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Location: MSVAPI.H
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Class CMsvSession

class CMsvSession : public CActive;


Represents a channel of communication between a client thread (Client-side MTM, User Interface MTM, or message client application) and the Message Server thread.

The class provides the means by which clients are notified when important Message Server events occur.

Note the following significant groups of functions:

Creation functions: a message client application must use OpenSyncL() or OpenASyncL() to create a session object, before it can instantiate any MTM or CMsvEntry object. Only a single session should be created within a thread. As Client-side MTM, User Interface MTM, and CMsvEntry objects are created in the client thread, these use the client session, and do not create their own. Note that to close a session, delete all objects relying on that session, and then the session object itself.

Cleanup functions: CMsvSession provides the ability to handle the cleanup of entries in the event of a leave occurring, in a very similar manner to the standard cleanup stack. The difference is that, on a leave, any entries that are on the entry cleanup stack are removed from the Message Server. The implementation uses the standard cleanup stack, so entry push and pop functions should be used in the same order as all other types of push and pop. The functions can be used both by MTM implementations and message client applications.



Defined in CMsvSession:
AddObserverL(), ChangeAttributesL(), ChangeDriveL(), CleanupEntry(), CleanupEntryPop(), CleanupEntryPushL(), CloseMessageServer(), CopyStoreL(), CurrentDriveL(), DeInstallMtmGroup(), DecPcSyncCountL(), DeleteStoreL(), DoCancel(), DriveContainsStoreL(), FileSession(), GetAndClearIndexCorruptFlagL(), GetChildIdsL(), GetEntry(), GetEntryL(), GetMtmRequiredCapabilitiesL(), IncPcSyncCountL(), InstallMtmGroup(), MessageStoreDrivePresentL(), OpenAsObserverL(), OpenAsObserverL(), OpenAsObserverL(), OpenAsObserverL(), OpenAsyncL(), OpenAsyncL(), OpenAsyncL(), OpenAsyncL(), OpenSyncL(), OpenSyncL(), OpenSyncL(), OpenSyncL(), OperationId(), OutstandingOperationsL(), RemoveEntry(), RemoveObserver(), RunError(), RunL(), ServiceActive(), ServiceProgress(), Session(), SetReceiveEntryEvents(), StopService(), TransferCommandL(), TransferCommandL()

Inherited from CActive:
Cancel(), Deque(), EPriorityHigh, EPriorityIdle, EPriorityLow, EPriorityStandard, EPriorityUserInput, Extension_(), IsActive(), IsAdded(), Priority(), SetActive(), SetPriority(), TPriority, iStatus

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), operator new()

See also

Member functions


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver);


Creates a session synchronously.

The session can be used once the function returns.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver);


Creates a session asynchronously.

The session cannot be used until the passed MMsvSessionObserver observer has been informed that the message server is ready with TMsvSessionEvent::EMsvServerReady. If any functions are called before this, they will fail with KErrNotReady.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver);


Creates a session that is used only as an observer.

The session created with this function should only be used to observe events, and not actively use the server. It used for applications such as system monitoring utilities.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, RFs &aFs);


Creates a session synchronously.

The session can be used once the function returns.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

RFs &aFs

A connected file server session

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, RFs &aFs);


Creates a session asynchronously.

The session cannot be used until the passed MMsvSessionObserver observer has been informed that the message server is ready with TMsvSessionEvent::EMsvServerReady. If any functions are called before this, they will fail with KErrNotReady.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

RFs &aFs

A connected file server session

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, RFs &aFs);


Creates a session that is used only as an observer.

The session created with this function should only be used to observe events, and not actively use the server. It used for applications such as system monitoring utilities.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

RFs &aFs

A connected file server session

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, TInt aPriority);


Creates a session synchronously.

The session can be used once the function returns. Clients to specify a priority that is tuned to their scheduler.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

TInt aPriority

Active object priority

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, TInt aPriority);


Creates a session asynchronously.

The session cannot be used until the passed MMsvSessionObserver observer has been informed that the message server is ready with TMsvSessionEvent::EMsvServerReady. If any functions are called before this, they will fail with KErrNotReady. Clients to specify a priority that is tuned to their scheduler.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

TInt aPriority

Active object priority

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, TInt aPriority);


Creates a session that is used only as an observer.

The session created with this function should only be used to observe events, and not actively use the server. It used for applications such as system monitoring utilities. Clients to specify a priority that is tuned to their scheduler.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

TInt aPriority

Active object priority

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, RFs &aFs, TInt aPriority);


Creates a session synchronously.

The session can be used once the function returns. Clients to specify a priority that is tuned to their scheduler.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

RFs &aFs

A connected file server session

TInt aPriority

Active object priority

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, RFs &aFs, TInt aPriority);


Creates a session asynchronously.

