Symbian OS Library


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Building, debugging and deploying an application

This section discusses the details of creating an application, from defining the project files needed for an application, building it from within the IDE and from the command line, debugging it on the emulator and, finally, deploying it onto hardware.


Getting started: Symbian OS projects

A project defines the source files and settings required to build an executable. You can create new projects using the wizards in the CodeWarrior or Carbide.c++ IDEs. If you want to build from the command line, you write project files in a text editor.

Creating a new project using Carbide.c++

Carbide.c++ supplies a new project wizard to create a skeleton application. To use it, choose File > New > Symbian OS C++ Project. The New Project wizard then starts, and you are asked for the project's name. Next, you need to choose a project template, which provides an initial set of source files and project settings. The templates offered provide starting points for various different platforms and versions. For a GUI application, choose either the S60 3.0 GUI Application or UIQ 3.0 GUI Application from the Symbian Executable Project group.

The next step is to choose which kit to build with: you can build with multiple kits if your program should work with multiple platforms or operating system versions.

The wizard then asks for some project settings. The most important of these is the Application UID setting. This is a unique number that identifies the application. You should get UIDs from the Symbian Signed web site.

Creating a new project using CodeWarrior

The Symbian Project Wizard can be used to create the skeleton of a new Symbian OS application. The Wizard can be invoked from within CodeWarrior by selecting File|New. Give the new project a name and choose a location. By default, CodeWarrior will create a subfolder with the same name as the project and put the project there. Click OK, and select the vendor and SDK to use (Symbian UIQ or Nokia S60). Then click Next to be given a choice of application templates to use.

You can use the Wizard to create either a simple console application or a basic GUI application for either UIQ or S60 platforms (the differences between console and GUI applications are described later in The filesystem browser engine class and console test code). You can build, debug and run the applications created by the Wizard.

Project directory layout

Before you write a line of code, it will help to understand the directory structure under which your source and project files should be stored. If you look at the example code accompanying your SDK, or use project wizards from an IDE to create a UI application, you’ll see examples of the typical layout used to organise a project.

A good directory layout is invaluable for keeping track of your code as the project grows. It’s usual to separate the project files, which will be described shortly, from the source code, which is itself split further into header files, such as .h and .hrh, and implementation files, such as .cpp. Resources, such as .bmp or .wav files used by the application, usually go into yet another separate directory. Test code should also be stored apart from production code.

Thus, a typical UI application would have the following directory structure and files.

data (S60) - resource specification files (.rss)

gfx (S60) - application resources such as bitmaps or audio files

group - project files (e.g. .mmp and bld.inf)

images (UIQ) - application resources such as bitmaps

inc - header files (typically .h, .hrh and .inl)

rsrc (UIQ) - resource specification files (.rss, .ra)

src - short for 'source', contains the implementation code in .cpp files

test - test code

There are two key files involved in creating any new Symbian OS project, both are stored in the group directory:


Symbian OS project files

If you want your programs to be buildable from the command line, you must write project files in a Symbian specific format. The files are:

Both CodeWarrior and Carbide.c++ can import project definition files to create projects in the IDE. More details of these file formats are given below.


The component description file: bld.inf

Bld.inf is a text file. Its contents are normally trivial since its main purpose is to list the project definition mmp files and any files that the build tools must copy into place before a build. The list of mmp files is contained in a section named PRJ_MMPFILES. A bld.inf file is required even if the project only contains a single mmp file. Here is the contents of a typical bld.inf, for the filesystem browser application which accompanies this tutorial. You can find more information about each of the sections used in the Build Tools Reference:

// Platforms built if no platform is specified in abld build

// Files exported from the project
// None

// Project definition files

// Project definition files for test code

In the example above, for a command line build, the component is built by default for WINSCW and GCC-E, as specified using the PRJ_PLATFORMS statement. When you build code for the emulator using CodeWarrior, you use the WINSCW platform, so-named because the resultant code runs on WINdows, in a Single process, and was built with CodeWarrior. The platform name is used when building code from the command line, and to identify the platform for which executable code is intended. Thus, as described in the SDK Contents section, when the code is built the resultant executables are created under \epoc32\release\winscw (in the \udeb or \urel subdirectories, according to whether it is a debug or release build).

