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Secure Sockets interface

Secure sockets implement the MSecureSocket interface, which contains general methods to make and close a secure connection, specify and query certificates used in a connection, and send and receive data. The interface supports implementations that act in both client mode, i.e. connecting to a remote secure server, and acting as a server for remote clients.

Secure socket implementations are used to secure an already open and connected socket. The CSecureSocket class is instantiated by applications with a reference to an already connected RSocket, and a protocol name that they wish to use. The CSecureSocket finds, loads, and creates a secure socket of the correct implementation. The CSecureSocket then owns the instantiated implementation object and acts as a proxy, relaying any method calls through to the actual implementation object.

Protocol implementations are never directly exposed to applications. The CSecureSocket class hides the MSecureSocket class and the underlying plugin nature of implementations from applications. New secure sockets can be created through the static CSecureSocket::NewL() method.

A secure socket plugin is provided for TLS1.0/SSL3.0.

Protocol implementations

Protocol implementations may use methods provided by the CSecureSocket to carry out specific actions such as: setting a secure socket, setting/getting the current server certificate, setting/getting a specific protocol/version to use if implementations supports more than one, setting/getting supported cipher suites (cipher suites are methods of encrypting text).


See also

Using sockets client

How to use SSL secure sockets