The session cannot be used until the passed MMsvSessionObserver observer has been informed that the message server is ready with TMsvSessionEvent::EMsvServerReady. If any functions are called before this, they will fail with KErrNotReady. Clients to specify a priority that is tuned to their scheduler.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

RFs &aFs

A connected file server session

TInt aPriority

Active object priority

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvSession *OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver, RFs &aFs, TInt aPriority);


Creates a session that is used only as an observer.

The session created with this function should only be used to observe events, and not actively use the server. It used for applications such as system monitoring utilities. Clients to specify a priority that is tuned to their scheduler.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to a session observer, through which the program can be notified of important events regarding entries, MTMs, and the Message Server.

RFs &aFs

A connected file server session

TInt aPriority

Active object priority

Return value

CMsvSession *

New session object

Leave codes


Not enough memory to create object.


IMPORT_C void AddObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver);


Registers a new session observer.

CMsvSession objects can call back observer objects that implement the MMsvSessionObserver::HandleSessionEvent() when certain events occur. Any number of observers can be registered.

For details of when observers are called, see TMsvSessionEvent::TMsvEntryEvent.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to an observer to be registered for events

Leave codes


Not enough memory to register the observer


IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver(MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver);


Deregisters a previously registered observer.


MMsvSessionObserver &aObserver

A reference to an observer to be unregistered for events


IMPORT_C TInt SetReceiveEntryEvents(TBool aReceive);


Sets whether the session's observer should be notified of events related to changes in message server entries.

If the flag is set to true, the session observer will be notified of all events types. If it is set to false, the observer will not be notified of events of types EMsvEntriesCreated, EMsvEntriesChanged, EMsvEntriesDeleted, or EMsvEntriesMoved. (Event types are enumerated in MMsvSessionObserver::TMsvSessionEvent.)

If a session has additional observers, as set through AddObserver(), then the value of this flag is ignored, and the observers receive notification of all events.


TBool aReceive

Return value


Symbian OS error code

See also:


IMPORT_C CMsvEntry *GetEntryL(TMsvId aEntId);


Accesses the entry with the specified ID.

If a client is unaware of the entries that exist, it can set aId to KMsvRootIndexEntryId to obtain the root entry, from where all other entries can be obtained.

The CMsvEntry object must be deleted by the client when it is no longer required.


TMsvId aEntId

The ID of the entry to access

Return value

CMsvEntry *

A new entry object

Leave codes


The requested entry does not exist


IMPORT_C TInt GetEntry(TMsvId aId, TMsvId &aService, TMsvEntry &aEntry);


Gets the index entry for the specified entry ID.


TMsvId aId

The ID of the entry to access

TMsvId &aService

On return, the ID of the service that owns the entry

TMsvEntry &aEntry

On return, the index entry

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes


IMPORT_C CMsvOperation *TransferCommandL(const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC8 &aParameter, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Passes MTM-specific operations asynchronously to the associated Server-side MTM by means of the Message Server.

It is typically used in the implementation of CBaseMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL()/InvokeAsyncFunctionL() and CBaseMtmUi::InvokeSyncFunctionL()/InvokeAsyncFunctionL(). It is not used by message client applications. How the passed aSelection and aParameter parameters are used is specific to the operation.

Calling this function results in the Message Server calling CBaseServerMtm::StartCommandL() on the relevant Server-side MTM. If the Server-side MTM is not already loaded, then the Message Server loads it.

The returned CMsvOperation object completes when the operation is complete.


const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

A selection of entries that may be relevant to the operation

TInt aCommandId

The command ID. The interpretation of the command is MTM-specific.

const TDesC8 &aParameter

A descriptor containing operation-specific parameters

TRequestStatus &aStatus

The request status to be completed when the operation has finished

Return value

CMsvOperation *

The CMsvOperation object used to control the operation.

Leave codes


Not enough memory


IMPORT_C void TransferCommandL(const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC8 &aParameter, TDes8 &aProgress);


Passes MTM-specific operations synchronously to the associated Server-side MTM by means of the Message Server.

It is typically used in the implementation of CBaseMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL() and CBaseMtmUi::InvokeSyncFunctionL(). It is not used by message client applications. How the passed aSelection and aParameter parameters are used is specific to the operation.

