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Line and call information

Here is a list of line and call information items that are available through the Telephony ISV API, CTelephony.

Only a simple status is available for the data and fax lines.

More detailed information is available for the voice line. Voice call control describes the Telephony ISV API's model of the voice line, which may help you understand the information available.

Note: With the exception of the Call-in-progress indicator, none of this information is available when the phone is in Flight Mode

Get current value

You can get the current value of all these items. Each item's description gives you an example of this. Some of the methods to get information are asynchronous; the operation can be cancelled before it completes.

Request notification of changes

For some of these items, CTelephony can notify you when the information changes. Each item's description tells you whether notification is available. If so, then this document tells you the notification event and information class that you need. How to request notification when information changes explains how to use them and provides some examples. Notification can also be cancelled.

Call-in-progress indicator


You can read a number of flags that indicate several conditions. Two of them answer the questions below:

  1. Can CTelephony detect when a call is in progress?

  2. If so, is a call currently in progress? This is true if any call is in progress: it can be a voice, data or fax call, it can be active or on-hold, and it does not matter whether the call is handled with CTelephony or not.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetIndicator() writes the value to a packaged CTelephony::TIndicatorV1.

This is an asynchronous call; use CTelephony::EGetIndicatorCancel to cancel it.

For example:

#include <e32base.h>
#include <Etel3rdParty.h>

class CClientApp : public CActive

    CTelephony* iTelephony;
    CTelephony::TIndicatorV1 iIndicatorV1;
    CTelephony::TIndicatorV1Pckg iIndicatorV1Pckg;

    CClientApp(CTelephony* aTelephony);
    void SomeFunction();

       These are the pure virtual methods from CActive that  
       MUST be implemented by all active objects
    void RunL();
    void DoCancel();

CClientApp::CClientApp(CTelephony* aTelephony)
    : CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    //default constructor

void CClientApp::SomeFunction()
    iTelephony->GetIndicator(iStatus, iIndicatorV1Pckg);

void CClientApp::RunL()
       if(iIndicatorV1.iCapabilities & CTelephony::KIndCallInProgress)
          // We can detect when a call is in progress
          if(iIndicatorV1.iIndicator & CTelephony::KIndCallInProgress)
             {} // A call is in progress
             {} // A call is not in progress
          {} // We do not know whether a call is in progress

void CClientApp::DoCancel()

Remember to link to the Etel3rdParty.lib and euser.lib libraries.

Request notification of changes

The CTelephony::EIndicatorChange notification event indicates when any of the flags change. Use the CTelephony::TIndicatorV1Pckg information class and the CTelephony::EIndicatorChangeCancel cancellation code; see Get notification when information changes.


Fax line status


A simple status is avilable for the phone's fax line.

The status returned in a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. It represents states such as Idle, Dialling, Ringing, Answering, On-Hold etc.

Note: In the past, CTelephony could be used for data calls. This functionality has been deprecated and may be removed in future version of Symbian OS.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetLineStatus() writes the information to a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. Pass the method a CTelephony::TPhoneLine set to CTelephony::EFaxLine.

This is a synchronous call and cannot be cancelled.

For example:

CTelephony* telephony = CTelephony::NewLC();

CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 callStatusV1;
CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg callStatusV1Pckg( callStatusV1 );

CTelephony::TPhoneLine line = CTelephony::EFaxLine;
telephony->GetLineStatus( line, callStatusV1Pckg );
CTelephony::TCallStatus faxLineStatus = callStatusV1.iStatus;

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( telephony );

Request notification of changes

You cannot receive notification when the data line's status changes.


Data line status


A simple status is avilable for the phone's data line.

The status returned in a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. It represents states such as Idle, Dialling, Ringing, Answering, On-Hold etc.

Note: In the past, CTelephony could be used for data calls. This functionality has been deprecated and may be removed in future version of Symbian OS.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetLineStatus() writes the information to a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. Pass the method a CTelephony::TPhoneLine set to CTelephony::EDataLine.

This is a synchronous call and cannot be cancelled.

For example:

CTelephony* telephony = CTelephony::NewLC();

CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 callStatusV1;
CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg callStatusV1Pckg( callStatusV1 );

CTelephony::TPhoneLine line = CTelephony::EDataLine;
telephony->GetLineStatus( line, callStatusV1Pckg );
CTelephony::TCallStatus dataLineStatus = callStatusV1.iStatus;

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( telephony );

Remember to link to the Etel3rdParty.lib library.

Request notification of changes

You cannot receive notification when the data line's status changes.


