Link against: imageconversion.lib
class CImageReadCodec : public CBase;
Provides read related processing functions for bitmaps.
Note: For use by plugin writers only.
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- Provides read related processing functions for bitmaps
Defined in CImageReadCodec
, ClearBitmapL()
, Complete()
, ConstructL()
, CurrentFrame()
, GetNewDataPosition()
, InitFrameHeader()
, InitFrameL()
, ProcessFrameHeaderL()
, ProcessFrameL()
, ReducedSize()
, ReductionFactor()
, ReservedVirtual1()
, ReservedVirtual2()
, ReservedVirtual3()
, ReservedVirtual4()
, ~CImageReadCodec()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
virtual void InitFrameL(TFrameInfo &aFrameInfo, CFrameImageData &aFrameImageData, TBool aDisableErrorDiffusion, CFbsBitmap
&aDestination, CFbsBitmap *aDestinationMask)=0;
Performs initial processing of image data and mask bitmaps.
This function processes the image frame using data supplied in aFrameInfo, aFrameImageData and using the flag aDisableErrorDiffusion. Not all codecs are expected to make use of all fields.
This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.
virtual IMPORT_C void InitFrameHeader(TFrameInfo &aFrameInfo, CFrameImageData &aFrameData);
Used to initialise the frame header data structures.
The default version of this function does nothing. It should be implemented by the codec to at least update the appropriate
processing state of the current frame using its TFrameInfo
virtual IMPORT_C TFrameState ProcessFrameHeaderL(TBufPtr8 &aData);
Processes the header for one frame.
The default version of this function and simply returns EFrameComplete. It should be implemented by the codec to at least
update the appropriate processing state of the current frame using its TFrameInfo
virtual IMPORT_C void Complete();
Processes/displays converted image data.
This function is called on frame completion and on underflow. The default version of this function does nothing. It should be implemented by the codec if required.
If it is called on underflow for example, it can enable display of a partially decoded image. In such cases this function could display all the image data up to the point of the underflow.
virtual IMPORT_C void GetNewDataPosition(TInt &aPosition, TInt &aLength);
Returns a new position and number of bytes to read for the data stream.
The default version of this function does nothing. It should be implemented by the codec, if required.
virtual TFrameState ProcessFrameL(TBufPtr8 &aSrc)=0;
Processes the frame data contained in aSrc.
This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt ReductionFactor(const TSize &aOriginalSize, const TSize &aReducedSize) const;
Calculates reduction factor based on the input parameters. The default Implementation is given here. It should be implemented by the Codecs, If required.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt ReducedSize(const TSize &aOriginalSize, TInt aReductionFactor, TSize &aReducedSize) const;
Calculates reduced size of the decoded bitmap based on the input parameters and updates aReducedSize with this value. The default Implementation is given here. It should be implemented by the Codecs, If required.
protected: IMPORT_C void ClearBitmapL(CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, TRgb aColor);
Paints the entire bitmap aBitmap with the color supplied as aColor.
protected: IMPORT_C TInt CurrentFrame() const;
Return the current frame number
private: virtual IMPORT_C void ReservedVirtual1();
Intended for future proofing - will panic if called
private: virtual IMPORT_C void ReservedVirtual2();
Intended for future proofing - will panic if called
private: virtual IMPORT_C void ReservedVirtual3();
Intended for future proofing - will panic if called
private: virtual IMPORT_C void ReservedVirtual4();
Intended for future proofing - will panic if called