Calling this function results in the Message Server calling CBaseServerMtm::StartCommandL() on the relevant Server-side MTM. If the Server-side MTM is not already loaded, then the Message Server loads it.


const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

A selection of entries that may be relevant to the operation

TInt aCommandId

The command ID. The interpretation of the command is MTM-specific.

const TDesC8 &aParameter

A descriptor containing operation-specific parameters

TDes8 &aProgress

Progress information returned from the Message Server

Leave codes


Not enough memory


IMPORT_C void IncPcSyncCountL(const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection);


Increases the PC synchronisation index field for a selection of entries.


const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

Entries for which to increase the PC synchronisation index field


IMPORT_C void DecPcSyncCountL(const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection);


Decreases the PC synchronisation index field for a selection of entries.

If an entry has its Deleted flag set, and this call causes its PC synchronisation field to become zero, then the entry is permanently deleted.


const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

Entries for which to decrease the PC synchronisation index field


IMPORT_C void GetChildIdsL(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter &aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection);


Gets filtered list of children of a specified message entry.


TMsvId aId

Message entry of which to get children

const CMsvEntryFilter &aFilter

Filter by which various message entries can be excluded

CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

On return, a list of message entry IDs


IMPORT_C void ChangeAttributesL(const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes);


Provides a quick way to set or clear multiple fields in a selection of entries.

Fields to change are specified using a bitmask of TMsvAttribute values. Possible fields that can be changed using this function are:

1. PC synchronisation

2. Visibility flag

3. Read flag

4. In-preparation flag

5. Connected flag

6. New flag


const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

The entries to change

TUint aSetAttributes

A bitmask of the fields to set

TUint aClearAttributes

A bitmask of the fields to clear

See also:


IMPORT_C CMsvOperation *ChangeDriveL(TInt aDrive, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Moves the Message Server index to the specified drive.

Progress information is provided by a TMsvIndexLoadProgress object.

If an error occurs, the index is unchanged.


TInt aDrive

The drive to which to move the Message Server index, specified by a TDriveNumber value

TRequestStatus &aStatus

Asynchronous completion status

Return value

CMsvOperation *

Asynchronous operation used to control the move. The operation's MTM value is set to KUidMsvServerMtm, which can be used to distinguish it from a local operation.

Leave codes


Cannot change drive because there are outstanding Message Server operations.

See also:


IMPORT_C TInt OutstandingOperationsL();


Gets the number of outstanding operations.

Return value


The number of outstanding operations


IMPORT_C CMsvOperation *CopyStoreL(const TDriveUnit &aDrive, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Copies the Message Store to the specified drive.

Progress information is provided by a TMsvCopyProgress object.

If an error occurs, the Message Store is unchanged.


const TDriveUnit &aDrive

The drive to which to copy the Message Store, specified by a TDriveUnit value

TRequestStatus &aStatus

Asynchronous completion status

Return value

CMsvOperation *

Asynchronous operation used to control the move. The operation's MTM value is set to KUidMsvServerMtm, which can be used to distinguish it from a local operation.

Leave codes


Cannot copy store because there are outstanding Message Server operations.

See also:


IMPORT_C CMsvOperation *DeleteStoreL(const TDriveUnit &aDrive, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Deletes the Message Store to the specified drive.

Progress information is provided by a TMsvDeleteProgress object.

If an error occurs, the Message Store is unchanged.


const TDriveUnit &aDrive

The drive to which to copy the Message Store, specified by a TDriveUnit value

TRequestStatus &aStatus

Asynchronous completion status

Return value

CMsvOperation *

Asynchronous operation used to control the move. The operation's MTM value is set to KUidMsvServerMtm, which can be used to distinguish it from a local operation.

Leave codes


Cannot copy store because there are outstanding Message Server operations.

See also:


static IMPORT_C void CleanupEntry(TAny *aPtr);


Cleans up an entry that has been added to the cleanup stack using CleanupEntryPushL().

This function defines the clean up function that is called when an entry on the stack needs cleaning up.


TAny *aPtr

Pointer to the current message server session


IMPORT_C void CleanupEntryPushL(TMsvId aId);


Pushes the specified entry ID to the entry cleanup stack.


TMsvId aId

The ID of the entry to push onto the entry cleanup stack

Leave codes


The entry will have been pushed onto the entry cleanup stack before the leave occurs


IMPORT_C void CleanupEntryPop(TInt aCount=1);


Pops one or more entries from the entry cleanup stack.


TInt aCount

The number of entries to pop off the entry cleanup stack


IMPORT_C void RemoveEntry(TMsvId aId);


Deletes the specified entry from the Message Server.

The call is guaranteed not to fail. If the entry cannot be deleted immediately, it will be deleted later. This call should only be used in preference to the normal deleting mechanism when no error reporting is required, typically in a destructor.


TMsvId aId

The ID of the entry to remove


IMPORT_C TInt InstallMtmGroup(const TDesC &aFullName);


MTM functions.

Installs a new group of MTMs.

