Link against: schsend.lib
class TMsvSchedulePackage;
Packaged message scheduling information.
Defined in TMsvSchedulePackage
, TMsvSchedulePackage()
, UnpackL()
, iCommandId
, iId
, iParameter
, iPollProgress
IMPORT_C void PackLC(TTaskInfo &aTask, HBufC *&aDes) const;
Packs the object into a 16-bit descriptor.
The function then attempts to copy the descriptor into aTask.iName, if aTask.iName is large enough; otherwise, it copies it into aDes (a new HBufC).
aDes is placed on the cleanup stack.
IMPORT_C void UnpackL(const TTaskInfo &aTask, const TDesC &aDes);
Restores this object from a 16-bit descriptor that was packed using PackLC()
TInt iCommandId;
Command ID to be passed to CMsvSession::TransferCommandL()
when it is time to send the messages.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iPollProgress;
Intervals at which the scheduler should check the sending operation's progress.
TBuf8< KMaxParameterLength > iParameter;
Server MTM specific binary data to be passed to CMsvSession::TransferCommandL()
when it is time to send the messages.