The platform name for code built for phone hardware using GCC-E is GCCE and executables are built to \epoc32\release\gcce\. The platform name for RVCT builds is ARMV5 and, likewise, executables for that platform are built to \epoc32\release\armv5\.


Project definition file (mmp) file syntax

Each statement in a mmp file starts with a keyword. This section describes the syntax of these keywords by using the contents of the mmp file for the S60 filesystem browser application as an example. You can find more information about mmp file syntax in the mmp file syntax reference.

// filebrowseapp.mmp
// Copyright (c) 2006 Symbian Software Ltd.  All rights reserved.

TARGET              filebrowseapp.exe
TARGETTYPE          exe
UID                 0x100039CE 0xE80000A6
VENDORID            0

#ifdef __WINSCW__
CAPABILITY          AllFiles  //    AllFiles on emulator since no signing is required        
CAPABILITY          NONE      //    No capabilities on hardware - otherwise SIS file signing is required

SOURCEPATH          ..\src
SOURCE              FileBrowseAppUi.cpp
SOURCE              FileBrowseDocument.cpp
SOURCE              FileBrowseApplication.cpp
SOURCE              FileBrowseBaseView.cpp
SOURCE              RFsEngine.cpp

SYSTEMINCLUDE       \epoc32\include
USERINCLUDE         ..\inc

SOURCEPATH          ..\data

START RESOURCE     filebrowseapp.rss
TARGETPATH          \resource\apps

START RESOURCE     filebrowseapp_reg.rss
TARGETPATH          \private\10003A3F\apps

START RESOURCE     filebrowseapp_loc.rss
TARGETPATH          \resource\apps
LANG                SC

START BITMAP    filebrowseapp.mbm
TARGETPATH      \resource\apps
SOURCEPATH      ..\gfx
SOURCE          C16 folder.bmp
SOURCE          C16 file.bmp
SOURCE          8   mask.bmp

LIBRARY         euser.lib efsrv.lib cone.lib eikcore.lib eikcoctl.lib eikdlg.lib egul.lib eikctl.lib apparc.lib
LIBRARY         bafl.lib
LIBRARY         avkon.lib CommonEngine.lib


This keyword specifies the name of the output file that will be built.


This indicates the type of file generated by the project, in this case an executable. The most common target types are dll, exe and plugin.


The UID keyword specifies two of the target's three Unique Identifiers (UIDs) which identify the component. The target will have three UIDs but the first value (known as UID1) does not need to be specified because it is automatically applied by the build tools. It is a general identifier which is assigned according to the TARGETTYPE specified.

Thus, the first UID specified here, is actually UID2, which further identifies the component type and can be thought of as an interface identifier. The value (0x100039CE) identifies the file as an application; the same value is used for all Symbian OS applications.

The next UID specified should be unique to the application. It is also specified in the application registration resource file (which is described in the Resources section) and the applications installation package file (which is described in the pkg file format section).

No two executables may have the same UID3 value, and, to ensure uniqueness, you must request UID values from Symbian which allocates UID values from a central database. The Symbian Signed web site has more information on how to acquire UIDs for your project. There is also a range of test values, such as the value for UID3 used in the filesystem browser application (0xE80000A6), which can be used to get started but must not be used in your final product.


This is an optional keyword and is not used in the example above. The keyword is used to define the Secure Identifier (SID) for an executable which is used to determine which private directory a process can access and identify it as a caller, for example, when making client-server requests. The SID can be specified by a SECUREID statement in the project's mmp file.

If this statement is not specified, as in the example given, the UID3 of the application is used instead. If that value is not set, KNullUID (=0) is used.


This keyword is new in Symbian OS v9.1. Each executable may contain a vendor ID (VID) which identifies its origin, specified by the VENDORID keyword. A vendor ID is not mandatory and, in many cases, will be omitted from the mmp file, or included and set to zero, which means that the source of the executable is not required for security checks.

