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TestDriver command reference

TestDriver being a command line tool, provides various command line options to build, package and run the Symbian OS tests. Using TestDriver involves setting the apppropriate command line options, these can be changed any time you want.

A command in TestDriver is made of two components and a set of switches. The first component is always the testdriver, and the second component is the name of the command, for example, print, build etc.

The options are a list of <switch [parameters]>. A switch is in the form of a hyphen followed by a letter or double hyphen followed by a word for example, –p winscw –-platsec ON. All commands, except the help command follow the same scheme.

Note: A switch is case sensitive, for example, -s is not same as -S. Single character switches are used with single dash, for example -s, -m. Switches with more than one character are used with double dashes, for example --cl, --srv, --source.

Here is a quick guide to all commands and the command line options available when using TestDriverV2:

  1. build

  2. cancel

  3. clean

  4. cleanremote

  5. config

  6. emulatorpackage

  7. import

  8. installpackage

  9. jobstatus

  10. master

  11. masterstatus

  12. package

  13. print

  14. rbuild

  15. resultpath

  16. results

  17. run

  18. runremote

Standard commands

These standard commands are interpreted in the usual way.

  1. version: Gives the version of the tool.

    >testdriver version 

  2. help: Provides general help on usage and commands.

    >testdriver help 

    help command provides the following information.

    TestDriver [COMMAND]
    [COMMAND] options
    INSTALLPACKAGE : install a test package locally
    HELP           : display help on usage and commands
    PACKAGE        : build a test package
    BUILD          : build a test or test suite using Symbian build tools
    EMULATORPACKAGE: package the emulator image to be sent to a remote machine(DEPRECATED)
    PRINT          : Display testsuite contents to screen.
    CANCEL         : cancel a remote job
    IMPORT         : Imports the xml files from TDv1 format to TDv2 .driver format
    CLEAN          : Cleans TestDriver artifacts.
    CLEANREMOTE    : Cleans up the server files.
    MASTER         : Run TestDriver Remote Master
    RUNREMOTE      : Run a test package remotely
    RBUILD         : Create a TestDriver repository form a pre-built EPOC tree.
    RUN            : Run a driver file
    VERSION        : Print TestDriver version
    JOBSTATUS      : Request remote job status
    RESULTS        : Display results from a remote job
    RESULTPATH     : Returns the last result location.
    CONFIG         : Configure TestDriver
    INSTALL        : Install the TestDriver. (DEPRECATED)
    MASTERSTATUS   : Request master status TestDriver system when using TestDriver Remote
    TestDriver help [COMMAND] : For command specific help

  3. help otherCommand: Provides help on a particular command. For example:

    >testdriver help package

    This command provides the following information:

    usage: package [-s s] [-b b] [--tp tp] [-p p]
    build a test package. 

     -b <b>      target variant urel/udeb
     -p <p>      target platform e.g arm4
     -s <s>      test/suite address
     --tp <tp>   test package absolute path


Command reference

This section guides you through commands and the command line options available when using TestDriver.



The build command builds a test using Symbian build tools.

The command line syntax for building a test suite is:

testdriver build [-s s] [-b b] [-sysbin] [-p p]

The following options are available when using the build command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the target platform, this is mandatory.

arm4, armv4, armv5, thumb, wins and winscw


Used to specify the target variant, this is mandatory.



Used to specify the address of the root task to run.



Allows copying to SYS/BIN with STATLite.



This command is used to cancel a remote job. The command line syntax is:

testdriver cancel  

Option Description Value


Used to specify the job ID.


Used to specify the remote host/IP address and service name. This is optional.



The clean command cleans the TestDriver artifacts.

testdriver clean <options>



This command is used to cleans up the server files. The syntax for using this command would be:

testdriver cleanremote <options>

The following options are available when using the cleanremote command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the job ID.


Used to specify the host or IP address and the name of remote server

When the -j (job ID) is specified, the result files are deleted on the server side and the job is removed from the list of jobs. If -j option is not specified, the server will cleanup all the files on the server side including EPOCROOT, REPOSITORYROOT, the stat/work folder, the results folders for all jobs and resets the job number.



The command is used to configure the TestDriver, the command line syntax is:

> testdriver config [<option>] 

When used without options, the command prints the current TestDriver settings which are stored in the TestDriver configuration file. The following options can be set using the config command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the build target variant/build:

udeb or urel


Used if clean is run with bldmake.bat and abld.bat



Used to specify if bldmake bldfiles is run ON/OFF.



Used to specify the OS build number.


Used to specify the location to save results and logs (variable: ${resultroot}).


Used by signsis tool to sign the TestDriver sis files.


Used to clear the configuration backstore.


Used to intiatialise CommsDat with WinTAP for the emulator. Use ON/OVERWRITE/OFF.

Note: Currently ON option is not supported.



Used to set the location of the EPOC drive (variable: ${epocroot}).

testdriver config -e h:\epoc


Used to export the configuration to a preference file.


Used to import the configuration from a preference file.


Used to set the SERVER: remote jobs folder.


Used to specify the Kernel

EKA1 or EKA2


Used by signsis tool to sign the TestDriver sis files.


Used to specify the target platform.This is mandatory.

arm4, armv4, armv5, thumb, wins and winscw


Used to specify the Platsec status.



Used to set the SERVER: Port to perform rom flashing with trgtest.exe.


Used to set the location to save the repository for TestDriver (variable: ${repositoryroot}).


Used to specify the address of the root task to run.

taskA.taskB.taskC, the default XML root directory.


file:/c:/adir/aseconddir/adriverfile.driver#taskA.taskB.taskC, the full URL of the location of the task in the driver file separated by a #


Used to set the remote server name.


Used to set the remote service name.


