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Installing software for remote testing

The following sections describe how to configure and run the software required on both the Client and Server side to be able to execute tests remotely using the TestDriver. The Server resides inside the TestDriver and is installed along with the TestDriver.

System requirements

When setting up your Client-Server configuration in order to run tests remotely over a WAN or LAN, you need to have the hardware and software setup on the system. For details, see PC and device requirements.


Configuring the Client side

Each PC Client used will need to have TestDriver installed.

Installing TestDriver

The TestDriver is used for building the test packages and submitting them to the remote server for execution. TestDriver is provided on the Symbian OS Development Kit and can be found in the <EPOCRoot>\epoc32\EngineeringTools directory.

To install TestDriver, perform the steps that are outlined in Installing the TestDriver.


Configuring the Server side

The PC to be used for running tests will need to have TestDriver and TestMaster installed on it. The TestMaster is installed along with the TestDriver. More information on installing the TestDriver is available in Installing the TestDriver.

Configuring the TestMaster

Before running the TestMaster complete the following settings using the config command:

 testDriver config --server <host_name> --service <service_name> --jobs <jobs_folder> --srv remote_serv --port flushing_port -t transport

Where you need to set the name of the remote server and service, remote target test port, test job to be executed etc.

For example:

TestDriver config --server lon-test01 --service RemoteTD --jobs c:\jobs --port 2 --t serial3

This sets the name of the remote server and service, remote target test port, test job to be executed etc. For more details, see Command reference.

Running TestMaster

Run the TestMaster using the following command:

>testDriver master

If the TestMaster is running correctly, you will see the following output:

TestMaster starting up...
Host: YourServerHostName
RMI Service: RemoteTestDriver
Executor: Waiting for a job.
TestMaster running.

Note: Wintap should not be running on the server side when remote testing is in process.


See also