VIDs are allocated to Symbian licensees, partners, operators and Independent Software Vendors through sign-up programs, for instance Symbian Signed. If an application needs a VID its installation package must be signed as described in the Application signing section. Unsigned applications have no vendor ID since without a signature it cannot be verified.


This keyword is new in Symbian OS 9.1. A capability is a unit of protection, or privilege and, in Symbian OS 9.1, some Symbian OS APIs now have a capability associated with them. The capability is used to restrict use of the API to callers with at least that same level of privilege.

The capabilities that an executable is assigned are listed following the capability keyword. If the CAPABILITY keyword is not present in the .mmp file, the default of CAPABILITY NONE is used.

In the example above, the application is assigned different capabilities in emulator builds (AllFiles) to hardware builds (NONE). This is unusual, but has been done to illustrate the Platform Security concept called "data caging". On the emulator, the filesystem browser code is assigned AllFiles capabilities, and can view more private areas of the filesystem than when it runs on a phone handset with no capabilities.

It is instructive to run the application on both the emulator and a phone for comparison.

For a process running without AllFiles capability, nothing in the \sys\ directory is visible, and the only directory under \private\ that can be seen is \private\<SID>\ where <SID> is the sub-directory named with the Secure Identifier of that process.

For the same process running with AllFiles capability, the contents of the \sys\ directory is visible, as are all the subdirectories under \private\.

The AllFiles capability is one of a group of tightly controlled capabilities called system capabilities, which can only be granted to an executable after certification. Certificates and Symbian Signed are described later in the Application signing section of this tutorial.


The SOURCEPATH keyword specifies the location of the source or resource files listed subsequently using the SOURCE declaration. It can either be used as a location relative to the directory that holds the mmp file or as a fully qualified path. The keyword can be used to multiple times to specify different directories if necessary. Alternatively, it can be omitted entirely if all source files are located in the same place as the mmp file, although this is usually not the case for more complex projects, which typically organise their directories as described earlier in the Project directory layout section.


The SYSTEMINCLUDE keyword specifies the location in which files included in the code using #include <> can be found. The \epoc32\include directory is where the Symbian OS system headers are stored, and a line identical to this should appear in all mmp files.


This keyword specifies the directory in which files included in code using #include "" will be located, relative to the directory which holds the mmp file or as a fully qualified path.

Directories specified with USERINCLUDE are only one of three locations that may be searched of header files; the other directories being that in which the source file which uses the include statement is stored and the SYSTEMINCLUDE directory.


Used to specify a resource file, which contains text and specifications of user interface elements.

These keywords replace the RESOURCE statement used in mmp files prior to Symbian OS v9.1.

The START RESOURCE keyword indicates the beginning of a block which provides information about how an application resource file is to be compiled. At least one of these is needed if the application has a UI. The resource file itself should be the same location as the mmp file itself or in the directory specified by the last preceding SOURCEPATH declaration.

The end of the information block is indicated by the END keyword and an application may have several resource files, each of which is specified separately using the START RESOURCE…END block.

In the example shown here, the second block specifies a registration resource file for the application. This contains non-localisable information to display the application correctly in the application launcher, and includes the application's name, UID and properties. All UI applications must provide a registration file, as described in the Resources section, which should be built to \private\10003a3f\apps using the TARGETPATH keyword, described below.


TARGETPATH is used to specify the build location for a compiled resource. In this example, the location of the first compiled resource file is specified as \resource\apps, which is a public, read-only directory and is the standard location for resource files. The registration file is built to \private\10003a3f\apps.

Note: The location to which the C++ code buildt used to be specified using the TARGETPATH keyword in versions of Symbian OS prior to 9.0. However, for reasons of security, in this and future releases of Symbian OS, all executable code must run from the phone's \sys\bin\ directory, which is inaccessible to all but the trusted computing base that forms the heart of Symbian OS. (For the emulator, this is equivalent to the PC's \epoc32\release\winscw\build variant\ directory). The TARGETPATH keyword is, therefore, only used to build resource files to their appropriate locations.

There is no longer any need to specify a target path for the executable in the mmp file and it will be ignored except when used within a START RESOURCE…END block.


