gdi.h File Reference

const TInt KTwipsPerInch

const TIntKTwipsPerInch

Number of twips per inch.

const TInt KTwipsPerPoint

const TIntKTwipsPerPoint

Number of twips per point.

const TInt KPointsPerInch

const TIntKPointsPerInch

Number of points per inch.

const TInt KTwipsPerCm

const TIntKTwipsPerCm

Number of twips per cm.

const TInt KMaxTypefaceNameLength

const TIntKMaxTypefaceNameLength

The maximum length of a typeface name (in characters).

const TInt KSuperSubScalingPercentage

const TIntKSuperSubScalingPercentage

The percentage used to multiply a normal font height when calculating its superscript or subscript height.

const TInt KSuperscriptOffsetPercentage

const TIntKSuperscriptOffsetPercentage

The percentage of a font height used to calculate its baseline offset for a superscript print position.

const TInt KSubscriptOffsetPercentage

const TIntKSubscriptOffsetPercentage

The percentage of a font height used to calculate its baseline offset for a subscript print position.

const TInt KMaxFontCacheEntries

const TIntKMaxFontCacheEntries

The maximum number of entries in the font cache.


const TUid KFontCapitalAscent

const TUidKFontCapitalAscent

WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. UIDs corresponding to the CFont API extension functions

const TUid KFontMaxAscent

const TUidKFontMaxAscent

const TUid KFontStandardDescent

const TUidKFontStandardDescent

const TUid KFontMaxDescent

const TUidKFontMaxDescent

const TUid KFontLineGap

const TUidKFontLineGap

const TInt KMaxPrinterModelNameLength

const TIntKMaxPrinterModelNameLength

The maximum length of a printer model name. TPrinterModelName

Typedef TPrinterModelName

typedef TBuf< KMaxPrinterModelNameLength >TPrinterModelName

Defines a modifiable buffer descriptor that can contain the name of a printer model. The maximum length of the buffer is 32. 5.0

const TInt KPdrStoreFileUidVal

const TIntKPdrStoreFileUidVal

The UID value of a printer specification data store.

const TInt KPdlUidVal

const TIntKPdlUidVal

const TInt KUdlUidVal

const TIntKUdlUidVal