Symbian OS Library


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Onboard Camera API Overview


The Onboard Camera API provides functionality to control a digital camera and to request and receive specific image data from it. Still or video images may be captured. A camera may be controlled with its output media going into a non-Symbian OS sink (for example, into hardware), or it may be controlled with output going into Symbian OS.

The API defines basic common operations, but is also extensible to allow for proprietary properties.


Architectural relationships

The Onboard Camera API provides images to clients. A client may be an application with image requirements, or the Multimedia Framework.

Clients have specific priorities and may pre-empt others in their interactions with the camera. When a camera client needs to share the camera with another component, it creates a handle to the camera and pass this handle to the component.

Platform security requires that users application have UserEnvironment capability to create a Camera object.

Licensees and partners implement the camera API for the camera hardware on their phone. The implementation can be a static DLL or an ECom plug-in. All cameras are ECom plugins sub-classed from the CCameraPlugin class.

When a new camera object is required, the ECam library requests a camera plugin from the ECom framework. When more than one ROM based plugins have been registered on the platform, the one with the highest version defined in its resource file is selected.



Client Applications can use the API for a number of tasks, including:

Key classes

The key classes that make up the Camera API are as follows.