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Location: ES_SOCK.H
Link against: esock.lib

Class RSocket

class RSocket : public RCommsSubSession;


Provides a client endpoint to a protocol. It provides functions for socket creation, reading, writing, passive connection, active connection, setting addresses and querying addresses. Use this class as an endpoint for network type communications. It provides the following services:

reading from and writing to protocol

binding to addresses

active connecting

passive connection through the listen/accept model

Before using any of these services, a connection to a socket server session must have been made and the socket must be open.



Defined in RSocket:
Accept(), Accept(), Bind(), CancelAccept(), CancelAll(), CancelConnect(), CancelIoctl(), CancelRead(), CancelRecv(), CancelSend(), CancelWrite(), Close(), Connect(), Connect(), EImmediate, ENormal, EStopInput, EStopOutput, GetDisconnectData(), GetOpt(), GetOpt(), Info(), Ioctl(), Listen(), Listen(), LocalName(), LocalPort(), Name(), Open(), Open(), Open(), Open(), Open(), RSocket(), Read(), Recv(), Recv(), RecvFrom(), RecvFrom(), RecvOneOrMore(), RemoteName(), Send(), Send(), SendTo(), SendTo(), SetLocalPort(), SetOpt(), SetOpt(), Shutdown(), Shutdown(), TShutdown, Transfer(), Write()

Inherited from RSubSessionBase:
CloseSubSession(), CreateAutoCloseSubSession(), CreateSubSession(), SendReceive(), Session(), SubSessionHandle()

See also

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C RSocket();


Default Constructor


Member functions


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT
Capability: NetworkServices Conditional on: KProtocolInet6Icmp
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KProtocolInetIp
Capability: NetworkServices Conditional on: KProtocolInetUdp
Capability: NetworkServices Conditional on: KProtocolInetTcp
Capability: NetworkServices Conditional on: KProtocolInetIcmp
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KProtocolInet6Ip

IMPORT_C TInt Open(RSocketServ &aServer, TUint addrFamily, TUint sockType, TUint protocol);


Opens a socket by creating a new subsession to the socket server.

Opens a channel to a protocol identified by a tuple of constants. If a socket is the first to be opened for a protocol it will have the additional effect of loading the protocol in the socket server.

NOTE: Deprecated default connection scenario. Applications exercising the default connection scenario must (from 9.3 onwards) switch to explicit connection scenario.

Applications attempting to exercise the default connection scenario shall (from 9.3 onwards) receive an error from RSocket::Open(...). The actual error code is yet to be defined.


RSocketServ &aServer

The socket server session.

TUint addrFamily

A valid address constant for a protocol family.

TUint sockType

A valid socket type for the protocol.

TUint protocol

A protocol constant which identifies a specific protocol.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes


Capability: Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C TInt Open(RSocketServ &aServer, TUint addrFamily, TUint sockType, TUint protocol, RConnection &aConnection);


Opens a socket which is associated with the same interface as an existing RConnection.

Note: The association is instantaneous, in that the socket is associated with the interface that the RConnection is associated with at the present time. This association terminates when the underlying interface goes down.


RSocketServ &aServer

The socket server session.

TUint addrFamily

A valid address constant for a protocol family.

TUint sockType

A valid socket type for the protocol.

TUint protocol

A protocol constant which identifies a specific protocol.

RConnection &aConnection

Existing RConnection whose interface this socket will be associated with.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of connection so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C TInt Open(RSocketServ &aServer, TUint addrFamily, TUint sockType, TUint protocol, RSubConnection &aSubConnection);


Opens a socket which is associated with and associates it with a RSubConnection.


RSocketServ &aServer

The socket server session.

TUint addrFamily

A valid address constant for a protocol family.

TUint sockType

A valid socket type for the protocol.

TUint protocol

A protocol constant which identifies a specific protocol.

RSubConnection &aSubConnection

Existing RSubConnection this socket will be associated with.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C TInt Open(RSocketServ &aServer, const TDesC &aName);


Opens a socket by creating a new subsession to the socket server.

Opens a channel to a protocol identified by a name. If a socket is the first to be opened for a protocol it will have the additional effect of loading the protocol in the socket server.

