A Stackato PaaS can be extensively customized and themed. PaaS administrators can add or remove runtimes, frameworks and services from the system, and OEM customers can change the Management Console and modify other parts of the system to match their own brand.
Theming is controlled by changing settings in the theme directory on the Cloud Controller node:
Most changes will happen in the settings.js and style.css files, but additional files and sub-directories can be added to the theme directory as outlined in settings.js (or as needed).
Changes take effect immediately, but a hard refresh (e.g. Shift+Refresh) of the browser may be necessary to see the changes.
The settings.js file contains most of the configurable options for theming which are not directly controlled by CSS. Each block of options is preceded by comments explaining what the settings are used for.
By default, most of these options are commented out with //. Uncommenting the line enables the option, overriding default Stackato styles and content.
Path values should generally be locations within the theme directory, but can be "https://" URLs (using "http://" will cause "Insecure Content" warnings).
The CSS styles for the Management Console can be overridden by editing the LESS files in the theme directory and compiling them with lessc into the style.css file.
To build the style.css file, run the following command within the theme directory:
$ lessc style.less > style.css
The lessc compiler will populate style.css with the styles defined in the LESS files. The Management Console will use the styles in this file to override the default ones.
The eula.txt file in the theme directory contains HTML formatted placeholder text. To customize it:
Similarly, welcome.txt and support.txt files can be added to replace the Welcome message and the top half of the Support page. The files should contain HTML formatted content without higher level elements such as <html>, <head>, or <body>. With the content files created, enable the relevant lines in settings.js.
The error_pages subdirectory contains copies of the following HTTP error status pages:
These pages can be modified or replaced to match the rest of the theme.
The stackato client is distributed as a single file executable for Windows, OS X and Linux (x86 and x86_64). Zip files containing executables for each platform can be found in the ~/stackato/static directory.
The binaries can be renamed arbitrarily, and the command line help will use the file name as the application name. For example:
$ cp stackato mypaas
$ ./mypaas
Usage: mypaas [options] command [<args>] [command_options]
Try 'mypaas help [command]' or 'mypaas help options' for more information.
After renaming the executable, you can re-package them in .zip files and save them in a 'client' sub-directory as suggested in settings.js to make them available for download from the Management Console.
If you do not wish to expose particular frameworks or runtimes to end users, they can be disabled.
Stackato can be extended with additional runtimes and frameworks. This requires fairly deep technical knowledge of either Stackato and/or Cloud Foundry, but the existing staging plugns can be used as a reference in creating new ones.
These plugins can be found on a Stackato VM under: /s/vcap/staging/lib/vcap/staging/plugins
To avoid potential conflicts with the existing plugins, new staging plugins should be added under the contrib sub-directory. Create a directory there with the name of the plugin you are creating and add a corresponding YAML file in the manifest directory. For example:
ActiveState can provide professional services to assist customers in developing these plugins. Contact stackato-sales@activestate.com to discuss your requirements.