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Class CConverterBase

class CConverterBase : public CBase;


For Ecom Style Converters i.e.,for v9.1 and above CConverterBase2 should be used.

Polymorphic interface for converters from one data format to another.

Clients use this interface to access data converters. The implementator of a data converter derives a class from this in which to implement the appropriate conversion functionality.

The interface offers conversions between files, and between objects that support the stream interfaces, e.g. stream stores.

There are two flavours of conversion methods:

the synchronous interfaces, ConvertL() and ConvertObjectL(), which perform the specified conversion and then return

the asynchronous interfaces, ConvertAL() and ConvertObjectAL(), which initialise the converter object, and allow the client code to call DoConvertL() a number of times until the conversion is complete or abandoned.



Defined in CConverterBase:
CancelConvert(), Capabilities(), ConvertAL(), ConvertL(), ConvertObjectAL(), ConvertObjectL(), DoConvertL(), EConvertsExtract, EConvertsFiles, EConvertsObjects, EmbeddedObjectL(), ExtendedInterfaceL(), GetEmbeddedFileName(), TCapability, Uid()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

See also:

Member functions


virtual IMPORT_C void ConvertL(const TFileName &aSourceFile, const TFileName &aTargetFile, MConverterUiObserver *aObserver=0);


Converts a file in a single step.

The caller can supply a MConverterUiObserver to be informed of progress in the conversion.

The default implementation calls ConvertAL() to prepare the object to perform the conversion, and then calls DoConvertL() in a loop until conversion is complete.


const TFileName &aSourceFile

File to convert

const TFileName &aTargetFile

File to which to write the converted output

MConverterUiObserver *aObserver

Optional observer of the conversion process

Leave codes


File conversion is not supported


virtual IMPORT_C void ConvertObjectL(RReadStream &aReadStream, RWriteStream &aWriteStream, MConverterUiObserver *aObserver=0);


Converts a stream object in a single step.

The caller can supply a MConverterUiObserver to be informed of progress in the conversion.

The default implementation calls ConvertObjectAL() to prepare the object to perform the conversion, and then calls DoConvertL() in a loop until conversion is complete.


RReadStream &aReadStream

Stream from which to read the data to convert

RWriteStream &aWriteStream

Stream to which to write the converted data

MConverterUiObserver *aObserver

Optional observer of the conversion process


virtual IMPORT_C void ConvertAL(const TFileName &aSourceFile, const TFileName &aTargetFile, MConverterUiObserver *aObserver=0);


Prepares for conversion in multiple steps of a file.

Clients must call this function before calling DoConvertL() one or more times to do the conversion. The function can call back the MaxSteps() function of the supplied MConverterUiObserver to tell the client the maximum number of calls to DoConvertL() that will be required.

The rest of this description describes how to implement this function.

The function should initialise the object before performing a conversion, but should not do the conversion itself. Such initialisation should include:

storing the MConverterUiObserver pointer (if supplied), so the client can later be notified of conversion progress

validating the integrity of the input data

optionally, creating the appropriate application engine, either for input or output, to enable access to the data

determining the number of steps (i.e. calls to DoConvertL()) required to perform the conversion and pass this to the client by calling MConverterUiObserver::MaxSteps()

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


const TFileName &aSourceFile

File to convert

const TFileName &aTargetFile

File to which to write the converted output. The file can be overwritten if it already exists.

MConverterUiObserver *aObserver

Observer of the conversion process

Leave codes


File conversion is not supported


virtual IMPORT_C void ConvertObjectAL(RReadStream &aReadStream, RWriteStream &aWriteStream, MConverterUiObserver *aObserver=0);


Prepares for conversion in multiple steps of a stream object.

Clients must call this function before calling DoConvertL() one or more times to do the conversion. The function can call back the MaxSteps() function of the supplied MConverterUiObserver to tell the client the maximum number of calls to DoConvertL() that will be required.

For a description of how to implement this function, see ConvertAL().


RReadStream &aReadStream

Stream from which to read the data to convert

RWriteStream &aWriteStream

Stream to which to write the converted data

MConverterUiObserver *aObserver

Optional observer of the conversion process

Leave codes


Stream object conversion is not supported


virtual IMPORT_C TBool DoConvertL();


Performs a step in converting the data.

The function advances a step in converting the data each time that it is called. When conversion is complete, the function returns EFalse.

Return value


EFalse if conversion is complete, else ETrue


virtual TUid Uid()=0;


Gets the converter's UID.

Return value


Converter's UID


virtual IMPORT_C TInt Capabilities();


Gets the converter's capabilities.

The default is to return a bitmask of all the TCapability flags.

Return value


A bitmask of TCapability flags describing the capabilities.


virtual IMPORT_C void CancelConvert();


Cleans up a conversion that has been prepared or is in progress.

It should free any resources and reset the converter object to an initial state.

The default is to do nothing.


virtual IMPORT_C CConverterBase *EmbeddedObjectL(TDataType &aType);


Gets a converter for an embedded object of the specified type.

The default is to return NULL.


TDataType &aType

Type of the embedded object

Return value

CConverterBase *

Converter for the embedded object


virtual IMPORT_C TBool GetEmbeddedFileName(TFileName &aFileName);


Gets a filename embedded in the object.


TFileName &aFileName

The file name found

Return value


True if a filename was found, false otherwise


virtual IMPORT_C void ExtendedInterfaceL(TUid aInterfaceUid, CBase *&aInterface);


Allows licensees to extend the Converter Architecture API.

This function replaces the private Reserved_1() function, so the change is binary compatible with v7.0.

If overridden by the converter, it allows third party code to request the extended interface object by UID. If not overridden, the default implementation does nothing.


TUid aInterfaceUid

A UID that identifies the required extended interface object.

CBase *&aInterface

On return, an object that extends the Converter Architecture interface, or NULL, if the UID specified is not recognised.


Member enumerations

Enum TCapability



Bitmask values that describe the capabilities of the converter.


The converter can convert files.


The converter can convert stream objects.


The converter can extract embedded objects.