Link against: cone.lib
class MCoeControlBackground;
Interface to be used if a control elects to be a background drawer.
Parent controls can elect to take responsibility for drawing the background for their child controls. To achieve this, they
should aggregate an object that implements this interface. CCoeControl::SetBackground()
accepts the object and sets it as the background drawer
Defined in MCoeControlBackground
, GetTextDrawer()
, MCoeControlBackground()
, MCoeControlBackground_Reserved1()
, MCoeControlBackground_Reserved2()
, MCoeControlBackground_Reserved3()
, MCoeControlBackground_Reserved4()
, MCoeControlBackground_Reserved5()
virtual void Draw(CWindowGc &aGc, const CCoeControl &aControl, const TRect &aRect) const=0;
Draw the background for a given control. The text drawer that shall be used to draw text on the specific background can be
fetched through the GetTextDrawer()
virtual IMPORT_C void GetTextDrawer(CCoeTextDrawerBase *&aTextDrawer, const CCoeControl *aDrawingControl) const;
This function retrieves the text drawer associated with the background.
private: virtual IMPORT_C void MCoeControlBackground_Reserved5();