CDirectFileStore Class Reference

class CDirectFileStore : public CFileStore

Direct file store.

A direct file store implements a subset of the operations defined by the store abstract framework. Direct file stores allow streams to be created and objects externalised to them however once the streams have been committed and closed, they cannot subsequently be changed, i.e. streams cannot be replaced, deleted, extended or changed in any way.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
CDirectFileStore(RFile &)
CDirectFileStore(RFileBuf &, const TUidType &)
CDirectFileStore *CreateL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)
CDirectFileStore *CreateLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)
CDirectFileStore *FromL(RFile &)
CDirectFileStore *FromLC(RFile &)
IMPORT_C TUidLayout()
CDirectFileStore *NewL(RFile &)
CDirectFileStore *NewLC(RFile &)
CDirectFileStore *OpenL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)
CDirectFileStore *OpenLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)
CDirectFileStore *ReplaceL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)
CDirectFileStore *ReplaceLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)
CDirectFileStore *TempL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TFileName &, TUint)
CDirectFileStore *TempLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TFileName &, TUint)
Protected Member Functions
IMPORT_C MStreamBuf *DoCreateL(TStreamId &)
IMPORT_C MStreamBuf *DoReadL(TStreamId)
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C CFileStore *DoNewL(RFile &)
IMPORT_C voidDoSetRootL(TStreamId)
IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)
IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CFileStore::CFileStore(RFile &)
CFileStore::CFileStore(RFileBuf &,const TUidType &)
CFileStore::CreateL(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,TNewFunction)
CFileStore::CreateLC(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,TNewFunction)
CFileStore::FromL(RFile &,TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::FromL(RFile &,const TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::FromLC(RFile &,TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::FromLC(RFile &,const TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::IsHost(const MStreamBuf *)const
CFileStore::NewL(RFile &,TNewFunction)
CFileStore::NewLC(RFile &,TNewFunction)
CFileStore::OpenL(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::OpenL(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,const TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::OpenLC(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::OpenLC(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,const TFileStoreFactoryFunction)
CFileStore::Reattach(RFile &)
CFileStore::ReplaceL(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,TNewFunction)
CFileStore::ReplaceLC(RFs &,const TDesC &,TUint,TNewFunction)
CFileStore::SetTypeL(const TUidType &)
CFileStore::TempL(RFs &,const TDesC &,TFileName &,TUint,TNewFunction)
CFileStore::TempLC(RFs &,const TDesC &,TFileName &,TUint,TNewFunction)
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CDirectFileStore(RFile &)

IMPORT_CCDirectFileStore(RFile &aFile)


RFile & aFile

CDirectFileStore(RFileBuf &, const TUidType &)

IMPORT_CCDirectFileStore(RFileBuf &aBuf,
const TUidType &aType


RFileBuf & aBuf
const TUidType & aType

Member Functions Documentation

CreateL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *CreateL(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aName,
)[static, inline]

Creates a new file and constructs a new direct file store object to be associated with this file.

A pointer to the new direct file store object



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aNameThe full path name of the new file. A file with this name must not already exist, otherwise the function leaves.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.

CreateLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *CreateLC(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aName,
)[static, inline]

Creates a new file and constructs a new direct file store object to be associated with this file, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

A pointer to the new direct file store object



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aNameThe full path name of the new file. A file with this name must not already exist, otherwise the function leaves.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.

DoCreateL(TStreamId &)

IMPORT_C MStreamBuf *DoCreateL(TStreamId &anId)[protected, virtual]

Creates a new stream in the store. The function gets the allocated stream id in the anId parameter. A stream buffer for the stream should be returned, ready to write into the new stream. This provides the implementation for the RStoreWriteStream::CreateL() functions.

The stream buffer to be written to.


TStreamId & anIdOn return, contains the allocated stream id.

DoNewL(RFile &)

IMPORT_C CFileStore *DoNewL(RFile &aFile)[private, static]


RFile & aFile


IMPORT_C MStreamBuf *DoReadL(TStreamIdanId)const [protected, virtual]

Opens the requested stream for reading. The function should return a stream buffer positioned at the beginning of this stream.

