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Installing and configuring the TestDriverV2

This section describes the steps involved in installing the TestDriver and configuring it to perform the intended functions. TestDriver is installed using Engineering Tools Desktop installer. You can run the Engineering Tools Desktop installer in the following modes:

  1. Interactive installation

  2. Silent installation

Alternatively, the TestDriver can be installed by unzipping the file in which case Engineering Tools Desktop installer is not required.

Running the installer

Run the Engineering Tools Desktop installer from the command line with the following options.

%EPOCROOT%epoc32\engineeringtools\engtools.exe [/S] [/D=installation_path]


If /S option is not specified, the installer will run interactiverly and c:\apps\engtools would be the default installation folder.


Installing the TestDriver

Installing the TestDriver using the Engineering Tools setup wizard is known as Interactive installing.

Complete the following steps to install TestDriverV2 on your system interactively:

  1. Navigate to the folder \epoc32\EngineeringTools\. Look for engtools.exe application.

  2. Click on the wizard icon, this starts the Symbian Engineering Tools Setup. Read the instructions thoroughly.

    Symbian Engineering Tools Setup

    Symbian Engineering Tools Setup

  3. Click Next to proceed with the installation. This opens Choose Components dialog.

    Choosing TestDriver

    Choosing TestDriver

  4. Select Custom, select 'TestDriver2', WinTap and 'Docs' from the list. By default, all the tools in the list will be installed.

  5. Click Next to move to Choose Install Location dialog.

  6. Click Next, this will install the Symbian Engineering Tools in c:\apps\engtools. Browse to a different location to install in a folder of your choice.

  7. Click Next to move to Choose Start Menu Folder dialog.

  8. Select the start up menu folder.

  9. Click Next to move to WinTAP Configuration dialog.

    Wintap configuration

    Wintap configuration

  10. Retain the default network connection and IP addresses for Windows and the Emulator.

  11. Select the location to copy the epoc32 folder.

  12. Check 'Install TAP-Win32' and 'Install WinTAP' boxes to install the WinTap on the Device and on the PC.

  13. Click Install to move to Installing dialog.

  14. Click Next to proceed with installation. When the installation is finished a log save pop-up opens.

  15. Click Yes to save the installation logs.

    log save pop up

    log save pop up

  16. Click Finish.

The above steps install the TestDriver. The installer adds the installation path of TestDriver to the PATH environment variable. For example, if you have chosen d:\apps\engtools as installation path, the PATH will be pre-pended by d:\apps\engtools\testdriver2. When you unzip the The Uninstaller is saved to the same location.


Re-installing TestDriver

This assumes that you already have the Engineering Tools kit installed on your system. Complete the following steps to re-install the TestDriver.

  1. Start the installer as outlined in steps 1 and 2 in the Installing TestDriver section. The following dialog opens.

    You have the following options:

    • Click Yes to remove the entire Engineering Tools kit. This take you to a new interactive installation following through all the steps in the Installing TestDriver section.

    • Click No to retain the Engineering Tools kit. This opens Choose components dialog, allowing you to add or remove the components selected in step 4 in the Installing TestDriver section.

  2. Deselect TestDriverV2.

  3. Click Next. This uninstalls the TestDriver.

  4. To re-install the TestDriver, follow the steps outlined in Installing TestDriver.

  5. Click No, this option will not remove the engineering tools Kit.

  6. Select TestDriver2 in Choose Components in step 4 in the Installing TestDriver section. Complete all the steps to reinstall TestDriver.


Automaticlly installating the TestDriver

To install the TestDriver automatically, add the following command to your scripts:

%EPOCROOT%epoc32\engineeringtools\engtools.exe /S /D=d:\apps\engtools

This command uninstalls the complete Symbian Engineering Tools kit and installs only the TestDriver2 and the Doc component.


Uninstalling the TestDriver

When the installer is run, the uninstaller is saved to the same location where engtools.exe is saved. Navigate to the location and double-click the EngToolsUNInstaller.exe file. This removes the complete Symbian Engineering Tools kit. Do not delete the TestDriver manually.

Note: Currently, the uninstaller does not clean up the PATH.