This is an optional keyword which, when used, causes a resource header file (.rsg) to be created in the system include directory, \epoc32\include\. The header provides identifiers that allow C++ code to refer to specific resources.


This keyword lists the import libraries needed by the application. The build will report link errors (‘unresolved externals’) if you don't specify all the required libraries. The class-level documentation in the Developer Library tells you which library to import for each class.

No path needs to be specified and each library statement may contain several libraries, separated by a space. More than one library statement may also be used.


STATICLIBRARY is used to specify statically linked libraries (object code that is built into your application).

All UIQ applications should link against a UIQ-specific heap allocator library, which is designed to be more effective in out of memory situations. This is done as follows in a mmp file:

STATICLIBRARY qikalloc.lib 
LIBRARY qikallocdll.lib


This section contains the bitmaps for application icons and specifies how to compile bitmap (.bmp) files into a Symbian OS format multi-bitmap (.mbm) file. Different sizes of source bitmap should be supplied for different view sizes. In UIQ, the most appropriate icon size for the UI's current zoom state is selected to avoid the need for the icon to be dynamically scaled when it is drawn at a different size. Note that the S60 platform also allows icons to be specified in Scalable Vector Graphics - Tiny (SVG-T) format, and has additional tools (mifconv) to support this.

For each image, an image bitmap and a mask bitmap are needed. The mask should be black for the parts of the image that should be visible, and white for the transparent areas. For more information about these see Application icons and captions.


This is an optional keyword and is not used in the example above.

In previous versions of Symbian OS, the default stack size was 0x5000 bytes. In v9.1, the default value is 0x2000. To increase the stack size, you can use the EPOCSTACKSIZE keyword, for example, to increase the stack size of 0x5000:


Note, the stack size setting only applies when building for the phone and is not supported for WINSCW emulator builds. The stack size is not limited on the emulator since the stack will expand as needed to the much larger limit set by the Windows platform. This may cause programs that overuse the stack to work on the emulator, but fail on hardware with a stack overflow panic (KERN-EXEC 3). It is one of the differences between phone hardware and the emulator which make hardware testing essential. See "Why test on hardware?" for more details.


This is an optional keyword and is not used in the example above.

Use the EPOCHEAPSIZE statement to specify the minimum and maximum sizes of the initial heap for a process. The default sizes are 4KB minimum and 1MB maximum. The minimum size specifies the RAM that is initially mapped for the heap's use. The process can then obtain more heap memory on demand until the maximum value is reached, incremented in steps of 4KB or 1 page.

This directive is applicable from Symbian OS v9.1, EKA2 releases. EKA2 supports multiple process creation and allows the heap size to be calibrated between the minimum and maximum limits. Using EPOCHEAPSIZE allows applications built on the emulator to be tested more precisely, thus emulating the behaviour on the actual device more closely.


Building code

This section briefly describes how to build a program using an IDE or the command line.


Building code using Carbide.c++

If you want to build the FileBrowse example project that accompanies this tutorial using Carbide.c++, you must first import it into the IDE:

To build the project, select the Project | Build Project menu item or right-click the project name in the C/C++ Projects view and select Build Project. During the build, the build progress can be shown in a dialog or in the task bar at the bottom right of the window.

Messages from the build tools are shown in the Console view, while errors and warnings appear in the Problems view. Note that the Problems view may show a number of warnings such as "the following label is used but has not been declared" and "the STRUCT that this resource is based on contains a STRUCT[] data member which has not been used in this resource": these can be ignored.

After building, you can run the application. To do this:


Building code using CodeWarrior

If you want to build the FileBrowse example project that accompanies this tutorial using CodeWarrior, you must first import it into the IDE:

To build the project, go to the Targets tab, right click on the appropriate target (for example, WINSCW UDEB for a debug emulator build) and select Make. There are various possible target instruction sets, each of which can have a debug (called UDEB) and release (UREL) build variant. Selecting Build All will build all of them — a spinning square icon shows you which one is currently being built.

After building, you can run the application. To do this:


Building code using the command line

You can build for any target from the command line once you have a component definition file (bld.inf) and project definition file (mmp file). Firstly, run bldmake from the project directory (usually \group) where the bld.inf file is located:

> bldmake bldfiles

This creates a batch file, called abld.bat, which you use in the next step.