Voice line information

Voice line status


A simple status is avilable for the phone's voice line. Use this to tell whether a voice call is in progress and to detect incoming calls.

The status returned in a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. It represents states such as Idle, Dialling, Ringing, Answering, On-Hold:


The line is idle; no calls are in progress


There is an incoming call to be answered. There may already be a second call (either active or on-hold)


A call is active and the phone's user can talk. There may also be a call on hold.


A call is on hold. There is no active call.

Other status - dialing, answering, disconnecting etc

The phone is in the process of setting up a call or terminating a call. These states are not needed to dial or answer voice calls.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetLineStatus() writes the information to a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. Pass the method a CTelephony::TPhoneLine set to CTelephony::EVoiceLine.

This is a synchronous call and cannot be cancelled.

For example:

CTelephony* telephony = CTelephony::NewLC();

CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 callStatusV1;
CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg callStatusV1Pckg( callStatusV1 );

CTelephony::TPhoneLine line = CTelephony::EVoiceLine;
telephony->GetLineStatus( line, callStatusV1Pckg );
CTelephony::TCallStatus voiceLineStatus = callStatusV1.iStatus;

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( telephony );

Remember to link to the Etel3rdParty.lib library.

Request notification of changes

Use the CTelephony::EVoiceLineStatusChange notification event, the CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg information class and the CTelephony::EVoiceLineStatusChangeCancel cancellation code; see Get notification when information changes.

Status of voice calls you own


A simple status is available for each call that you own. It is only available for calls the were dialled or answered by you using CTelephony; see Voice call control.

This is useful to detect when the remote paarty terminates on of your calls. Request notification when a call's status changes. If the new status is CTelephony::EStatusIdle then the remote party has terminated the call.

The status is returned in a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. Inside this, the status is a CTelephony::TCallStatus set to one of:


The call is not in progress


There is an incoming call to be answered


The call is connected and the phone's user can talk


The call is on hold

Other status - dialing, answering, disconnecting etc

The phone is in the process of setting up a call or terminating the call. These states are not needed to dial or answer voice calls.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetCallStatus() writes the information to a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1. Pass the method a CTelephony::TCallId.

This is a synchronous call and cannot be cancelled.

This example reads the status of a call. When you dialled or answered the call, you will have been given a CTelephony::TCallId that identifies it. Later, this can be passed to CTelephony::GetCallStatus() to read the call's status:

CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 callStatusV1;
CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg callStatusV1Pckg( callStatusV1 );

telephony->GetCallStatus( callId, callStatusV1Pckg );
CTelephony::TCallStatus callStatus = callStatusV1.iStatus;

Remember to link to the Etel3rdParty.lib library.

This is an asynchronous call; use CTelephony::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatusCancel to cancel it.

Request notification of changes

Use the CTelephony::EOwnedCall1StatusChange or CTelephony::EOwnedCall2StatusChange notification event for lock 1 or 2 respectively.

Use the CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg information class.

Use the CTelephony::EOwnedCall1StatusChangeCancel or CTelephony::EOwnedCall2StatusChangeCancel cancellation codes.

There is an example of this in Detect remote party terminating a call. See also Get notification when information changes.

Detailed call information


The following detailed information is available for voice calls. It is not available for the fax or data calls. You do not need to have dialled or the answered the calls yourself in order to read this information.

The information is returned in a packaged CTelephony::TCallInfoV1. This contains several member variables:

call status

A CTelephony::TCallStatus that represents statuses such as Idle, Dialling, Ringing, Answering, On-Hold etc

date and time that the call started

A TDateTime

current duration of the call

A TTimeIntervalSeconds, measured in seconds

dialled phone number

A CTelephony::TTelAddress. It is only valid for outgoing calls. It includes any DTMF tones that have been sent.

ciphering status

A CTelephony::TPhoneNetworkSecurity that is either disabled, GSM ciphering enabled or WCDMA ciphering enabled. It is only valid on GSM & WCDMA networks.

Call ID

A TInt. If the call is one that you own then this is the call ID as returned by the CTelephony::DialNewCall() and CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall() methods. Otherwise this field has a value of '-1'.

Note: TCallInfoV1 contains a field called iExitCode. This field is unused at present; it is reserved for future expansion.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetCallInfo() writes the information to a packaged CTelephony::TCallInfoV1.

When you read information, you must select a call to read. You can select the currently active call, the call that's currently on hold, or a call that is in-progress - i.e. in the process of dialling/terminating/ringing etc.