Used to set the location of the directory containing the source files (variable: ${sourceroot}).

testdriver config --source h:\ testdriver\source


Allows copying to SYS/BIN with STATLite.


Used to specify the transport protocol that is used to link with the hardware board.

serial1, serial2, tcp, bt6


Used to transfer the TestExecute Framework (TEF) dependencies this can be ON (or OFF)

testdriver config -testexec ON


Used to specify the UID range to use with TestDriver (0xFIRST:0xLAST).

Note: The UID values must be valid hexadecimal numbers.

testdriver config --uid 0x10210D02:0x10210D32


Used to set the location where TestDriver1 saved its XML files (variable: ${xmlroot}).

testdriver config -x h:\ testdriver\xmlroot

You can build, set the entry point address and so on, for the test you wish to run using the 'testdriver config' command and directly run the tests using 'testdriver run' command.



This command is used to package the emulator image to be sent to a remote machine. The command line syntax is:

testdriver emulatorpackage -tp tp

where, tp is the absolute path of the test package.

The following option is available when using the emulatorpackage command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the absolute path for the test package.


Note: Currently this command is deprecated.



The import command is used to import the xml files from TestDriverv1 format to TestDriverv2 foramt.

The command line syntax is:

testdriver import -x <options>

The following option is available when using the import command:

Option Description Value


Used to set the location where TestDriver1 saved its XML files (variable: ${xmlroot}). This is mandatory.

-x h:\ testdriver\xmlroot



This command is used to install a test package locally. The syntax for installing a test package is:

testdriver installpackage -tp  tpackagePath

where, tpackagePath is the absolute path to the test package you want to install.

The following option is available when using the import command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the absolute path to the test package to be installed.




This command is used to request the status of a remote job. The syntax to get the status is:

testdriver jobstatus <options>

The following options are available when using the jobstatus command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the job ID.


Used to specify the remote host name/IP address and the name of the remote service.



This command is used to run the TestDriver Remote Master. The syntax is:

testdriver master



This command is used to request the status of the TestDriver Master system when using TestDriver Remote. The command line syntax is:

testdriver masterstatus <options>

--srv option is available when using the masterstatus command. Specify the IP address and the server name of master TestDriver whose status has to be requested.



This command is used to build a test package.

> testdriver package [-s s] [-b b] [-tp tp] [-p p]

The following options are available when using the package command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the target platform, this is mandatory.

arm4, armv4, armv5, thumb, wins and winscw


Used to specify the target variant, this is mandatory.



Used to specify the address of the task to be built.



Used to specify the absolute path of the test package to be built.


If --tp is not defined, a package with the name of the test will be generated in the repository.



This command is used to print the information related to a test on the screen.

The command line syntax for printing is:

testdriver print -s s

where, s is the address of the root task to run, for example, root.testdataset.sampletask. The option -s displays the contents of the test on the screen.



The rbuild command creates a TestDriver repository from a pre-built epoc tree.

The command line syntax is:

testdriver rbuild <options>

The following options are available when using the rbuild command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the target platform, this is mandatory.

arm4, armv4, armv5, thumb, wins and winscw


Used to specify the target variant, this is mandatory.



Used to specify the address of the root task to run.

h:\ testdriver\tasks\task1.task2


Allows copying to SYS/BIN with STATLite.


Used to specify the Platsec status.




This command is returns the last result location.. The syntax for obtaining the result location is:

testdriver resultpath <options>



This command is used to display results from a remote job. The syntax for displaying results is:

testdriver results <options>

The following options are available when using the results command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the job ID.


Used to specify the address and the name of remote server


Used to specify the path to pick the test results.



Used to run a driver file. The command line syntax for running is:

> testdriver run <options>

The following options are available when using the run command:

Option Description Value


Used to specify the target platform, this is mandatory.

arm4, armv4, armv5, wins, winscw


Used to specify the build type, this is mandatory.

udeb, urel


Used to specify the location from where results can be picked.


Used to specify the address of the root task to run.

taskA.taskB.taskC, the default XML root directory.


file:/c:/adir/aseconddir/adriverfile.driver#taskA.taskB.taskC, the full URL of the location of the task in the driver file separated by a #


Used to specify the Platsec status.



Used to specify the transport protocol that is used to link with hardware board.

serial1, serial2, tcp, bt6


Used to specify the location to save RDebug logs.

rdebug, log


Used to specify the OS build number.



Used to specify the UCC IP port to which the feedback is sent.


Used to specify the Kernel EKA1/EKA2.



Allows copying to SYS/BIN with STATLite.



This command is used to run a test package remotely. The command line syntax to run the package is:

testdriver runremote      [-i i] [--sysbin sysbin] [-m m] [-r r] [-t t] [-l l] 
[--tp tp] [--testexec testexec] [--platsec platsec] [--srv srv] [--cl cl]

When you specify the options --testexec, --sysbin and -l, will be added to the package manifest. The server reads this manifest and sets its configuration before running the test specified in the manifest of this package. These options will not have any effect on the local configuration.

Option Description Value


Used to specify the mode of reception of the results.



Used to specify the ROM image.


Used to specify the unique name for registering the client with the server in sync mode.


Used to specify the working directory, this is mandatory.


Used to specify the transport protocol that is used to link with hardware board.


Used to specify the location where the RDebug logs should be saved.



Used to transfer the Test Execute Framework (TEF) dependencies to the package.



Used to specify the test package.



Used to specify the host name or the IP address of the remote PC and the name of the remote service.

//lon-test01/RemoteTestDriver or //


Used to copy to SYS/BIN with STATLite.


Used to specify if the PlatSec is ON or OFF.


Note: All commands save the last used options. For example, run testdriver build -p armv5. To use the same command next time, just type testdriver build. This will run the saved option -p armv5 from the memory.


See also