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Defining TestExecute servers

TestExecute servers are called within TestExecute test scripts, and are defined using the testExecuteServer.dtd.

Below is an example of how to create the relevant XML file, simpleServer.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE testExecuteServer SYSTEM "c:\program files\common files\symbian\testExecuteServer.dtd" [ ]>




    <build type="test">


TestExecute Server XML tags

XML tag



The TestExecute server is described within a <testExecuteServer> tag. The test consists of a number of tags. Some tags are required and some are optional. The optional tags not included in the example are displayed in italics.


This is the name of the TestExecute server, which must be the same as that of the XML file.


The name of the .mmp file of the server.


This defines the location of the bld.inf file, used for building the server.


This identifies any items to be initialised.


This tag is used to declare any .ini files.


The source location of the server.ini file on the PC.


The target location of the server.ini file on the device.


This tag is used to describe the location of the server configuration file on the PC and device. It contains the following sub tags:

  • <hostPath> - defines the source location of the configuration file on the PC, after an export has been made.

  • <devicePath> - defines the target location of the configuration file on the device.


This tag is used to describe any dependencies required for this test. Dependencies are optional, but when used they need to be defined as either data files or buildable files. The format used for each type is described below.


This tag is used to describe a data file dependency for the test, e.g. an existing file that does not need to be built. It contains two sub tags:

  • <hostPath> - defines the source location of the data file on the PC, after an export has been made.

  • <devicePath> - defines the target location of the data file on the device.


This tag is used to describe a buildable file dependency for the test. It has an attribute; "type" which specifies how the dependency should be built using the abld command.

This could be either of the following:

  • "normal", indicating that the dependency will be built as a non-test project, i.e. build this dependency without 'test' in the abld command. For example abld build ….

  • "ASSP" (Application-Specific Standard Product), indicating that the dependency will be built for a specific product, e.g. MISA for an Assabet board.

  • "Normal_ASSP", indicating that the dependency will be built as a non-test project specific to a product.

  • "test", indicating that the dependency will be built as a test project. For example abld test build …. ·

  • Default is set to "test" as described above.

The <build> tag also contains several sub tags:

  • <hostPath> - defines the location of the buildable file on the PC.

  • <devicePath> - defines the target location where the buildable file is to be built on the device.

  • <mmpFile> - defines the name of the project file (.mmp) to be built.

  • <bldInfPath> - defines the location and name of the bld.inf file for the project to be built.


See also