An active call has the CTelephony::EStatusConnected status, a call on hold has the CTelephony::EStatusHold status. An in-progress call refers to states such as ringing, dialling, disconnecting etc. The line and call status can be read as described in Voice line status and Status of voice calls you own.

Pass the method a packaged CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1 to select the information for the desired call:

KErrNotFound is returned if your selection is not avilable. For instance, you could request information when no calls are being made, or you could request information for an on-hold call when there is no call on hold.

This is a synchronous call and cannot be cancelled.

This example reads both the detailed call infornation and the remote party information for the currently active call:

CTelephony* telephony = CTelephony::NewLC();

CTelephony::TCallInfoV1 callInfoV1;
CTelephony::TCallInfoV1Pckg callInfoV1Pckg( callInfoV1 );

CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1 callSelectionV1;
CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1Pckg callSelectionV1Pckg( callSelectionV1 );

CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1 remotePartyInfoV1;
CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg remotePartyInfoV1Pckg( remotePartyInfoV1  );

callSelectionV1.iLine = CTelephony::EVoiceLine;
callSelectionV1.iSelect = CTelephony::EActiveCall;

telephony->GetCallInfo( callSelectionV1Pckg, callInfoV1Pckg, remotePartyInfoV1Pckg );

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( telephony );

Remember to link to the Etel3rdParty.lib library.

Request notification of changes

You cannot receive notification when this item changes. You can only be notified when the voice line's status changes; see Voice line status and Status of voice calls you own above.

Remote party information


The remote party may make their details available to you. If so, then the following information is available for the phone's voice line. It is not available for the fax or data lines. When the voice line is making more than one call (such as when one call is active and another is on hold) then you can read this information for individual calls.

You do not need to have dialled or the answered the call yourself in order to read this information. However, the remote party may not allow you to know this information.

The information is returned in a packaged CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1. This contains several member variables. It is important to check the remote identity status before reading any other remote party information


remote identity status

A CTelephony::TCallRemoteIdentityStatus that is either available, supressed or unknown. Available indicates that the rest of the remote party information is valid. Otherwise calling the party name, remote party's number and call direction are not valid.

calling party name

A descriptor of up to 80 characters describing the calling party. This field is only valid if the remote identity status field is set to available.

remote party's phone number

A CTelephony::TTelAddress. This field is only valid if the remote identity status field is set to available.

call direction

A CTelephony::TCallDirection. The call is either mobile-originated (your phone dialled) or mobile-terminated (your phone received the call). It is only valid if the remote identity status field is set to available.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetCallInfo() writes the information to a packaged CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1. Pass the method a CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1 to select the information for the desired call; see the description of TCallSelectionV1 in Detailed line and call information.

This is a synchronous call and cannot be cancelled.

See Detailed line and call information for an example of reading remote party information.

Request notification of changes

Use the CTelephony::EOwnedCall1RemotePartyInfoChange or CTelephony::EOwnedCall2RemotePartyInfoChange notification event for call 1 or 2 respectively.

Use the CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg information class.

Use the CTelephony::EOwnedCall1RemotePartyInfoChangeCancel or CTelephony::EOwnedCall2RemotePartyInfoChangeCancel cancellation codes; see Get notification when information changes.

Dynamic call capabilities


You can read flags that tell you the following for each call that you own:

  • Can the call be put on hold? This implies that the call is currently active and that there is no other call on-hold.

  • Can the call be resumed? This implies that the call is currently on hold and that there is no other active call.

  • Can the call be swapped? You can swap a call when you have two calls in progress, one active and one on hold. Swapping will put the active call on hold and activate the on-hold call.

You should check this information before putting a call on hold, and before resuming or swapping a held call.

Get current value

CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps() writes the information to a packaged CTelephony::TCallCapsV1.

This is a synchronous call and cannot be cancelled.

This example reads the capabilities of a call. When you dialled or answered the call, you will have been given a CTelephony::TCallId that identifies it. Later, this can be passed to CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps() to read the call's capabilities:

CTelephony::TCallCapsV1 callCapsV1;
CTelephony::TCallCapsV1Pckg callCapsV1Pckg( callCapsV1 );

telephony->GetCallDynamicCaps( callId, callCapsV1Pckg );
TUint32 caps = callCapsV1.iControlCaps;
if( caps & CTelephony::KCapsHold )
   {} // The call represented by 'callId' can be put on hold

Remember to link to the Etel3rdParty.lib library.

Request notification of changes

You cannot receive notification when this item changes.