To build the project, you call abld build which will build the project for all default targets in both release and debug variants. To build for a particular target and variant, use abld build target-name variant, for example:

> abld build winscw udeb

builds the project for the debug variant of WINSCW only.

Inputs to the bldmake and abld.bat comma...

Inputs to the bldmake and abld.bat commands, and the resulting outputs.

Some of the other commands supported by abld are as follows:


Removes everything built with abld target


Removes files moved into position by abld export


Exports files listed in bld.inf to their specified destinations


Displays commands, options or help about a particular command


Creates makefiles or IDE workspaces


As clean, but also removes exported files and makefiles


Creates resources files, bitmaps and aif files

There are also various additional switches, for example, to build with a verbose flag (-v) or to keep a build going for other unrelated targets if it fails on others (-k). You can find more information about the bldmake command and the supported abld syntax from the Build Tools Guide and Build Tools Reference in the SDK.


Debugging code on the emulator

Both CodeWarrior and Carbide.c++ allow you to interactively debug programs running in the emulator. Both IDEs allow you to use standard debugging techniques such as setting breakpoints in the source code, stepping through code, and examining memory and variables.

To use these techniques, you must run the debug build of your project. To do this with Carbide.c++, right-click the project name in the C/C++ Projects view and select the Debug As | Debug Symbian OS Application menu command. To do the same thing using CodeWarrior, select the Project | Debug menu command. The emulator will then start, and you can run the application. For S60, the icon is called FB example and is in the Installat. folder. For UIQ, the File Browse example icon is on main applications screen.

Another technique for debugging using the emulator is to add RDebug::Print() statements to your code (you'll need to include the e32debug.h header file to use RDebug). This function is used to print formatted text to a log file called epocwind.out, which is created in the Windows Temp directory as described in more detail in Debug output (system message log) from the emulator.

You can use % followed by a format character in the arguments to RDebug::Print() to print out variables. For example the following code will write "Error value: -10" to the log file:

TInt error=-10;
_LIT(KMsgDebug,"Error value: %d");    

Format string syntax is documented in the developer library.

Message logging in the CodeWarrior IDE, including DLL loading and unloading, and RDebug::Print() messages, is enabled by ticking the Log System Messages checkbox (select WINSCW UDEB Settings then the Debugger Settings panel).

If you are running a GUI application on the debug emulator, there are some key combinations which can be useful when debugging. For instance ctrl+alt+shift+p invokes a dialog that lets you simulate memory allocation failure. This is useful to test that your code handles leaves correctly. Other emulator debug keys are documented in the Symbian OS Library under Debug facilities.


Deploying code on hardware

Developing a Symbian OS application is typically a two stage process. First, you build, test and debug the application on the PC using the emulator to eliminate bugs which manifest on the emulator. Then you rebuild the code to run on the phone using a different toolchain, and install the application onto a phone and test it. The following section describes why it is necessary to re-test on hardware, and how to do so.

Why test on hardware?

You cannot assume that, because your code runs perfectly on the emulator, your development is complete. Code must always be tested on hardware before releasing it. Although it provides as faithful an emulation of Symbian OS on hardware as possible, these are just some of the differences:

You can find more information about these and other differences in the Emulator/native platform differences section of the Symbian OS Library.

Installing software onto a phone

There are various ways to transfer an application to a phone:

Installation Files

Regardless of how the application is delivered to the phone, it can only be installed using a .sis installation file ("sis" stands for Symbian OS Installation System). These files are also sometimes described as sisx files because the installation file format has been changed and extended in Symbian 9.1 from the original sis file format of previous versions of Symbian OS.

The Symbian OS software installer uses this installation file to control which files are installed onto the phone and restrict installation of those which require privileged access to system services and data to those it can verify as ‘trusted’.

A PC-based tool called CreateSIS, located in the epoc32\tools\ directory, is used to create an installation sis file. CreateSIS is a wrapper around three separate tools which may alternatively be used separately:

The following diagram illustrates the use of these tools:

Creation of a signed sis file from execu...

