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Location: TXTFMLYR.H
Link against: etext.lib

Class CFormatLayer

class CFormatLayer : public CBase;


Abstract base class for the paragraph and character format layers.

A format layer is a set of character or paragraph format attributes which may own a pointer to another format layer. This pointer is called a based-on link. The effective formatting of a text object may be built up from a chain of format layers - the final layer in the chain has a NULL based-on link. In case of conflict, attribute values set in upper layers (layers furthest from the layer with the NULL based-on link) override those set in lower layers. In rich text, additional formatting may be applied on top of these format layers.

The system of based-on links is implemented by the CFormatLayer class. It also implements persistence for chains of format layers.

When setting or sensing the attributes of a CParaFormatLayer or CCharFormatLayer, a format mask and container are specified as parameters. The container has data members for every format attribute, which may be set independently. When setting the layer, the mask indicates the attributes which will be taken from the container. Any attributes not specified in the mask will be taken from the system-provided default values.

When sensing a layer, on return, the mask indicates which attributes have been explicitly set in the layer, (i.e. not taken from the default values). In addition, a layer's effective format may be sensed. In this case, no mask is used because the format container will, on return, contain a value for every attribute.



Defined in CFormatLayer:
ChainCount(), DoCloneL(), ExternalizeChainL(), ExternalizeL(), InternalizeChainL(), InternalizeL(), IsEmpty(), IsIdentical(), Reset(), RestoreNewL(), SenseBase(), SetBase(), iBasedOn, iStore

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Member functions


IMPORT_C void Reset();


Deletes the contents of the format layer. The based-on link is not affected.


IMPORT_C void SetBase(const CFormatLayer *aBaseFormatLayer);


Sets the format layer which this layer's based-on link points to.


const CFormatLayer *aBaseFormatLayer

The format layer which this layer's based-on link points to. Specify NULL if this is the final layer in the chain (the layer on which all other layers are based).


IMPORT_C const CFormatLayer *SenseBase() const;


Gets the format layer which this layer's based-on link points to. If NULL, this layer is the final layer in the chain.

Return value

const CFormatLayer *

The format layer on which this layer is based.


IMPORT_C TInt ChainCount() const;


Gets the number of format layers in the chain, inclusive of itself. Assumes that the format layer chain has been correctly set up to terminate with a NULL based-on link.

Return value


The number of format layers in the chain, counting from the current layer.


virtual void InternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream, const CFormatLayer *aBase=0)=0;


Implementations of this function internalise the format layer but not its based-on link from a read stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>() (defined in s32strm.h) is available to internalise objects of the derived class. The internalised layer is set to be based on the layer specified.


RReadStream &aStream

Stream from which the format layer should be internalised.

const CFormatLayer *aBase

The based-on link to assign to the layer. By default, NULL.


virtual void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream) const=0;


Implementations of this function externalise the format layer but not its based-on link to a write stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templatedoperator<<() (defined in s32strm.h) is available to externalise objects of the derived class.


RWriteStream &aStream

Stream to which the format layer should be externalised.


IMPORT_C void InternalizeChainL(RReadStream &aStream, const CFormatLayer *aBase=0);


Restores a chain of format layers from a read stream. The layer at the end of the chain (the one furthest from this layer) is set to be based on the specified layer aBase, which may be NULL. This layer is set to be at the head of the restored chain (i.e. no other layers are based on it).


RReadStream &aStream

Stream from which the format layer chain should be internalised.

const CFormatLayer *aBase

The format layer at the end of the chain (furthest from this layer). May be NULL.


IMPORT_C void ExternalizeChainL(RWriteStream &aStream, TInt aExcludeCount=0) const;


Stores a chain of format layers. By default an entire chain is stored unless an exclude count is provided. In this case, the length of the chain stored is the ChainCount() minus the exclude count. The excluded layers are the ones starting with the layer with the NULL based-on link.


The exclude count must be zero or greater but must be less than the total number of layers in the chain, otherwise a panic occurs.


RWriteStream &aStream

Stream to which the format layer chain should be externalised.

TInt aExcludeCount

The number of layers to be excluded. By default, zero.


virtual TBool IsIdentical(CFormatLayer *aLayer, TBool aCheckBasedOnLink=ETrue) const=0;


Implementations of this function compare another format layer with the current object. For the two layers to be equal, they must have the same contents and (if the second parameter is ETrue), their based-on links must point to the same format layer.


CFormatLayer *aLayer

The layer to compare to this format layer.

TBool aCheckBasedOnLink

If ETrue, both layers' based-on links must point to the same format layer. If EFalse, the based-on links are not used in the comparison. By default, ETrue.

Return value


ETrue if the two layers are identical, otherwise EFalse.


IMPORT_C TBool IsEmpty() const;


Tests whether any formatting is stored in the format layer.

Return value


ETrue if no formatting is stored in the format layer, otherwise returns EFalse.


private: virtual CFormatLayer *DoCloneL() const=0;


Return value

CFormatLayer *


protected: virtual CFormatLayer *RestoreNewL(RReadStream &aStream)=0;



RReadStream &aStream

Return value

CFormatLayer *


Member data


protected: RFormatStream iStore;



protected: const CFormatLayer * iBasedOn;
