Link against: bafl.lib
class CBaBackupSessionWrapper : public CBase;
CBaBackupSessionWrapper provides the APIs necessary to enable a backup or restore/install by allowing broadcast requests for some or all files to either remain untouched or have their locks released for an arbitrary period.
The class should be used by both code driving a backup/install and any engines that will hold files locks or may access files regardless of the presence of (non-system) client apps
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- CBaBackupSessionWrapper provides the APIs necessary to enable a backup or restore/install by allowing broadcast requests
for some or all files to either remain untouched or have their locks released for an arbitrary period
Defined in CBaBackupSessionWrapper
, CloseFileL()
, DeRegisterBackupOperationObserver()
, DeregisterFile()
, IsBackupOperationRunning()
, NewL()
, NotifyBackupOperationL()
, RegisterBackupOperationObserverL()
, RegisterFileL()
, RestartAll()
, RestartFile()
, ~CBaBackupSessionWrapper()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
static IMPORT_C CBaBackupSessionWrapper *NewL();
Returns a newly created CBaBackupSessionWrapper, passing ownership immediately
IMPORT_C ~CBaBackupSessionWrapper();
D'tor. Any files or apps that have been closed will be restarted
IMPORT_C void RegisterFileL(const TDesC &aFileName, MBackupObserver &aObserver);
aObserver will be called back when the lock state of aFileName should be modified
IMPORT_C void DeregisterFile(const TDesC &aFileName);
Stop sending this client requests to alter the lock state of aFileName
IMPORT_C void CloseAll(MBackupObserver::TFileLockFlags aFlags, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
Close all non-system apps and signal all registered files to have their locks altered according to aFlags. Returns immediately before having finished all processing. aStatus will be completed when everything is closed or closing has completed. Possible error codes are KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to signal all apps/files to close KErrServerIsBusy - Another client has some files closed - No-one else should attempt any backup operation KErrInUse - Not all apps were successfully closed In all cases, an undefined number of apps/files may have been closed and backup may still be possible although install/restore operations should not be attempted.
IMPORT_C void RestartAll();
Opposite of CloseAll. Can safely be called nothing has been closed by this client
IMPORT_C void CloseFileL(const TDesC &aFileName, MBackupObserver::TFileLockFlags aFlags);
Close or reduce use of aFileName depending on the state of aFlags. May leave with the following errors KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to signal the files to close KErrServerIsBusy - Another client has some files closed - No-one else should attempt any backup operation
IMPORT_C void RestartFile(const TDesC &aFileName);
Opposite of CloseFileL. Can be safely called if CloseFileL hasn't been called before
IMPORT_C void RegisterBackupOperationObserverL(MBackupOperationObserver &aBackupOperationObserver);
Registers the observer aBackupOperationObserver for getting notifications whether a backup or restore operation starts or ends.
IMPORT_C void DeRegisterBackupOperationObserver(MBackupOperationObserver &aBackupOperationObserver);
De-registers the observer aBackupOperationObserver for getting notifications whether a backup or restore operation starts or ends.
IMPORT_C TBool IsBackupOperationRunning() const;
Returns ETrue when either a backup or restore operation is running, otherwise it retunrs EFalse.
IMPORT_C void NotifyBackupOperationL(const TBackupOperationAttributes &aBackupOperationAttributes);
Notifies the server that a backup operation is going to happen.