NOTE: Deprecated default connection scenario. Applications exercising the default connection scenario must (from 9.3 onwards) switch to explicit connection scenario.

Applications attempting to exercise the default connection scenario shall (from 9.3 onwards) receive an error from RSocket::Open(...). The actual error code is yet to be defined.


RSocketServ &aServer

The socket server session.

const TDesC &aName

Name of a protocol.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C TInt Open(RSocketServ &aServer);


Opens a socket by creating a new subsession to the socket server.

Provides a blank channel to the socket server which has no protocol associated. A socket opened in this manner is suitable as an argument to Accept(), which will marry the blank socket to a protocol when a connection is established to a remote endpoint.


RSocketServ &aServer

The socket server session.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Send(const TDesC8 &aDesc, TUint someFlags, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Sends data to a remote host on a connected socket with options set by protocol specific flags.

A socket may only have one send operation in progress at any one time. Send() should only be used with connected sockets.

If a protocol's information flag is marked with KSIUrgentData, then KSockWriteUrgent may be provided as a flag to Send(). All other flags are protocol specific.


const TDesC8 &aDesc

The data to be sent.

TUint someFlags

Flags which are passed through to protocol

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates that the socket has been shutdown with option EStopOutput.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Send(const TDesC8 &aDesc, TUint someFlags, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TSockXfrLength &aLen);


Sends data to a remote host on a connected socket with options set by protocol specific flags.

The length of the descriptor indicates the amount of data to be sent. The TSockXfrLength argument will return the amount of data actually sent.

A socket may only have one send operation in progress at any one time.

Send() should only be used with connected sockets.

If a protocol's information flag is marked with KSIUrgentData, then KSockWriteUrgent may be provided as a flag to Send(). All other flags are protocol specific.


const TDesC8 &aDesc

The data to be sent.

TUint someFlags

Flags which are passed through to protocol

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates that the socket has been shutdown with option EStopOutput

TSockXfrLength &aLen

Filled in with amount of data sent before completion


IMPORT_C void CancelSend();


Cancels an outstanding Send() operation.

Calling the function will cause any outstanding send operation to complete prematurely. The state of a socket after a send is cancelled is defined by the characteristics of the protocol.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Recv(TDes8 &aDesc, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Receives data from a remote host, allowing flags for protocol specific information.

For a stream-interfaced socket the function only completes when the full amount of requested data has been received (or the connection breaks). This means when the descriptor has been filled to its maximum length (not its current length).

For a datagram-interface socket, the function completes when one datagram arrives - even if it is not sufficient to fill the buffer. If the datagram does not fit in the buffer supplied then the remaining data will be lost.

Recv() should only be used with connected sockets.

A socket may only have one receive operation outstanding at any one time.

If a protocol's information flag is marked with KSIPeekData, then KSockReadPeek may be provided as a flag to Recv(). All other flags are protocol specific.


TDes8 &aDesc

A descriptor where data received will be placed.

TUint flags

Flags for protocol specific information.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates either that a remote connection is closed, and that no more data is available for reading, or the socket has been shutdown with option RSocket::EStopInput.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Recv(TDes8 &aDesc, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TSockXfrLength &aLen);


Receives data from a remote host, allowing flags for protocol specific information.

For a stream-interfaced sockets, the function only completes when the full amount of requested data has been received (or the connection breaks). This means when the descriptor has been filled to its maximum length (not its current length).

For a datagram-interface socket, the function completes when one datagram arrives - even if it is not sufficient to fill the buffer. If the datagram does not fit in the buffer supplied then the remaining data will be lost.

Recv() should only be used with connected sockets.

A socket may only have one receive operation outstanding at any one time.

If a protocol's information flag is marked with KSIPeekData, then KSockReadPeek may be provided as a flag to Recv(). All other flags are protocol specific.


TDes8 &aDesc

A descriptor where data received will be placed.

TUint flags

Flags for protocol specific information.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

Reference to the request status object. On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates either that a remote connection is closed, and that no more data is available for reading, or the socket has been shutdown with option RSocket::EStopInput.

