application [sample]: ...OK
If you specify a new name for the application as an argument to stackato push, a new service with a matching name is created rather than binding to the existing 'sample-db' service:
$ stackato push sample-2 -n
Pushing application 'sample-2'...
Framework: node
Runtime: <framework-specific default>
Application Url: sample-2.stackato-pjw3.local
Creating Application [sample-2]: OK
Binding service [sample-2-db]: OK
Starting Application [sample-2]: ..OK
$ stackato apps
| Application | # | Health | URLS | Services |
| sample | 1 | RUNNING | sample.stackato-pjw3.local | sample-db |
| sample-2 | 1 | RUNNING | sample-2.stackato-pjw3.local | sample-2-db |
Specifies required modules, and allows the installation of additional OS packages.
For OS packages, two subsections are available, staging: and running:. For each subsection, the following sections can be specified: ubuntu: and redhat:.
Plain strings are treated as package names. If the user has sudo privileges, arrays can be used to add additional repositories (overriding restrictions set in Allowed Repos).
- ["ppa:gophers/go"]
- golang-stable
- libfoo
- libfoo1
- libfoo-runtime
OS requirements can be listed directly below the requirements: key and will then apply to both the staging and running phases:
- libfoo1
Use the generic unix OS class if you want the requirements to apply to both Ubuntu and Redhat:
- libfoo1
For the installation of language modules, replacing the requirements.txt file. For Python, pypm: and pip: can be specified:
- tornado
- pymongo
- pycurl
For Perl, ppm: or cpan: can be specified:
- CGI::Application::PSGI
- Plack::Builder
- CGI::Application::PSGI
- Plack::Builder
The amount of memory to allocate for the application.
Syntax: <int> or <int>M - Memory in megabytes. eg. 256M
Syntax: <int>G or <float>G - Memory in gigabytes. eg. 1.5G or 2G
If not specified, user may be prompted during stackato push. Can also be specified on the command line (eg. stackato push --mem 256M).
mem: 64M
The number of instances to allocate for the application. If not specified, defaults to 1. Can be specified on the command line (eg. stackato push --instances 2).
instances: 2
List of URLs mapped to the application. For example:
name: cms-platform
With this key specified, Stackato will not assign a default "" URL to the application. If you would like this URL assigned as well, add ${name}.${target-base} to the list of URLs.
See Mapping App URLs for more information.
A map of environment variables to initialize for the application. Each subkey is the name of the variable, with an associated value.
Avoid using this for values which should not be stored in plain text, such as API keys and passwords.
Each environment variable can have attributes which modify the interactive behavior of the stackato client when using the push command. These attributes are set with the following keys:
For example:
default: "development"
required: y
inherit: y
prompt: "What type of deployment?: "
- "development"
- "testing"
- "staging"
- "production"
Pushing with the --no-prompt option will fail with the error message "Required variable VAR_NAME not set" if "required" is set but no value is given (via "default", "inherit" or the --env option).
These attributes are only recognized by the stackato client.
This is how you specify a custom command to launch your web application or to pass custom arguments to uWSGI. For example:
web: python3.2
See in:
This key is required when using the generic framework, but is optionally available for all other frameworks.
If defined, this process is expected to launch a HTTP server bound to host and $PORT port.
If set to Null ("~"), the application is treated as a worker application and not provisioned with a URL. For example, an application that just runs a background Perl script might look like this:
type: perl
command: perl
web: ~
A 'command:' value must be present for worker applications.
If the application exists solely to run commands via cron, a dummy command such as 'sleep 365d' should be specified.
The $PROCESSES_WEB and $STACKATO_UWSGI variables can also be used with processes: web:.
$PROCESSES_WEB contains the command that is used to start the web application, if you want to override the default command.
$STACKATO_UWSGI is defined for runtimes using uWSGI (Perl and Python), and it contains the command to start uWSGI with all relevant options. It can be used if you are appending additional uWSGI options to the command.
Used for worker applications to start a background process. Below is an example using the standalone framework:
name: stackato-worker
instances: 1
type: standalone
runtime: ruby18
command: ruby worker.rb
Commands listed here are added to the crontab file. See the section on Crontab Support for details.
- PLUGH=xyzzy
- "*/1 * * * * env > $HOME/env"
A list of .gitignore-style patterns. Files and directories in the application directory matching at least one pattern are ignored during "push" and "update".
ignores: ["tmp", ".git"]
To include all hidden files or folders simply use an empty list.
ignores: []
If not specified, a default list is used to exclude files and folders not typically required in a deployed application (e.g. the dot files and folders of various source code control systems).
The default list contains the following: ~*/, .git/, *.svn/, *.hg/, *CVS/, _FOSSIL_.fos, *.bzr, *.cdv, *.pc, *RCS, *SCCS,*_MTN, *_build, *_darcs, *_sgbak, *autom4te.cache, *blib, *cover_db, *~.dep, *, *~.nib, *~.plst
This special key has the effect of treating its value as the name of a file to be included into stackato.yml.
COMPANY: The ABC Company
name: example-app
inherit: parent.yml
mem: 64M
effect from processing:
name: example-app
COMPANY: The ABC Company
mem: 64M
Hooks are commands that are run at various point of the staging and running process of an app.
A list of commands to be run in the root of the app's directory before the staging process is started. The commands are only run a single time on push or update.
A list of commands to be run in the root of the app's directory after the staging process is complete. The commands are only run a single time on push or update.
A list of commands to be run in the root of the app's directory after staging is complete and before the app is started. The commands are run sequentially, in the order listed, each time an app is started or restarted.
- python
- python syncdb --noinput
- python migrate --noinput
- python
Hook processing ends and staging aborts if a command returns a nonzero exit status (i.e. if the command fails). You can suppress this behavior by prefacing the command with "-" to force staging to proceed despite failures. The "-" must be included in a quoted command string. For example:
- "-python syncdb --noinput"
Commands used in the hooks: keys may not include shell metacharacters, such as "&&" for combining commands, "#" for comments, "<", ">" or "|" for I/O redirection.
If you need shell functionality such as metacharacters, signal trapping, or forcing zero exit status, wrap your command in a file and use sh +x as your hook command.
Also note that if only a single command needs to be run, the list format is not needed and can be included on the same line:
post-staging: python
pre-running: python
Sets requirements for the minimum version of the client and server under which the app will run.
The minimum version of the Stackato client needed to manage the app.
To determine the client version, use:
$ stackato version
The minimum version of the Stackato server needed to run the app.
To determine the server version, use stackato info and use the version number shown in the first line. In this example, the version is 2.4.3:
$ stackato info
ActiveState Stackato v2.4.3
server: 2.4.3
The value of any key in stackato.yml can be inserted in other keys using the ${key} syntax. For example:
name: example-app
MY_NAME: ${name}
This defines a "MY_NAME" environment variable with the value "example-app".
A small number of keys are predefined for your use within stackato.yml:
key substitution | value |
${random-word} | A short alphanumeric string of random characters |
${target-base} | The hostname of the targetted Stackato system, for example stackato-xxxx.local |
${target-url} | The URL of the targetted API endpoint, for example https://api.stackato-xxxx.local |
See the services section for an example of variable key substitution for yaml key names.