Link against: calinterimapi.lib
class CCalAlarm : public CBase;
Class representing an alarm. contains associated data extensions
This can be assigned to a calendar entry.
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- Class representing an alarm
Defined in CCalAlarm
, AlarmSoundNameL()
, NewL()
, SetAlarmAction()
, SetAlarmSoundNameL()
, SetTimeOffset()
, TimeOffset()
, ~CCalAlarm()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
Capability: | Illegal |
static IMPORT_C CCalAlarm *NewL();
Creates a new calendar alarm with no alarm sound name and an alarm time offset of 0 minutes, and no extended alarm action
Capability: | Illegal |
IMPORT_C void SetTimeOffset(TTimeIntervalMinutes aOffset);
Sets a time offset for an alarm to occur prior to a scheduled event.
The time offset is calculated as the number of minutes before the instance time of the event.
For todo entries, the instance time is the end date (the due date).
For non-todo entries, the instance time is the start date.
It is possible to have a negative offset provided that the alarm is on the same day (in local time) as the instance time; this means the alarm occurs after the event. Fixed entries cannot have negative alarm offsets, since then the current day will change depending on the time zone.
Capability: | Illegal |
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMinutes TimeOffset() const;
Gets the time offset for the alarm to occur prior to an event.
Capability: | Illegal |
IMPORT_C void SetAlarmSoundNameL(const TDesC &aAlarmSoundName);
Sets the name of the alarm sound.
Note: if the length of the new alarm sound name is greater than KMaxAlarmSoundName characters, it will be ignored.
Capability: | Illegal |
IMPORT_C const TDesC &AlarmSoundNameL() const;
Gets a descripter of the alarm sound name.
If there is no name set, KNullDesC will be returned.
IMPORT_C void SetAlarmAction(CCalContent *aAlarmAction);
Associates an action with the alarm. The action could be a link to an Internet radio station, or it could be a small animated icon. This class takes ownership of the alarm action. Any existing alarm action is deleted.
IMPORT_C CCalContent *AlarmAction() const;
Returns the action associated with the alarm. For example, the action could be a link to an Internet radio station, or it could be a small animated icon.