TSockXfrLength &aLen

For non-datagram sockets, on return, a length which indicates how much data was read. This is the same as length of the returned aDesc. For datagram sockets, this parameter is not used.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void RecvOneOrMore(TDes8 &aDesc, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TSockXfrLength &aLen);


Receives data from a remote host and completes when data is available.

The function reads at least one byte of data, but will complete as soon as any data is available. The amount of data received is returned via the TSockXfrLength argument.

RecvOneOrMore() can only be used with stream-interfaced connected sockets; datagram interface sockets will return KErrNotSupported.

A socket may only have one receive operation outstanding at any one time.


TDes8 &aDesc

A descriptor where data read will be placed.

TUint flags

Flags which are passed through to protocol.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates either that a remote connection is closed, and that no more data is available for reading, or the socket has been shutdown with option RSocket::EStopInput.

TSockXfrLength &aLen

For non-datagram sockets, on return, a length which indicates how much data was read. This is the same as length of the returned aDesc. For datagram sockets, this parameter is not used.


IMPORT_C void CancelRecv();


Cancels an outstanding Recv() operation.

Calling this function will cause any outstanding receive operation to complete prematurely. The state of a socket after a receive is cancelled is defined by the characteristics of the protocol.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Read(TDes8 &aDesc, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Receives data from a remote host.

For a stream-interfaced sockets, the function only completes when the full amount of requested data has been received (or the connection breaks). This means when the descriptor has been filled to its maximum length (not its current length). For a connection-oriented datagram-interface, the function completes when a datagram arrives even if it is not sufficient to fill the buffer.

Read() should only be used with connected sockets.

A socket may only have one receive operation outstanding at any one time.


TDes8 &aDesc

A descriptor where data read will be placed.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates either that a remote connection is closed, and that no more data is available for reading, or the socket has been shutdown with option RSocket::EStopInput.


IMPORT_C void CancelRead();


Cancels an outstanding Read() operation.

Calling this function will cause any outstanding Read() operation to complete prematurely. The state of a socket after a receive is cancelled is defined by the characteristics of the protocol.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Write(const TDesC8 &aDesc, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Sends data to a remote host.

Write() should only be used with connected sockets.


const TDesC8 &aDesc

The data to be sent.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates that the socket has been shutdown with option EStopOutput.


IMPORT_C void CancelWrite();


Cancels an outstanding Write() operation.

Calling the function will cause any outstanding Write() operation to complete prematurely. The state of a socket after a send is cancelled is defined by the characteristics of the protocol.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void SendTo(const TDesC8 &aDesc, TSockAddr &anAddr, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Sends data to a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket to a specified destination address.

Flags are provided to add protocol specific information. The length of the descriptor indicates the amount of data to be sent. A socket may only have one send operation in progress at any one time.


const TDesC8 &aDesc

The data to be sent.

TSockAddr &anAddr

A remote destination address for unconnected sends

TUint flags

Flags which are passed through to protocol

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates that the socket has been shutdown with option EStopOutput.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void SendTo(const TDesC8 &aDesc, TSockAddr &anAddr, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TSockXfrLength &aLen);


Sends data to a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket to a specified destination address.

Flags are provided to add protocol specific information. The length of the descriptor indicates the amount of data to be sent. A socket may only have one send operation in progress at any one time. The TSockXfrLength argument will return the amount of data sent.


const TDesC8 &aDesc

The data to be sent.

TSockAddr &anAddr

A remote destination address for unconnected sends

TUint flags

Flags which are passed through to protocol

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates that the socket has been shutdown with option EStopOutput.

TSockXfrLength &aLen

Filled in with amount of data sent before completion


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void RecvFrom(TDes8 &aDesc, TSockAddr &anAddr, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Receives data from a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket and returns a source address.

Flags are provided to add protocol specific information.

A socket may only have one receive operation outstanding at any one time.


TDes8 &aDesc

A descriptor where data read will be placed.

TSockAddr &anAddr

A remote source address for unconnected receives. Returns KAfInet6 in TSockAddr::Family() for IPv4 ICMP packets. Returns KAfInet for IPv4 TCP and UDP sockets.

