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DBMS Overview


Provides an interface to relational databases.


Architectural relationships

DBMS defines a general relational database access API, and allows different database implementations to be provided. Two implementations are provided: a small and relatively lightweight client-side implementation; and, for when multiple clients must have write access to a database, a client-server implementation.

The File Stores API defines a sophisticated file storage, called permanent file stores, that allows individual entries in a file to be modified. The database implementations use these stores for the underlying data storage.



Functionality is provided by a number of APIs. Use them as follows:

Interface to DBMS databases overview

Defines interfaces for opening databases, defining database schemas, and performing transactions.

DBMS rowsets overview

Allows data contained in a database to be retrieved, searched, and modified.

DBMS columns, column sets, and keys overview

Defines column, column set, and index key structures.

DBMS sharing databases overview

Provides access to a server that allows databases to be accessed by multiple clients.

DBMS incremental operations overview

Allows long-running database operations to be performed in steps, so that a user program can remain responsive to other events.


See also

File stores overview