Creation of a signed sis file from executable files compiled for phone hardware. This installation package is generated using PC-based tools CreateSIS, MakeSIS, MakeKeys, and SignSIS with instructions detailed in a human-readable package file.

Additional documentation for these tools can be found in the Installation Guide of the Symbian OS Library.

CreateSIS takes as input a package file (.pkg extension), which you create to specify which application files (executable files and resources) need to be installed onto the phone. The package file has a list of where the files are located on the PC, that is, the locations to which they were built as part of the ARMV5 or GCCE builds, and the location to which they must be installed.

Optionally, CreateSIS also takes a developer certificate and private key as input, to output a signed sis file. As a developer, you can get these from the Symbian Signed program for testing. If you do not supply a key/certificate pair, CreateSIS will create them for you. In this case, the output sis file is known as ‘self signed’. Applications installed via self signed sis files are restricted in the privileges (that is, the Platform Security ‘capabilities’) they can possess. The section on Application signing discusses this in more detail.


pkg file format

The format of package files is documented in the Symbian OS Library in the Package file format section, but here's an example of a package file for the FileBrowse application for UIQ, and a brief summary. Note that the lines preceded by semi-colons are comments (blank lines are also ignored).

; filebrowseapp_gcce.pkg

; Specify the languages - as previously supported
; Languages
; none - English only by default

; List of localised vendor names - one per language. At least one must be provided (English [EN]). 
; List must correspond to list of languages specified elsewhere in the .pkg

; The non-localised, globally unique vendor name (mandatory)

; Package header
; Name, Package UID, Major, Minor, Build, Package-type
#{"FileBrowse example"}, (0xE80000A6), 1, 0, 0, TYPE=SA

; ProductID for UIQ 3.0
; Product/platform version UID, Major, Minor, Build, Product ID
(0x101F6300), 3, 0, 0, {"UIQ30ProductID"}

; Files to install for my directory application
; If you have changed the default UIQ SDK installation path than you also need to change these paths.


Symbian OS applications can be localised by defining all the localisable text and images in language-specific resource and icon files. At install time, depending on the language selected by the user, only a single version of each set of language-specific files will be installed. A package file can specify the available language options with a line starting with a '&', followed by the supported language variants using two character codes. For example,


would indicate that English and French options are available. If you omit this line, the user is presented with a default language of English (UK).

For more details, see How to create an installation file for a multilingual application page of the Symbian OS Library.

Localised and non-localised vendor names

The sections preceded by '%' and ':' are the localised and non-localised vendor names respectively.

Package header

The line beginning with '#' is the package header. This line must always be specified. It provides the name of the application (localised with one name for each language supported), as it will be displayed in the installation dialogs, the package UID, version information and package type.

The package UID is used to identify packages when they are installed, upgraded or removed. You can get a new UID from Symbian Signed, or you can use the same value as the UID3 of an executable installed by the package.

The package type indicates the type of installation, since different types have different rules on how files may be installed or uninstalled. The example above uses TYPE=SISAPP, which can also be specified using the abbreviation SA, or omitted entirely, since it is the default option if no type is specified. This type identifies the component to be installed as an application. Other types include a patch type and a partial upgrade type, as described in the package-header section of the Symbian OS Library.

Hardware Dependency

The line beginning with a hexadecimal UID in brackets is mandatory and is used to ensure that only applications that are compatible with the phone hardware in question are installed onto it. The syntax of this statement is described in more detail in the dependency page of the Symbian OS Library.

The important parts of this line for the example above are the hexadecimal UID (0x101F6300) and the string in quotes (UIQ30ProductID). The string which ends with ProductID must be specified as well as the UID. This is used for reporting rather than matching purposes. For more information, see the phone or UI platform manufacturer's technical documentation.

This combination specifies that the program can be installed on any phone that uses the UIQ v3.0 platform. The equivalent for a phone which runs on the S60 3.x platform is:

[0x101F7961], 0, 0, 0, {"S60ProductID"}

For UIQ installation, the numbers between the UID and the string specify the required phone or UI version number, or the upper and lower bounds for a range of versions (if separated by ‘~’). These numbers must be specified, but in practice, the target hardware version may be inherent in the product UID, as in this example.

