Link against: sdpdatabase.lib
class CSdpAttrValue : public CBase;
Base class for classes that encapsulate SDP attributes values.
Sub-classes of this wrap specific types of SDP service record attributes. For example, CSdpBoolean derives from CSdpAttrValue
to encapsulate boolean attributes. The base class defines getters for all types: for example, it declares a function Bool()
that returns the attribute value as a TBool. Note though that the function would panic unless called on actual CSdpBoolean.
A common base class allows attributes of all types to be used polymorphically. You can use CSdpAttrValue's Type()
function to find the actual type being used, and upcast the pointer appropriately.
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- Base class for classes that encapsulate SDP attributes values
Defined in CSdpAttrValue
, Bool()
, DataSize()
, Des()
, DoesIntFit()
, Int()
, Type()
, UUID()
, Uint()
, ~CSdpAttrValue()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
virtual TSdpElementType Type() const=0;
Gets the attribute type.
virtual TUint DataSize() const=0;
Gets the size of the attribute.
virtual TUint Uint() const;
Gets an unsigned integer attribute value.
The base class implementation panics.
virtual TInt Int() const;
Gets a signed integer attribute value.
The base class implementation panics.
virtual TBool DoesIntFit() const;
Tests if the attribute can be stored in an integer value.
The base class implementation returns EFalse.
virtual TInt Bool() const;
Gets a Boolean attribute value.
The base class implementation panics.
virtual const TUUID &UUID() const;
Gets a UUID attribute value.
The base class implementation panics.
virtual const TPtrC8 Des() const;
Gets a data buffer attribute value.
The base class implementation panics.
virtual void AcceptVisitorL(MSdpAttributeValueVisitor &aVisitor);
Request a call back to pass the attribute value.
When called on attributes that are not lists (not DEA or DES), then this calls MSdpAttributeValueVisitor::VisitAttributeValueL()
, passing the attribute value object itself (i.e. *this), and the value attribute type.
It is more useful when called on a DES or DEA object, as it then provides a simple method of enumerating each attribute in a list.