TUint flags

Flags which are passed through to protocol.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates either that a remote connection is closed, and that no more data is available for reading, or the socket has been shutdown with option RSocket::EStopInput.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void RecvFrom(TDes8 &aDesc, TSockAddr &anAddr, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TSockXfrLength &aLen);


Receives data from a remote host through a (possibly) unconnected socket where a source address is returned.

Flags are provided to add protocol specific information.

A socket may only have one receive operation outstanding at any one time.


TDes8 &aDesc

A descriptor where data read will be placed

TSockAddr &anAddr

A remote source address for unconnected receives. Returns KAfInet6 in TSockAddr::Family() for IPv4 ICMP packets. Returns KAfInet for IPv4 TCP and UDP sockets.

TUint flags

Flags which are passed through to protocol

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes. Note that KErrEof indicates either that a remote connection is closed, and that no more data is available for reading, or the socket has been shutdown with option RSocket::EStopInput.

TSockXfrLength &aLen

For non-datagram sockets, on return, a length which indicates how much data was read. This is the same as length of the returned aDesc. For datagram sockets, this parameter is not used.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Connect(TSockAddr &anAddr, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Connects to a remote host asynchronously.

The address provided specifies the address of the remote host.

A socket may only have one connect operation outstanding at any one time. Once the connect is completed, the socket is ready to send or receive data. If a socket is unbound - i.e. Bind() has not been called yet - then it will automatically have a local address allocated.

Connect() is always required for protocols which do not have the KSIConnectionLess flag in their protocol information. If a protocol has the KSIConnectionLess flag, then Connect() may be used to set the address for all data sent from the socket, in which case Send()/Write() may be used in addition to SendTo().

To use data in connection a protocol must have the flag KSIConnectData in its protocol information.

To cancel a connect use CancelConnect().


TSockAddr &anAddr

Address of remote host.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, will contain an error code, see the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Connect(TSockAddr &anAddr, const TDesC8 &aConnectDataOut, TDes8 &aConnectDataIn, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Connects to a remote host asynchronously.

The address provided specifies the address of the remote host.

Some protocols allow data to be sent in connect request packets which may be provided in the data-out descriptor. Some protocols may allow data to be sent in connect responses which may be collected in the data-in descriptor.

A socket may only have one connect operation outstanding at any one time. Once the connect is completed, the socket is ready to send or receive data. If a socket is unbound - i.e. Bind() has not been called yet - then it will automatically have a local address allocated.

Connect() is always required for protocols which do not have the KSIConnectionLess flag in their protocol information. If a protocol has the KSIConnectionLess flag, then Connect() may be used to set the address for all data sent from the socket, in which case Send()/Write() may be used in addition to SendTo().

To use data in connection a protocol must have the flag KSIConnectData in its protocol information.

To cancel a connect use CancelConnect().


TSockAddr &anAddr

Address of remote host.

const TDesC8 &aConnectDataOut

TDes8 &aConnectDataIn

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, will contain an error code. KErrBadHandle if the socket has already been closed by the client; KErrAlreadyExists if the socket is already connected and it isn't a blocking connection; otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.

Panic codes


if the socket is connection-oriented and a blocking connection is already in progress for the socket


IMPORT_C void CancelConnect();


Cancels an outstanding connect operation.

Will cause any outstanding connect operation to complete prematurely.

The state of a socket after a connect is cancelled is defined by the characteristics of the protocol.


IMPORT_C TInt Bind(TSockAddr &anAddr);


Sets the local address of a socket.

When a socket is opened it has no name associated with it, and binding is required so data can be routed to the socket.

Bind() should be called before Listen() or Connect(). The address supplied should be a derived class specific to the particular protocol the socket was opened on.


TSockAddr &anAddr

Desired local address of socket.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt SetLocalPort(TInt aPort);


Sets the local port of a socket. Setting the local port is equivalent to calling Bind() with only the port set in the address.


TInt aPort

Desired local port of socket.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Accept(RSocket &aBlankSocket, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Facilitates a client/server connection from a remote socket.