It is used by specialised MTM-installation programs.


const TDesC &aFullName

The full path name of the MTM group file

Return value


KErrNone - success; KErrAlreadyExists - MTM already installed


IMPORT_C TInt DeInstallMtmGroup(const TDesC &aFullName);


Removes an installed MTM.

It is used by specialised MTM-deinstallation programs.


const TDesC &aFullName

The full path name of the MTM group file

Return value


KErrNone - success; KErrInUse - The MTM is currently being used


IMPORT_C TInt StopService(TMsvId aServiceId);


Stops any operations that a Server-side MTM for the specified service is running, and then unloads the Server-side MTM.

The current operation and any queued operations are cancelled.


TMsvId aServiceId

The ID of the service to stop

Return value


KErrNone - success;


IMPORT_C TBool ServiceActive(TMsvId aServiceId);


Tests whether a Server-side MTM for a particular service is loaded by the Message Server.

The Server-side MTM does not have to be executing a command - it may be waiting for another command.


TMsvId aServiceId

The ID of the relevant service

Return value


ETrue if the Server-side MTM for the service is loaded, otherwise EFalse


IMPORT_C TInt ServiceProgress(TMsvId aServiceId, TDes8 &aProgress);


Gets the current progress information from the Server-side MTM for the specified service.

It is typically used by User Interface MTMs. The format of the progress information returned in the aProgress buffer is MTM-specific.

Calling this function results in the Message Server calling CBaseServerMtm::Progress() on the relevant Server-side MTM.

Note that the progress information is independent of which message client application started the current operation.


TMsvId aServiceId

The ID of the service from which to get the progress information

TDes8 &aProgress

On return, a descriptor holding progress information. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the descriptor is large enough for this information.

Return value


KErrNone - success; KErrNotFound - The service is not active (the relevant Server-side MTM is not loaded by the Message Server); KErrOverflow - The descriptor was too small for the progress information


IMPORT_C void CloseMessageServer();


Closes down the Message Server.

Normal clients should not use this function, as it will affect other message clients.

The function results in the session sending a shutdown session notification (TMsvSessionEvent::EMsvCloseSession) to all current sessions. The Message Server closes when all sessions have been closed.


IMPORT_C RFs &FileSession();


Allows a Server-side MTM to access the file session handle created by the Message Server.

This is preferable, as more efficient, to creating another handle.

Return value

RFs &

File session handle


IMPORT_C void GetMtmRequiredCapabilitiesL(TUid aMtmTypeUid, TCapabilitySet &aCapSet) const;


Gets the additional security capabilities required by a given MTM, over and above those required by the message server itself.


TUid aMtmTypeUid

The type UID of the MTM being queried

TCapabilitySet &aCapSet

A reference to a TCapabilitySet in which the security capabilities will be returned. Any existing capabilities will be removed.


IMPORT_C TBool GetAndClearIndexCorruptFlagL();


Checks a flag in the message server that is set when the server deletes a corrupt index file. Then clears the flag.

It is intended to allow the message centre UI to check whether a corrupt index has been deleted on startup. If it has the UI may inform the user about the loss of their messages.

Return value


ETrue if a corrupt index flag was present indicating that a corrupt index file has been deleted since the last time this function was called.


IMPORT_C TDriveUnit CurrentDriveL();


Return value



IMPORT_C TBool DriveContainsStoreL(TDriveUnit aDrive);



TDriveUnit aDrive

Return value



Capability: Illegal

IMPORT_C TBool MessageStoreDrivePresentL();


Checks to see if the currently selected drive contains the correct mail store.

Return value


ETrue if the same drive is mounted. otherwise returns EFalse


protected: IMPORT_C TInt OperationId();


Return value



protected: IMPORT_C RMsvServerSession &Session();


Return value

RMsvServerSession &


protected: virtual void RunL();


Handles an active object's request completion event.

A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the completed request. If appropriate, it may issue another request.

The function is called by the active scheduler when a request completion event occurs, i.e. after the active scheduler's WaitForAnyRequest() function completes.

Before calling this active object's RunL() function, the active scheduler has:

1. decided that this is the highest priority active object with a completed request

2. marked this active object's request as complete (i.e. the request is no longer outstanding)

RunL() runs under a trap harness in the active scheduler. If it leaves, then the active scheduler calls RunError() to handle the leave.

Note that once the active scheduler's Start() function has been called, all user code is run under one of the program's active object's RunL() or RunError() functions.


protected: virtual void DoCancel();


Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.

This function is called as part of the active object's Cancel().

It must call the appropriate cancel function offered by the active object's asynchronous service provider. The asynchronous service provider's cancel is expected to act immediately.

DoCancel() must not wait for event completion; this is handled by Cancel().


protected: virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);



TInt aError

Return value