For S60, the version field is unused and must always be 0,0,0.

Files to install

The rest of the package file lists the files to install (the filenames preceding the hyphens are files on the PC), and their respective destinations on the phone. Specifying an exclamation mark in place of a drive letter in the target filename is recommended because it means that the user will be given a choice of drive on which to install the application. From v9.3 onwards, an alternative is to use the $ sign in place of a hard-coded drive letter, as this denotes the system drive.

Symbian OS v9.1 is a secure platform, which imposes various restrictions on file locations. This is known as “data caging” and the rules for the file installation locations are as follows:

Locations not listed above are public and writable by any program.


Application signing

Application signing is a way of adding a tamper-proof "digital signature" to an application to guarantee that it has not been maliciously altered and that its originator can be traced. A signature issued by a signing authority is used to ensure that an installation file has not been tampered with, that it is from a trusted source, and, where it is signed by Symbian Signed, that it has passed an approved set of test criteria.

On S60 phones, all sis files must be signed before they can be used to install applications to the phone. On UIQ phones, it is not mandatory but smartphone users will be encouraged only to download and install applications which have been signed, so it is advantageous to do so. No signing is required to run applications on either the S60 or UIQ emulators.

A sis file may either be self signed, signed using a developer certificate (during application development) or submitted to Symbian Signed, which is the signing and verification program which authenticates the originator of an application, tests the application against a set of industry-agreed criteria and, when it has been proved to be acceptable, signs it.


Around 60% of the APIs that are in Symbian OS don’t have any capabilities associated with them and are freely accessible to all applications - just as with earlier releases of Symbian OS.

There is also a set of APIs which require capabilities that are broadly understandable by the user. These capabilities are:

The user may authorise programs which need these user-understandable capabilities, although it is at the discretion of the phone manufacturer to determine which of the previous capabilities are included in the basic set. This policy may vary between phone manufacturers, individual phone model and also between locales, depending on the market requirements. You should check the phone manufacturer's SDK for further details.

When an application requires no capabilities, or only uses capabilities from the basic unrestricted set, it can be self-signed both for testing and shipping. This is recommended as suitable for freeware applications which use unrestricted capabilities. A self-signed sis file is said to be “untrusted” and the user will be warned of this at install time.

The user also would typically provide authorisation of the appropriate capabilities by accepting a prompt at install time. If the user refuses to provide this authorisation the application install will be terminated.

Signing with a developer certificate

APIs associated with more sensitive capabilities are described as ‘system’ or ‘extended capabilities’. These system capabilities would be difficult for a user to understand, so it is inappropriate to give users the ability to grant them at install time, since the risks of doing so would be unclear to them.

Applications requiring these capabilities will need to be signed as trusted to receive them. However, before submitting an application for signing as trustworthy, the developer needs to test it on a target phone as well as on the emulator. For applications that need system capabilities to be tested on hardware before they are submitted to a signing programme, 'developer mode' certificates will be issued. These certificates are subject to various constraints:

For more information on how to acquire developer certificates, see the Symbian Signed website.

When applying for a developer certificate, the system capabilities that an application requires will need to be considered.

The system capabilities are subdivided into three sets

If an application requires capabilities that are not authorised by the user, or requests more capabilities than the certificate it is signed with can grant, the application will not install on the phone.

How do I know which capabilities my application will need?

Each system API is documented in the Symbian OS Library with the capabilities it needs. If you are linking to third party binaries, you can use the petran tool, which ships with all SDKs as standard, to get information about the capabilities of DLLs and EXEs.

For example, the following will dump information for utility.dll:

petran –dump s utility.dll

If you run a debug build of your application on the emulator with the Platform Security diagnostic output and enforcement flags enabled in epoc.ini as described in the Emulator section of this tutorial, you can also inspect the epocwind.out debug output to confirm that there are no Platform Security errors or warnings generated. If you application has insufficient capabilities, those capabilities which are needed will be logged when your application tries to use the APIs which require the missing capabilities.