Extracts the first pending connection on a queue of sockets, the queue size being previously specified by Listen(). On successful completion the blank socket is given the handle of the new socket and it may then be used to transfer data. After completion the accept socket may be used to make further connections with new blank sockets (see Open() on how to open a blank socket).

Accept() may be used for protocols which do not have the KSIConnectionLess flag in their protocol information.


RSocket &aBlankSocket

A socket opened as a blank socket.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, will contain an error code: see the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Accept(RSocket &aBlankSocket, TDes8 &aConnectData, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Facilitates a client/server connection from a remote socket.

Extracts the first pending connection on a queue of sockets, the queue size being previously specified by Listen(). On successful completion the blank socket is given the handle of the new socket and it may then be used to transfer data. After completion the accept socket may be used to make further connections with new blank sockets (see Open() on how to open a blank socket).

This variant provides an additional descriptor argument to receive data which may have been sent in a connect request. If there is a pending connection in the listen queue when Accept() is called, the call will complete immediately. Otherwise it will wait until a socket becomes available in the queue and complete asynchronously.

Accept() may be used for protocols which do not have the KSIConnectionLess flag in their protocol information.

To receive data-in accepting, a protocol must have the flag KSIConnectData in its protocol information.


RSocket &aBlankSocket

A socket opened as a blank socket.

TDes8 &aConnectData

Data which may have been received in connection.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, will contain an error code: see the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C void CancelAccept();


Cancels an outstanding accept operation.

Will cause any outstanding accept operation to complete prematurely.


IMPORT_C TInt Listen(TUint qSize);


Sets up a socket to listen for incoming connections.

Before calling this procedure a socket should be opened on a specific protocol using Open() and the socket should be bound to a local address using Bind().

Listen() creates a queue to hold incoming connections which can be married with blank sockets using Accept(). The call also allows data to be sent back to connecting peers if a protocol allows data to be passed in connect responses. Once a listen queue has been created it will continue to allow peers to connect until it is full, at which point it will reject any incoming connections as specified by protocol behaviour. When a socket is accepted by the client a space is made available in the queue.


TUint qSize

Size of listen queue.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt Listen(TUint qSize, const TDesC8 &aConnectData);


Sets up a socket to listen for incoming connections.

Before calling this procedure a socket should be opened on a specific protocol using Open() and the socket should be bound to a local address using Bind().

Listen() creates a queue to hold incoming connections which can be married with blank sockets using Accept(). The call also allows data to be sent back to connecting peers if a protocol allows data to be passed in connect responses. Once a listen queue has been created it will continue to allow peers to connect until it is full, at which point it will reject any incoming connections as specified by protocol behaviour. When a socket is accepted by the client a space is made available in the queue.

To use data-in listening, a protocol must have the flag KSIConnectData in its protocol information.


TUint qSize

Size of listen queue.

const TDesC8 &aConnectData

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of operation so deferred to PRT. See documentation of constant values used in aOptionName and aOptionLevel for more information
Capability: Illegal - Unknown capability "ECapabilityNetworkControl" Conditional on: KSoIpv4LinkLocal
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetStartInterface
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetChangeRoute
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetDeleteInterface
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetConfigInterface
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetResetInterface
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetChangeInterface
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetDeleteRoute
Capability: NetworkControl Conditional on: KSoInetAddRoute

IMPORT_C TInt SetOpt(TUint anOptionName, TUint anOptionLevel, const TDesC8 &anOption=TPtrC8(0,0));


Sets a socket option. The socket server has options which are generic to all sockets and protocols may add specific options.

Options available for all protocols can be set with anOptionLevel set to KSOLSocket. See individual protocol notes for other socket options.


TUint anOptionName

An integer constant which identifies an option.

TUint anOptionLevel

An integer constant which identifies level of an option: i.e. an option level groups related options together.

const TDesC8 &anOption

Option value packaged in a descriptor.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of operation so deferred to PRT. See documentation of constant values used in aOptionName and aOptionLevel for more information

IMPORT_C TInt SetOpt(TUint anOptionName, TUint anOptionLevel, TInt anOption);


Sets a socket option. The socket server has options which are generic to all sockets and protocols may add specific options.