This function is called by the OpenL() and OpenLC() member functions of RStoreReadStream.

A stream buffer positioned at the beginning of the stream to be read.




TStreamId anIdThe stream to be read.


IMPORT_C voidDoSetRootL(TStreamIdanId)[private, virtual]


TStreamId anId

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const [private, virtual]


RWriteStream & aStream

FromL(RFile &)

CDirectFileStore *FromL(RFile &aFile)[static, inline]

Constructs a direct file store object from an already opened file.

The file must already be open before calling this function.

Note that ownership of the file passes to the store. The referenced RFile is cleared and is no longer valid.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.


RFile & aFileA reference to the opened file.

FromLC(RFile &)

CDirectFileStore *FromLC(RFile &aFile)[static, inline]

Constructs a direct file store object from an already opened file, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

The file must already be open before calling this function.

Note that ownership of the file passes to the store. The referenced RFile is cleared and is no longer valid.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.


RFile & aFileA reference to the opened file.

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)[private, virtual]


RReadStream & aStream


IMPORT_C TUidLayout()const [virtual]

Gets the UID that uniquely identifies the specific type of this file store.

This function must be defined and implemented by classes derived from CFileStore. The direct file store, CDirectFileStore and the permanent file store, CPermanentFileStore both implement suitable functions.

The UID that uniquely identifies the specific type of file store.



NewL(RFile &)

CDirectFileStore *NewL(RFile &aFile)[static, inline]

Constructs a new direct file store object in an already opened file.

The file must already be open before calling the function. The existing content of the file is discarded.

Note that ownership of the file passes to the store. The referenced RFile is cleared and is no longer valid:

A pointer to the new direct file store object.


RFile & aFileA reference to the opened file.

NewLC(RFile &)

CDirectFileStore *NewLC(RFile &aFile)[static, inline]

Constructs a new direct file store object in an already opened file and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

The file must already be open before calling the function. The existing content of the file is discarded.

Note that ownership of the file passes to the store. The referenced RFile is cleared and is no longer valid:

A pointer to the new direct file store object.


RFile & aFileA reference to the opened file.

OpenL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *OpenL(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aName,
)[static, inline]

Opens a file containing a direct file store, and constructs a direct file store object.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aNameThe full path name of the file containing the store.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.

OpenLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *OpenLC(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aName,
)[static, inline]

Opens a file containing a direct file store, constructs a direct file store object, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aNameThe full path name of the file containing the store.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.

ReplaceL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *ReplaceL(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aName,
)[static, inline]

Creates a file and constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it.

The file replaces any existing file of the same name.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aNameThe full path name of the file to be replaced.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.

ReplaceLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *ReplaceLC(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aName,
)[static, inline]

Creates a file, constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

The file replaces any existing file of the same name.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aNameThe full path name of the file to be replaced.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.

TempL(RFs &, const TDesC &, TFileName &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *TempL(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aPath,
TFileName &aName,
)[static, inline]

Creates a temporary file and constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it.

The new file is created in the specified path and a unique file name is generated by the file server.

Note that the store framework does not delete a temporary file after it is closed.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aPathThe path where the new file is to be created.
TFileName & aNameOn return, contains the full path name of the new file.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the new file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.

TempLC(RFs &, const TDesC &, TFileName &, TUint)

CDirectFileStore *TempLC(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aPath,
TFileName &aName,
)[static, inline]

Creates a temporary file, constructs a direct file store object to be associated with it, and places the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

The new file is created in the specified path and a unique file name is generated by the file server.

Note that the store framework does not delete a temporary file after it is closed.

A pointer to the new direct file store object.



RFs & aFsHandle to a file server session.
const TDesC & aPathThe path where the new file is to be created.
TFileName & aNameOn return, contains the full path name of the new file.
TUint aFileModeThe mode in which the new file is to be accessed. The mode is defined by the TFileMode type.