The Stackato Management Console is a web interface that allows the administration and management of the Stackato Server.
Your hypervisor provides tty console access to each of its virtual machines. After startup, a Stackato VM displays:
Stackato Management Console at
On a micro cloud VM where the local network supports multicast DNS, the hostname will be stackato-xxxx.local. If you have configured the hostname and DNS of the Stackato server manually, or are connecting to a server administered by someone else, supply the assigned hostname instead (e.g.
Enter the URL into your web browser, and the Management Console will load. The Console is supported on the following browsers:
The SSL certificate for the Stackato Management Console is self-signed. You will need to manually accept this certificate in your browser. See the HTTPS section for information on using your own certificate.
When you first access the Management Console, you will be prompted to create a primary administrative user for Stackato. Enter an email address as the username, set a secure password, then review and accept the license agreement.
The password you choose here becomes the login password for the stackato user on the VM (e.g. for ssh access).
Once you've logged in, you can begin to add other users and admins, enable and disable services, and generally set up the system to your requirements.
Basic Stackato administration can be done through the Management Console, but some maintenance and configuration tasks may need to be done at the command line using the kato command. See Kato Command Reference for a full list of options.
The Stackato Management Console will periodically send non-identifying pingbacks (Stackato version number and UUID) to ActiveState servers to help us improve the web console experience. You can disable this by setting theme_settings['pingback_allowed'] = false; in the settings.js file described in the Theming and Customization section.
The Overview section shows high level details on components, services, roles, applications, and users configured on the server or cluster.
Displays the number of nodes serving each role. Clicking any of the roles opens the Cluster Admin page for that role.
Displays the current configuration of the server/cluster.
Total memory, app, and service usage on the system.
The bottom of the Oveview page lists administrative users, regular users, and groups configured on the system. Clicking any of these will open its User or Group Details page.
The Users section displays a list of users and admins, and allows the management of all accounts.
For details on a specific user, click on the username in the list. The User Details page shows current usage information, group memberships, and lists of that user's applications and provisioned services.
The following options can be set for the user by clicking User Limits:
The default settings for new users are configured in the "Users" section of Settings page.
Displays a list of groups that currently exist. From the list, you can click on the number of assigned users to see the user list, as well as delete the group.
The Group Details page displays an overview of the group's status, including the resource usage, applications and services, and a list of users that are part of the group.
A group has limits attached to it that restrict the resources its members can use. Press the "Group Limits" button to configure these settings. The options exposed are the same as those on the User Details page (above).
For more information on Group limits, see the Groups, Users, and Limits documentation.
The Applications section displays a list of all apps on the server. For details on the application, click on the name of the app. By clicking the username for the app, you can view the details on the user that pushed the app. Under Actions are three buttons, to restart, stop, and view the app.
Displays a list of services, their type, and the user that created each one.
This page shows two tabs with details on the features available on the server.
Displays a list of runtimes and frameworks available.
Displays a list of services that can be created for use by apps.
The Cloud Events section displays a list of events (including errors and warnings) on the Stackato server. The events can be filtered by Severity or Type, or by using a substring match in the Search field.
Displays a list of nodes in the current cluster, and what services are running on each node. The view can be filtered by IP Address and/or Role. In a micro cloud configuration, only the current local node ('') is shown.
To enable or disable services on a node, click the Configure button to enter its Role Configuration page. This page shows a list of all available roles (see kato info for the command line interface), and a toggle button to enable or disable each one (see also kato role).
To set up a Stackato cluster, or to add nodes to an existing cluster, see the Cluster Setup section.
Displays graphs for server statistics including CPU, Load, Memory, Processes, and Swap (primary node or micro cloud only).
Displays a list of apps ready for install to the server. Press the "Install" button to push an app to the server. Apps which require frameworks or services not available on the system will not be installable.
For information on configuring the App Store, see the App Store documentation.
Allows the user to manage the Stackato Server Settings. There are sub-menus separating the settings into the following groups.
Settings for the Harbor TCP/UDP port service.
See Harbor: Requirements & Setup for more information.