Options available for all protocols can be set with anOptionLevel set to KSOLSocket. See individual protocol notes for other socket options.


TUint anOptionName

An integer constant which identifies an option.

TUint anOptionLevel

An integer constant which identifies level of an option: i.e. an option level groups related options together.

TInt anOption

Option value as an integer.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of operation so deferred to PRT. See documentation of constant values used in aOptionName and aOptionLevel for more information

IMPORT_C TInt GetOpt(TUint anOptionName, TUint anOptionLevel, TDes8 &anOption);


Gets a socket option. The socket server has options which are generic to all sockets and protocols may add specific options.

Options available for all protocols can be got with anOptionLevel set to KSOLSocket. See individual protocol notes for other socket options.


TUint anOptionName

An integer constant which identifies an option.

TUint anOptionLevel

An integer constant which identifies level of an option.

TDes8 &anOption

On return, option value packaged in a descriptor.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of operation so deferred to PRT. See documentation of constant values used in aOptionName and aOptionLevel for more information

IMPORT_C TInt GetOpt(TUint anOptionName, TUint anOptionLevel, TInt &anOption);


Gets a socket option. The socket server has options which are generic to all sockets and protocols may add specific options.

Options available for all protocols can be got with anOptionLevel set to KSOLSocket. See individual protocol notes for other socket options.


TUint anOptionName

An integer constant which identifies an option.

TUint anOptionLevel

An integer constant which identifies level of an option.

TInt &anOption

On return, option value as an integer.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of operation so deferred to PRT. See documentation of constant values used in aOptionName and aOptionLevel for more information

IMPORT_C void Ioctl(TUint aCommand, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TDes8 *aDesc=0,TUint aLevel=KLevelUnspecified);


Applies an asynchronous I/O control operation on a socket. Data may be passed and received if a descriptor address is provided as an argument. Only one Ioctl() operation may be outstanding for each socket.

Commands available for all protocols can be set withaLevel set to KSOLSocket. See individual protocol notes for other commands.


TUint aCommand

Ioctl command.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On completion, will contain an error code: see the system-wide error codes.

TDes8 *aDesc

Pointer to a descriptor in which data may be sent and received on completion

TUint aLevel

Control operation level


IMPORT_C void CancelIoctl();


Cancels an outstanding Ioctl() operation.

Will cause any outstanding Ioctl operation to complete prematurely.

The state of a socket after a connect is cancelled is defined by the characteristics of the protocol.


IMPORT_C TInt GetDisconnectData(TDes8 &aDesc);


Gets data for use in the disconnection of a socket, namely the remote name of the connected socket.

This data has been received in a protocol disconnect message.

To use the data in disconnection, a protocol must have the flagKSIConnectData in its protocol information.


TDes8 &aDesc

A descriptor to receive data.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C void LocalName(TSockAddr &anAddr);


Gets the local address of a bound socket.

The local address is set either by calling Bind(), or is automatically set when Connect() is called.

If a socket is created through Accept() then a socket will inherit the port of its parent unless otherwise specified by a protocol's behaviour.

Depending on a protocol implementation, additional information may be gained through this call.


TSockAddr &anAddr

Local address which is filled in on return.


IMPORT_C TUint LocalPort();


Gets the local port number of a bound socket.

Getting the local port is similar to getting the local name.

Return value


The local port of a socket.

See also:


IMPORT_C void RemoteName(TSockAddr &anAddr);


Gets the remote name of a connected socket.

The remote name of a socket is associated with the remote host a socket is connected to. The remote name is only valid for a connected socket. A socket is either connected through calling Connect() or Accept().


TSockAddr &anAddr

Remote address which is filled in on return.


IMPORT_C void Close();


Closes a socket.

If a socket has been opened using Open() then it should be closed using Close(). This will ensure all associated resources are released.

Closing serves two distinct purposes:

To release resources associated with the IPC channel to the socket server.

To disconnect a socket if it is connected.

If a socket is connected, then calling close is equivalent to calling Shutdown() with an argument of RSocket::ENormal, synchronously waiting for the request to complete, and then closing the IPC channel. If asynchronous or alternative methods of disconnecting are required then Shutdown() should be called before Close().

