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Location: btsdp.h
Link against: sdpagent.lib

Class CSdpAgent

class CSdpAgent : public CBase;


Makes Bluetooth service discovery protocol (SDP) requests to a remote device.

To make SDP requests,

Construct a CSdpAgent object with the Bluetooth address of the remote device to query.

Set the classes of service that you want to query for. The classes have predefined UUIDs, which you specify with SetRecordFilterL().

Get results through NextRecordRequestL(). Information on services is stored as records, which can be queried in turn for attribute values for the service through AttributeRequestL().

A user of this class must implement MSdpAgentNotifier to receive the responses to queries.

Note that queries are asynchronous, although this is hidden in the API. The implication is that the interface functions that receive responses are only called when the thread's active scheduler can schedule handling of the completion of the query.



Defined in CSdpAgent:
AttributeRequestL(), AttributeRequestL(), AttributeRequestL(), AttributeRequestL(), Cancel(), NewL(), NewLC(), NextRecordRequestL(), SetAttributePredictorListL(), SetRecordFilterL(), ~CSdpAgent()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

See also:

Construction and destruction


Capability: LocalServices

static IMPORT_C CSdpAgent *NewL(MSdpAgentNotifier &aNotifier, const TBTDevAddr &aDevAddr);


Creates a new SDP Agent object.


MSdpAgentNotifier &aNotifier

Interface implemented by the query requester, which the agent calls asynchronously to pass responses to queries

const TBTDevAddr &aDevAddr

The Bluetooth address of the remote device to query

Return value

CSdpAgent *

New service discovery agent


Capability: LocalServices

static IMPORT_C CSdpAgent *NewLC(MSdpAgentNotifier &aNotifier, const TBTDevAddr &aDevAddr);


Creates a new SDP Agent object.

Allocate and construct a service discovery agent, leaving the object on the cleanup stack.


MSdpAgentNotifier &aNotifier

Interface implemented by the query requester, which the agent calls asynchronously to pass responses to queries

const TBTDevAddr &aDevAddr

The Bluetooth address of the remote device to query

Return value

CSdpAgent *

New service discovery agent


IMPORT_C ~CSdpAgent();




Member functions


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void SetRecordFilterL(const CSdpSearchPattern &aUUIDFilter);


Sets the classes of service to query for on the remote device.

Responses from the agent will only contain records for services that belong to the classes listed in aUUIDFilter. Service classes are represented as unique identifiers (UUIDs).


const CSdpSearchPattern &aUUIDFilter

A list of UUIDs that will be matched in SDP Service Search Requests. The function takes a copy of the object. Any previous UUID list is deleted.


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void SetAttributePredictorListL(const CSdpAttrIdMatchList &aMatchList);


This does nothing! (It used to create a copy of an attribute match list supplied, and place it in the CSdpAgentEng object.)


const CSdpAttrIdMatchList &aMatchList

Attribute - now unused


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void NextRecordRequestL();


Gets a handle to the record for the next (or first) service on the remote device that matches the service class filter previously set.

The function is asynchronous: on completion, it calls NextRecordRequestComplete() on the MSdpAgentNotifier interface passed in the NewL().

See also:


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void AttributeRequestL(TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle, TSdpAttributeID aAttrID);


Gets the specified attribute for a remote service.

The function is asynchronous: on completion, it calls MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestComplete().

If the attribute is found, the function passes it by also calling MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestResult().


TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle

The service for which to get the attribute, specified by its record handle

TSdpAttributeID aAttrID

The ID of the attribute to get

See also:


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void AttributeRequestL(TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle, const CSdpAttrIdMatchList &aMatchList);


Gets the specified attributes for a remote service.

The function is asynchronous: on completion, it calls MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestComplete().

The function also calls MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestResult() for each attribute found.


TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle

The service for which to get the attribute, specified by its record handle

const CSdpAttrIdMatchList &aMatchList

A list of attributes to get

See also:


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void AttributeRequestL(MSdpElementBuilder *aBuilder, TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle, TSdpAttributeID aAttrID);


Gets the specified attribute for a remote service.

The function is asynchronous: on completion, it calls MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestComplete().

If the attribute is found, the function calls aBuilder's interface to set the attribute ID and value.


MSdpElementBuilder *aBuilder

Object implementing the MSdpElementBuilder interface. It will be called with each type found in the response.

TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle

The service for which to get the attribute, specified by its record handle

TSdpAttributeID aAttrID

The ID of the attribute to get

See also:


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void AttributeRequestL(MSdpElementBuilder *aBuilder, TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle, const CSdpAttrIdMatchList &aMatchList);


Gets the specified attributes for a remote service.

The function is asynchronous: on completion, it calls MSdpAgentNotifier::AttributeRequestComplete().

As each attribute is found, the function calls aBuilder's interface to set the attribute ID and value.


MSdpElementBuilder *aBuilder

Object implementing the MSdpElementBuilder interface. It will be called with each type found in the response.

TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle

The service for which to get the attribute, specified by its record handle

const CSdpAttrIdMatchList &aMatchList

A list of attributes to get

See also:


Capability: LocalServices

IMPORT_C void Cancel();


Attempts to cancel an SDP Agent request.

Calls cancel on active objects making request. Resets all variables associated with a request and its state.

NB The cancel operation will not, and cannot stop results from an SDP query being sent by the remote.