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Building tests

The TestDriver allows you to build tests, and collect the resulting binaries and dependencies in a repository. The build command copies the SIS files containing these files.

When you build tests, the 'testdriver build' command uses the XML tree as input, for more information, see XML Schema. It walks through the XML tree starting from the element specified by the switch -s. The parent elements of the first node are executed first followed by the child elements. Therefore the XML tree need to be organised such that the common dependencies are placed in the parent elements.

Command line syntax

The command line for building a the TestDriver input is:

> testdriver build -p <platform> -b <build> -s test 

For more build options, see build command.


To build Test4 give the following command:

> testdriver build -p arm4 -b urel -s test1.test4

This would build contents of Test4 for ARM4 platform and UREL target.


See also