If the RSocketServ session on which a protocol was opened is closed, then all sockets associated with that session will be abortively closed and any further requests on the sockets will result in panics.

If a protocol has the flag KSIGracefulClose in its protocol information, when Close() is called on a connected socket, the socket will synchronously block until a response to a close request has been received or some other protocol condition causes the call to complete.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Shutdown(TShutdown aHow, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Shuts down a connected socket - asynchronous.

This method is asynchronous as non emergency shutdown may take a while.

The shut down method allows input and output to be individually stopped for a protocol endpoint. For protocols which support data-in disconnect message, additional arguments are provided.

Shutdown() can be used for protocols which do not have the KSIConnectionLess flag in their protocol information.

To use data in disconnection a protocol must have the flag KSIDisconnectData in its protocol information.

There is no way to cancel a socket shutdown once it has started.


TShutdown aHow

Shutdown option. All variants complete when a socket is disconnected.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the type of socket so deferred to PRT

IMPORT_C void Shutdown(TShutdown aHow, const TDesC8 &aDisconnectDataOut, TDes8 &aDisconnectDataIn, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Shuts down a connected socket with disconnect data - asynchronous.

This method is asynchronous as non emergency shutdown may take a while.

The shut down method allows input and output to be individually stopped for a protocol endpoint. For protocols which support data-in disconnect message, additional arguments are provided.

Shutdown() can be used for protocols which do not have the KSIConnectionLess flag in their protocol information.

To use data in disconnection a protocol must have the flag KSIConnectData in its protocol information.

There is no way to cancel a socket shutdown once it has started.


TShutdown aHow

Shutdown option. All variants complete when a socket is disconnected.

const TDesC8 &aDisconnectDataOut

A descriptor containing data to be sent.

TDes8 &aDisconnectDataIn

A descriptor to receive data.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

On return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C void CancelAll();


Cancels all outstanding operations.

Will cause all outstanding operations to complete prematurely.

Outstanding operations for a socket include: read, write, Ioctl, connect, accept and shutdown. All of these operations will be completed by this call.


IMPORT_C TInt Info(TProtocolDesc &aProtocol);


Gets information in the protocol description for the protocol which a socket is opened on.


TProtocolDesc &aProtocol

A protocol description type to hold protocol information.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt Name(TName &aName);


Gets a unique system name for the socket. The purpose of this is to identify the socket in a call to Transfer().


TName &aName

System name for the socket

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Capability: Dependent on the capabilities defined in the setOpt by the source Socket

IMPORT_C TInt Transfer(RSocketServ &aServer, const TDesC &aName);


Transfers a socket from one socket server session to another. It creates the socket in the target session, and removes the socket from the source session. The call is made on an uninitialised RSocket object. The socket system name is used to identify the socket to transfer.

If the call fails, the socket that is being transferred remains with the original session. Success or failure can be checked on the originating socket by calling Info(), which returns KErrNone if the transfer failed, and KErrBadHandle if it succeeded.

Platsec considerations require that the source socket must set itself transferable before any attempt to transfer the socket to the destination socket. This is done using a setopt in the following way

        _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_Cn(KProcPolicy, cap1,cap2,...capn);
        ret = destsock.SetOpt(KSOEnableTransfer, KSOLSocket, KProcPolicy().Package());

where cap1,cap2...capn are the capabilities that the destination process MUST have in order to affect the transfer.

An example is:

        _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C2(KProcPolicy, ECapabilityNetworkServices, ECapabilityNetworkControl);
        ret = destsock.SetOpt(KSOEnableTransfer, KSOLSocket, KProcPolicy().Package());

If the setOpt is not set or the destination process does not have sufficient capabilities then the function will return KErrPermissionDenied


RSocketServ &aServer

The session into which to transfer the socket.

const TDesC &aName

The system name, as obtained from a call to Name(), of the socket that you want to transfer.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Member enumerations

Enum TShutdown



Used in structure TProtocolDesc to describes the endianness of a protocol.


Complete when socket output/input stopped.


Stop socket input and complete when output is stopped.


Stop socket output and complete when input is stopped.


Stop socket input/output and complete (abortive close).