Configuring the TestDriver

Configuring the TestDriver using the config command involves setting up your environment and defining the following information:

You can view or modify these settings using appropriate option of config command.

To display the current configurations use the command:

> testdriver config

Following settings are made to configure the TestDriver using config command.

Setting the epoc drive

To set the EPOC drive, use the command:

> testdriver config -e <path to EPOC drive>

For example, testdriver config -e h:\ sets the EPOC drive to h:\.

Setting the root path to XML structure

To set the root path to your XML structure, use the command:

> testdriver config -x <path to XML root>

For example, testdriver config -x h:\development\personal\CompVisitor\XML sets the root path to the XML structure.

Setting the root path to repository

To set the root path to the repository:

> testdriver config --repos <path>

For example:

> testdriver config --repos d:\repos

Setting the root path to test results

To set the root path to the test results, use the following command:

> testdriver config -c <path to result location>

This is used to set the root path for the test results and test logs.

Setting the root path to source code

To set the root path to the source code, use the following command:

> testdriver config --source <path to source>

TestDriver allows you to set more than one option using the config command. For example, all the above settings can be done in a single command line:

testdriver config  -e h:\ --repos d:\repos -c d:\results --source p:\group\testsrc -x

Once you have configured the above settings correctly, you can start using the TestDriver. For more options, see config.


Configuring logging information

TestDriver uses the file to configure the logging information where you can set the default values for logging levels, handlers and formatters for a log message.

An example for file would be:

# Specify the handlers to create in the root logger
    # (all loggers are children of the root logger)
    # Create two handlers
    handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, java.util.logging.FileHandler
    # Set the default logging level for the root logger
    .level = ALL
    # Set the default logging level for new ConsoleHandler instances
    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
    # Set the default logging level for new FileHandler instances
    java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = ALL
    # Set the default formatter for new ConsoleHandler instances
    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
    # Set the default logging level for the logger named com.symbian
    com.symbian.level = ALL

Configuring the logging information involves setting up the following in the file:

Logging levels

A logging level can be used to control the logging output. A log message can be differentiated by it's level that can be configured by editing the line containing .LEVEL = INFO in the file.

The supported logging levels in descending order are:

Enabling logging at a given level also enables logging at all higher levels. For example, when you set .LEVEL = INFO for a message, logging at SEVERE and WARNING levels is also enabled.

Logging handlers

Handlers allow you to output logs to different locations such as a console, a file, a stream, memory or a TCP socket on a remote host. Multiple handlers are used to output to each of these locations (for example, print all log messages to a file or to the console). Handlers include standard Java Handlers, including FileHandler, ConsoleHandler, MemoryHandler, StreamHandler and SocketHandler. However, Symbian also provides two custom handlers EmailHandler and NetSendHandler that allow you to output logging messages to an email address and NetSend location respectively.

You can configure the log message to a handler using the file:

handlername.handlerproperties = propertiesvalue

For example:

java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = TestDriver%g_%u.log

This sets up the FileHandler to use the pattern TestDriver&g_%u.log while naming the log files.

Example for handlers

In the following example:

The EmailHandler allows you to email the log messages to an email client and the NetSendHandlerallows you to net-send the log messages.

Example of the possible properties configurations for these handlers are as follows: = 10

This sets the maximum number of errors that can occur before sending an email. = WARNING 

This sets the meaning of the error. =

This sets the IP address to send the net-send message. = 5

This sets the maximum number of errors that can occur before sending an email. = WARNING

This sets the meaning of the error. = [email protected]

The address from where the log messages have to be sent. = [email protected]

The address to send the log messages. = [email protected]

The SMTP server to send the log messages.

Output Formatters

Log messages can be sent to locations stated in the Logging Handlers section, as either simple text or as XML. Output formatters allow you to organise your output. Java includes the standard formatters, SimpleFormatter and XMLFormatter. Additionally, Symbian provides, a simpler formatter to format your output.

More information on configuring the properties file to set the logging levels, handlers and formatters can be found in Configuring the logging properties and Logging messages.


See also

Communicating with the device

Command Reference