class MMsvSessionObserver;
Provides the interface for notification of events from a Message Server session.
The types of event are given in the enumeration TMsvSessionEvent. Clients must provide an object that implements the interface,
and set it to be notified through CMsvSession::OpenSyncL()
or CMsvSession::OpenASyncL(). Additional observers can also be added and removed through CMsvSession
Defined in MMsvSessionObserver
, EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilding
, EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilt
, EMsvEntriesChanged
, EMsvEntriesCreated
, EMsvEntriesDeleted
, EMsvEntriesMoved
, EMsvGeneralError
, EMsvMediaAvailable
, EMsvMediaChanged
, EMsvMediaIncorrect
, EMsvMediaUnavailable
, EMsvMtmGroupDeInstalled
, EMsvMtmGroupInstalled
, EMsvServerFailedToStart
, EMsvServerReady
, EMsvServerTerminated
, HandleSessionEventL()
, TMsvSessionEvent
virtual void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny *aArg1, TAny *aArg2, TAny *aArg3)=0;
Indicates an event has occurred.
The type of event is indicated by the value of aEvent. The interpretation of the TAny arguments depends on this type.
For most event types, the action that is taken, for example, updating the display, is client-specific. All clients though should respond to EMsvCloseSession and EMsvServerTerminated events.
Session event type.